Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch7- Training

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The following morning, the sun had barely risen when the training commenced. Koshiro was an early riser, and he had decided that his young disciples would be as well. Despite their heavy lids and grumbles of protest, Haruto, Feitan, Phinks, and Canary followed the elder out to the makeshift training ground.

Koshiro looked at the children before him. Haruto, standing tall and proud, his purple eyes glinting with a fierce determination. Feitan, sulking slightly at being forced out of bed so early but ready to fight nonetheless. Phinks, his usual calm replaced with an eagerness to train, and Canary, her small frame brimming with nervous energy.

"We will start with physical training," Koshiro announced, his gray eyes surveying them critically. "Strength, speed, and stamina are all crucial in a fight."

Feitan immediately protested, his impatience getting the better of him. "We know how to fight, old man. We need to learn something new, something more powerful."

Koshiro didn't respond immediately, instead meeting Feitan's gaze with a level one of his own. "And do you think the path to greater power does not require a solid foundation, young Feitan?"

Feitan clenched his fists, but remained silent. He didn't like the idea of going back to basics, but he trusted Koshiro enough to follow his lead.

Over the next few hours, Koshiro drilled them in various exercises. They ran laps around the training area, did push-ups, squats, and learned how to lift weights. Their bodies were pushed to the limit, and sweat dripped from their brows. But not one of them complained or asked to stop. They all understood the importance of the training.

After a brief rest, Koshiro led them through a series of combat drills. They sparred with each other under his watchful eyes, their movements sharp and precise. Koshiro corrected their stances, their grip, and their attacks, making sure they understood every detail.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. The group trained diligently under Koshiro's guidance, their strength and skill increasing with each passing day. But as they grew physically stronger, Koshiro knew it was time to introduce them to the world of Nen.

"Nen is a technique that allows a living being to use and manipulate their own life energy, known as aura," Koshiro explained one evening. He sat on a log, the four of them surrounding him, their eyes wide with anticipation.

"Life energy?" Haruto repeated, his eyes sparkling with interest.

"Yes," Koshiro nodded. "Everyone has aura, but not everyone knows how to control it. With Nen, you can channel your aura to enhance your physical abilities, project it outward to create barriers, and even use it to create unique abilities."

Each of them absorbed his words, their minds buzzing with possibilities. Canary was the first to break the silence. "Can we learn to use Nen?"

"Yes, but it will not be easy," Koshiro warned. "Learning Nen requires patience, dedication, and a strong will. Are you ready for that?"

Each of them nodded, their faces serious. "We are," Haruto replied, his voice firm.

overnight. It requires patience, determination, and a strong will. Are you ready for that?"

"We're ready," Haruto spoke for all of them, his tone commanding. His youthful voice carried a weight that seemed much older, as if he were echoing the sentiments of a king.

Their resolve set, Koshiro looked over each of them. "Good. Now let's get back to work."

Despite their eagerness to learn about Nen, Koshiro didn't delve deeper into the mystical energy that day. Instead, he continued with their physical training, pushing them harder, forcing them to endure more than they thought possible.

Canary faltered during the push-ups, her tiny arms shaking under her weight. Haruto was next to her in an instant, his face set in a determined frown. "You can do it, Canary. Just one more," he urged her on. She looked up, met his gaze, and pushed herself off the ground, gritting her teeth against the strain.

Feitan and Phinks grappled with each other in the dust, their bodies slick with sweat. Feitan managed to pin Phinks down, but the latter was quick to wriggle free, a determined glint in his eyes. They exchanged a look, a mutual understanding passing between them. They were rivals, yes, but also teammates, partners.

In the scorching afternoon sun, the children continued their grueling training regime under Koshiro's stern watch. Muscles ached and throats were parched, yet not a single one of them requested a break. This was the groundwork they needed to pave their way to learn Nen.

Between ragged breaths, Canary voiced her struggle, "I... I can't... do another..." Her fists tightened in the soil as she attempted another push-up, her small body quivering with the strain.

Haruto, his own sweat dripping onto the dry ground below, responded without breaking his rhythm. "Yes, you can, Canary. You are stronger than you think. Push through!" His words were both a command and an encouragement, and the young girl found a burst of strength she didn’t know she had, pushing herself off the ground.

Amidst the grunts and groans, Feitan found a moment to tease Phinks, "Did you hear that, Phinks? His Majesty is bestowing words of wisdom."

Phinks, gasping for breath, shot back, "At least he isn't wasting his breath whining like you, Feitan." He smirked at his comrade's glare, clearly enjoying the banter.

Feitan was about to retort when Koshiro interjected, "Enough chatter. Focus on your training."

There was a moment's silence as everyone took Koshiro's words to heart. Haruto, his purple eyes glinting with determination, set his jaw and pushed himself harder, setting an example for the rest. His actions weren't lost on the others, who resumed their tasks with a newfound zeal.

By the time the sun was beginning to set, their bodies were covered in dust and sweat, their muscles burning from the strain. But despite the physical toll, their spirits were high. They'd pushed their limits, each one of them growing stronger, one step closer to their goal.


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