Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch45- Hatsu is Miracle

The arrival of Phinx, Uvogin and Franklin into the grand hall of the Meteor Palace had been heralded by the distinct aura of their presence. Haruto, seated upon his resplendent throne, had felt their entry even before the palace doors had creaked open. His lips curved into a subtle, almost imperceptible smile as the distinctive aura of his loyal warriors filled the room.

The trio's entrance was noted by the others, their attention shifting almost immediately. No spoken word was needed. Their respect for Haruto's unerring perception had taken root, deep and unyielding. The murmur of conversation that had filled the room earlier fell silent as Phinx, Uvogin and Franklin strode into the hall, their demeanor embodying strength and determination.

Haruto's gaze swept over them, his smile broadening ever so slightly. "You worked hard," he commended, his tone laced with gratitude. He gestured to their respective seats around the crescent table. "Please, rest yourselves."

Haruto let his gaze sweep over the faces at the table, his eyes settling on the trio that had just entered. Phinx nodded in confirmation to his assumption about the other nations’ refusals, but it was Uvogin who voiced the question that hung in the air, "Why did you send us if you knew they would refuse?"

Ignoring the question, Haruto instead shifted the conversation, "What caught your eyes since you entered the Kingdom most?"

His question caught them off guard, their confusion apparent. It was Phinx who recovered first, answering, "The number of people who can use Nen, albeit weak."

Haruto nodded approvingly at the observation. "The world believes Nen is a tool for war and bloodshed," he began, his voice smooth and calm. His words resonated in the silent room. "They don the aura to kill or fight. But it is more than that. I have seen its true magnificence. Hatsu is a miracle. It is magic, an impossibility. You can make anything with Nen, yet humans use it to kill each other. It is so foolish."

His words took Phinx, Franklin, and Uvogin aback. His views on Nen were not what they expected. Haruto continued, "I ordered Koshiro to teach Nen to masses. It was a difficult challenge to overcome, but he is a master for a reason. Then, three months ago, the first wave of civilians with Hatsu was born. All of their abilities are for everyday use, targeted towards the development of the Kingdom."

The room went silent, the weight of Haruto's words sinking in. Phinx shifted uncomfortably, unused to seeing the potential of Nen as anything other than a weapon.

As though to exemplify Haruto's point, a maid entered the room with a tray of drinks, her aura enveloping the tray in a subtle shield that prevented a single drop from spilling despite her nervousness. Her Hatsu was nothing extraordinary, but it had been tailored for her needs.

The regal grandeur of the Meteor Palace's throne room echoed with Haruto's impassioned speech, the room falling into a pregnant silence as they absorbed the ambitious plan of their young leader.

"I knew they would refuse us and insist on sending their garbage to Meteor Kingdom," Haruto said, his voice casual, as though he were commenting on the weather. The corners of his mouth tugged upwards in a small smile. "But now they know we don't want it. Unlike before, they know we're ready to fight back."

"They will offer us something in return," he stated, his voice ringing out clearly. The spark of realization in his eyes indicated his understanding of Haruto's grand strategy.

Haruto's grin broadened at Phinx's statement. "Yes," he confirmed, his voice echoing throughout the grand chamber. "They will pay us for the trash."

Franklin frowned at this, his burly frame shifting uncomfortably in his chair. "Isn't it the same outcome?" he questioned, "The Kingdom will still be filled with trash."

Haruto chuckled at this, a low and confident sound that bounced off the walls of the opulent room. "That's why I said using Nen for war is foolish. Trash, they want to get rid of, is non-convertible or hard to convert materials. But with Hatsu, we can transmute trash into its base elements. Not only will we be paid, but we'll have an abundance of materials at our disposal."

Their eyes widened at the prospect of such a strategy, understanding dawning as they realized the potential of Haruto's plan.

Phinx glanced around the room before turning his gaze back to Haruto. "Have you already started?" he asked. The question hung in the air, a testament to the observations they had made upon entering the Kingdom. Not a piece of refuse littered the streets, an indication that Haruto's grand plan was already in motion.

Haruto's eyes sparked with an inner fire, the hint of a satisfied smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "That's why I said Hatsu is a miracle. What do you think of Shalnark's Hatsu?"

Caught off guard by the change in subject, the trio took a moment to answer. Uvogin, the hulk of a man who was revered for his strength, scoffed lightly. "Weak," he muttered, crossing his muscular arms over his chest.

Franklin, the stoic and rational one amongst them, differed. "Strategic," he commented, appreciating the depth of Shalnark's abilities despite his often cold exterior.

Phinx, ever the observer, thoughtfully stroked his chin. "Technology," he finally said, his brow furrowing as he considered the implications.

Haruto's smile widened at Phinx's reply. "Technology is indeed magical. Combined with Hatsu, it becomes even more potent. Just like how Shalnark can control people with technology."

He allowed the information to sink in before continuing, "We have already created machines that revert garbage to their base materials, we also have spatial hatsu users who store the garbage. As of now, we are converting 100% of the garbage back to their base materials, and soon, we will be paid for it."


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