Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch12- Pawns

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"Pawns," Haruto murmured, his eyes on the village. His words, though spoken softly, carried in the still air. He pointed to a group of villagers working in the fields. "Canary, you see that man on the left?"

"The one with the green headband?" Canary asked, her eyes moving to where Haruto was pointing.

"That's him. He stands like a soldier, but works like a farmer. Likely, one of Kagen's loyalists in disguise."

Canary nodded, making a mental note. Her role was not just to protect Haruto but also to support him in his strategies. Her gaze didn't leave the man Haruto had pointed out.

Feitan was quick to catch on. His eyes had already scanned the perimeter, taking note of the exits, potential threats, and vantage points. "Haruto, I see a guard at the entrance of the largest house. Probably Kagen's."

"The king in his castle," Haruto smirked, his eyes focused on the building Feitan was referring to. "And there are probably more hidden around."

Phinks huffed, cracking his knuckles. "Why waste time guessing? We should just rush them."

Haruto’s gaze remained unwavering. "No, Phinks, we must outsmart them. This isn't about brute force."

"Easy for you to say, Haruto," Phinks grumbled, though his hands had already stilled at Haruto's words.

"Patience, Phinks," Feitan's voice held a note of warning. His loyalty to Haruto didn't stem from blind faith but from respect for the strategy and foresight Haruto always displayed. The ruthlessness and the King-like demeanor he had started to exhibit seemed to him innate.

The sun dipped lower, casting long shadows over Dosu. As darkness descended, the village was lit by the warm glow of lamps from the homes. It was a peaceful scene, one that would soon be disrupted by the quartet's actions.

Haruto finally turned back from the village view, his face cast in shadows. His eyes flickered between his companions. "Feitan, you'll handle the man at the entrance. Phinks, you're with me. We'll tackle the ones inside. Canary, keep an eye out for unexpected reinforcements. We act at midnight."

No one questioned Haruto. His command was met with a nod from each of his companions, understanding reflected in their eyes. They knew their roles well, and each respected Haruto's decision-making ability.

Canary was last to leave the hilltop, her gaze lingering on the peaceful village below. She was their silent observer, their shadow, a constant presence behind Haruto.

As the day melted into night and the hour of their mission approached, tension filled the air.

With the sunset painting the sky with hues of gold and red, Canary watched as the village of Dosu gradually surrendered itself to the inevitable twilight. Her heart beat with an unusual rhythm, one that was filled with both anticipation and an odd sense of trepidation.

She was the youngest among them, yet her devotion to Haruto was profound and absolute. It was Haruto who had saved her when she was just three, a toddler enslaved by a ruthless tyrant. He'd stormed the horde's stronghold, freeing Canary and several others. However, amongst the liberated, Canary was the smallest, the most alone. Haruto took her under his wing, and she had been with him and Feitan since.

Canary owed her life to Haruto. He had rescued her from a world of chains and torment, a world that no child should ever experience. This bond, forged in the heat of such trauma, was unbreakable. He was not just her leader but also her savior, her mentor, her family.

Canary knew she had to protect Haruto, not just out of duty, but out of gratitude and a deep-rooted love for the young king in the making. She watched as the lights of Dosu flickered on, her keen eyes scanning for any signs of threats, her mind anticipating Haruto's next command.

Meanwhile, Phinks, the embodiment of raw energy, was pacing restlessly. His muscles twitched, eager for action. Phinks was a natural fighter, the adrenaline rush of combat something he craved. But under Haruto's leadership, he had learned to temper his aggression with strategy.

"Are we moving or what?" Phinks grumbled, his eyes scanning the path leading to the village. His impatience was palpable.

Haruto shot him a sharp look, his young face set in an expression that was all too stern for his tender age. "We wait," he declared, his gaze shifting back to the village.

Feitan, his arms crossed over his chest, offered a rare smirk. His piercing eyes reflected the dying sunlight, the glow adding a touch of menace to his silent demeanor.

The three of them stood in silence, a stark contrast to the lively hum of the village in the valley below. The tranquility of Dosu was deceptive, masking the tyranny that Kagen enforced with an iron fist.

Finally, as the first stars began to pierce the velvety blanket of the night, Haruto's voice cut through the silence. "Canary, you keep watch from here. Alert us if you see anything unusual. Phinks, you're with me. Feitan, you take the main entrance."

As Haruto detailed his plan, Canary felt a flutter of pride. He was younger than all of them, yet he held the reins of leadership with a firm hand. Canary saw in him the traits of the great King: the strategic mind, the calculated audacity, and the unbending will.

Haruto and Phinks disappeared into the shadows, leaving Canary and Feitan behind. Feitan stood still, his gaze fixated on the path that led to Kagen's presumed residence. His aura was intimidating, the anticipation for the upcoming confrontation clear in his posture.

Canary watched as Feitan set off, blending seamlessly into the darkness. She admired Feitan's relentless drive, his complete trust in Haruto's command. His silent support and respect for Haruto was an example she aimed to follow. She felt a strong kinship with Feitan. They had been together since their rescue, growing and learning under Haruto's leadership.


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