Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch53- Bonding With Past

The silence stretched between them, filled only with the soft rustling of Canary flipping pages of the rule book. Haruto studied Komugi, his gaze lingering on her face as she sat in quiet anticipation. Her slender fingers rested on the Gungi pieces, her touch almost reverent.

"Her aura suddenly changed," Haruto thought to himself. It was a stark contrast from the girl he had met earlier. Gone was the shy, fumbling girl. In her place was a determined competitor, her demeanor changing drastically over the board of Gungi.

Breaking the silence, Komugi made her first move. "Soldier 4-4-1," she announced, her voice holding a quiet confidence that seemed to reverberate in the room. Her fingers traced the path on the Gungi board with surprising accuracy, her blindness seemingly not hindering her expertise.

A subtle smile played on Haruto's lips as he watched her. The girl, whom he had initially dismissed as insignificant, was proving to be more interesting than he'd anticipated. A keen sense of anticipation bubbled within him, the thrill of a challenging game washing over him. The complexity of Gungi, combined with Komugi's unexpected prowess, was becoming an enticing combination.

"Very well," Haruto announced, his voice echoing in the room with an unshakeable confidence. He reached out to make his move, his fingers hovering over the board. "Tower 2-3-3," he declared, locking his gaze with Komugi’s, a smirk playing on his lips.

As they continued their game, Haruto found himself increasingly intrigued by Komugi's strategy. Where he was used to breaking down his opponents' tactics within the span of a few quick exchanges, Komugi's strategy seemed to elude him. On the surface, her moves were elementary. However, there was an underlying sense of purpose and tenacity in her play that he couldn't quite decipher.

Haruto's eyes flickered with interest. In his countless confrontations with grandmasters, he was accustomed to their usual overconfidence, their foolhardy tactics that collapsed under his calculated attacks. But Komugi was an enigma. Despite her self-doubt and her broken speech, her moves were careful, meticulous. She was an intriguing adversary.

An uneasy silence filled the room as the game continued. The rhythmic click of the Gungi pieces against the board echoed through the chamber, punctuated by their occasional callouts as they announced their moves. Haruto's gaze never left Komugi. He was searching for a crack, a chink in her armor, a glimpse into her mind.

Haruto lost the game.

His fingers lingered on the board, a silent confirmation of his defeat. The room was quiet, so silent that he could hear the soft ticking of a distant clock. His brows furrowed as he studied the board, replaying the moves in his head. He didn't feel anger or frustration, only a kindled curiosity. This loss was not a humiliation, but an intriguing puzzle to be unraveled.

"Once more," he declared, his voice holding a firm resolve. He was the King. Defeat was an unfamiliar taste, yet not entirely unwelcome. He was not a sore loser. This was not a wound to his pride, but a challenge he willingly embraced.

"My pleasure," Komugi replied, her voice laced with a gentle enthusiasm. The innocence in her voice betrayed a humble satisfaction, a stark contrast to her strategic genius. She was a paradox, an unassuming girl with the mind of a seasoned grandmaster.

As the next game began, Haruto observed Komugi closely. He noted her demeanor, her relaxed posture. She was in her element. Haruto was used to seeing fear, apprehension in his opponents' eyes, but in Komugi, he saw tranquility.

And again, he lost.

Komugi's humble proclamation echoed in his ears, "You learn terribly fast, Great King. If I don't use more advanced techniques, I may lose soon enough."

Haruto couldn't help but smirk at her words. Her naivety was endearing, her self-deprecating humility contrasting her obvious talent. Despite his losses, he found himself enjoying the game, relishing in the challenge she presented.

His gaze lingered on her for a moment, the silence stretching between them. It was not the first time he was taken aback by her. From the moment she had announced herself, she had intrigued him. She was more than just a blind girl. She was a formidable adversary, a humble genius, an enigma he was determined to unravel.

"Enough for today," Haruto declared abruptly after their countless games of Gungi. He rose from his seat, his frame towering over the Gungi board that separated him from the blind girl.

Komugi, despite her evident exhaustion, turned her face towards him. "I is not tired, Your Highness, I can go on," she countered earnestly, her voice carrying a subtle undercurrent of disappointment.

But Haruto was firm, "I have other matters to attend to," he responded curtly. His gaze lingered on her for a moment longer, studying her worn-out expression. Komugi nodded, understanding the finality of his words. She reached out for her cane, feeling her way around the room, preparing to leave.

In the corner, Canary silently motioned for a maid, who rushed to Komugi's side, offering to escort her out. Once Komugi was out of sight, Haruto turned to Canary, his brows furrowed in thought.

"Does she have a family?" He questioned, his gaze locked onto the now empty chair where Komugi had been seated.

Canary nodded, her expression serious. "She was born into a large, impoverished family of twelve in The Republic of East Gorteau," she informed.

Haruto's eyes narrowed, a flash of concern flickered within them. "How do they treat her?"

Canary hesitated for a moment, weighing her words carefully. "Not well, Your Highness. She is often subjected to ridicule and mistreatment. Despite her circumstances, she perseveres, participating in tournaments, and does her best to support her family with the earnings."

His jaw clenched, a sign of anger flashing across his face. "Arrange a payment to her family and tell them that Komugi will be staying in the Meteor Kingdom from now on," he ordered, his voice authoritative. He continued, "Arrange for her to have her own quarters within the palace, assign a few maids to serve her."

Canary looked taken aback by his words. "My King…" she stammered, struggling to comprehend his sudden decision. She hesitated before finally questioning, "What is so special about her?"

He himself didn't have a clear answer. There was an urge within him, a deep-rooted longing to protect Komugi, but the source of that feeling eluded him. After a moment of silence, he finally spoke, "There's a unique aura around her that intrigues me."

Canary nodded, a hint of understanding reflecting in her eyes as she left the room to fulfill his orders.


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