Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch33- New Team

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With the new addition to the crew, Haruto and others returned to Koshiro's place to continue their training. The yard bustled with a sense of trepidation and curiosity, as the new and old members sat together, the unknown meshing with the familiar.

Canary, her eyes sharp, watched their new companions. Despite her young age, her loyalty to Haruto gave her a certain poise and sense of duty. She clenched her fists, ready to spring into action if needed.

Phinx, his broad shoulders relaxed, eyed the new recruits. His experience and trust in Haruto was evident, providing an air of stability within the group.

Nobunaga leaned back against a tree, arms crossed over his chest. He watched everyone, assessing them, the slight tilt of his head giving away nothing. His tacit acknowledgment of Haruto's leadership was a strong support in these uncertain times.

Uvogin, sitting off to one side, remained quiet, staring intently at the group.  He was here for Haruto. The respect he held for the young leader was raw and powerful. It was earned through sheer power the young King had shown.

Feitan stood apart from the rest, a storm contained within a person. Despite his usual cold demeanor, his fiery spirit shone through his eyes when he watched Haruto. He didn't have to say a word. His respect was felt in the air.

Franklin, Shalnark, Machi, Pakunoda, and Kortopi were different. They were the new faces. They were Chrollo's Troupe. Unpredictable. Yet, they all now followed the same path, led by Haruto.

The new members of Haruto's crew, Chrollo's old troupe, sat somewhat apart, their expressions reflecting their inner turmoil. The events of the recent past had dealt them a blow from which they were still reeling. The loss of Chrollo, their former leader, was a deep cut, made all the more bitter by his betrayal. The concept of one of their own being sacrificed for profit was a jarring contradiction to the camaraderie they had once believed in. Each one of them was lost in thought, wrestling with the reality of their circumstances.

Franklin, the strongest physically among them, had always been a man of action rather than words. His big fists clenched and unclenched rhythmically on his lap as he processed his emotions. His trust in Chrollo had been as firm as his grip, but now that grip was lost, replaced by an uncertainty he hadn't felt in a long time. The shattered image of his former leader lay in the shards of his shattered faith.

Shalnark, the strategist of their group, was deep in thought. He was used to making plans, analyzing situations, always staying a step ahead. But the recent events had caught him off guard. His eyes, usually bright and sharp, were clouded now as he sought answers.

The feminine and cunning Pakunoda was a mystery, her calm exterior revealing little of the storm within. She'd always been Chrollo's confidante, the one who knew his secrets. But she'd been blindsided by his betrayal. Her trust had been shattered, and her loyalty had switched to Haruto, but it was a change that had left her pensive and cautious.

Machi, the silent observer, stared blankly at her surroundings. Her usual grace had been replaced with a stiffness that was telling of her internal conflict. The threads of loyalty that had once bound her to Chrollo were now severed, but the empty space left was yet to be filled.

Kortopi, the youngest and least experienced of them, looked lost. He'd always looked up to Chrollo, admired his strength, his leadership. The shock of betrayal was still raw on his face, his eyes wide and questioning.

"This is their fault!" Shalnark’s voice echoed throughout the yard, raw and unfiltered, bursting through the silence. He was on his feet, his features twisted in anger, fists clenched at his sides. His fingers twitched, itching for action. "The Kurta Clan! Someone has to be killed to avenge Sarasa!"

At this, Canary’s eyes flared. She watched Haruto’s face for his reaction, every muscle in her small body coiled tight and ready to spring at a moment's notice.

Haruto, however, merely glanced at Shalnark, his expression calm but his gaze full of a predator's chilling intensity. Time seemed to hang in the balance, a silent tremor spreading through everyone present. The yard grew so still, it was as if they had collectively held their breath, entranced by the deadly aura radiating from their young leader.

"The one responsible lies dead," Haruto finally responded, his tone a calm mirror of his turbulent emotions. "The Kurta Clan, much like our city, has been cast out from their normal life. They were shunned from their home due to their differences. When someone pokes us, we do give them hell to remind the world that we are not to be trifled with. But we do not go after the innocent."

Uvogin grunted in silent approval from his corner, his intense eyes never leaving Haruto. The young leader's raw power was undeniable and, though he didn't speak it aloud, Uvogin's presence was a testament to the respect he held for Haruto.

"The Kurta Clan didn't betray us, Chrollo did," Haruto continued, his voice ice-cold. "And I rejected Kakin Prince’s offer for the same reason. We don't hunt down the weak for profit."

Feitan, leaning against a wall, arms folded, watched the proceedings without a word. His sharp gaze flickered between Haruto and the others, reading the room and absorbing the unspoken tension.

Haruto's fierce words hung in the air, a solemn reminder of their duty, their unity, their strength. The silence was finally broken by Pakunoda.

"What do we do now, Haruto?" she asked, her voice steady but her eyes revealing a trace of vulnerability. The reality of Chrollo's betrayal had shaken her, and it was Haruto's voice she sought for answers now.

"We will start by claiming this city," Haruto announced, his voice carrying a strength and authority beyond his years. "The Council has sat idly by for far too long. I am sick of this passive approach. The world dumps their trash on us, expects us to accept everything they throw our way. No more. We will create a city that will be envied by the greatest empires, then spread outward, and claim this world. This world is mine to take."


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