Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch110- Sharks

As Battera excused himself, the atmosphere around them shifted subtly, the quiet confidence emanating from Haruto more palpable than before. Canary turned to him, a small smile playing on her lips, "That went well."

"It did," Haruto agreed, his gaze drifting across the room. "But this is just the beginning. There’s much more to achieve."

Machi, leaning in slightly, asked, "What’s the next step, Haruto?"

"We consolidate our resources, strengthen our alliances, and keep an eye on the movements within the Nen world. We’re stepping onto a larger stage," Haruto explained, his voice steady.

Canary, looking up at him, her admiration clear, "And we'll be right there with you."

Haruto’s gaze softened as he looked at her, "I know. I’m counting on all of you."

As the evening wore on, more business tycoons and influential figures navigated their way towards Haruto and his companions, their eyes gleaming with a mixture of curiosity and opportunism. Each individual carried themselves with an air of self-importance, yet their glances towards Haruto were laced with an unspoken desire to exploit his youth for their gain.

A man of imposing stature approached, his suit immaculately tailored, and his smile practiced. "King Haruto," he began, his voice smooth, "What a pleasure to finally meet the prodigy of the Meteor Kingdom. I am Alexander Cross, CEO of Cross Innovations."

Haruto’s eyes met Alexander's, his expression calm, "Mr. Cross, welcome. I'm familiar with your work in bioengineering."

Alexander chuckled, seemingly pleased. "Ah, I'm flattered. Your kingdom has made remarkable strides in that field as well."

Haruto's smile remained in place, gracious yet discerning. "Thank you, Mr. Cross. We have indeed invested significantly in bioengineering, always seeking ways to better our kingdom. I'm curious, though, what specifically interests you about our advancements in this field?"

Alexander maintained his confident demeanor, though a flicker of surprise passed through his eyes. "Well, King Haruto, the potential for collaboration is vast. We have been exploring new technologies and innovations, and we believe that a partnership could be mutually beneficial."

"That sounds promising," Haruto nodded, his eyes never leaving Alexander’s. "Your company has a vast array of projects. Could you share which particular aspect of our work you believe aligns with your current endeavors?"

Alexander paused, his mind racing. Haruto's question was precise, requiring a detailed answer. "We are particularly intrigued by your work in genomic editing and its applications in medicine. The strides your scientists have made are groundbreaking, and we see a lot of potential there."

"I’m glad to hear that," Haruto responded, his tone steady. "Genomic editing is indeed a powerful tool, one that holds the potential to change lives. However, it also comes with significant ethical responsibilities. How does Cross Innovations navigate these complex ethical waters, especially when commercial interests are at stake?"

Alexander was momentarily taken aback. This was not the naïve young king he had expected. He quickly composed himself, realizing he needed to tread carefully. "Ethics are of utmost importance to us at Cross Innovations. We have a dedicated team to ensure that all our projects comply with international ethical standards, and we strive to balance commercial success with societal benefit."

"That’s reassuring to hear," Haruto said, his expression thoughtful. "Balancing commercial success and societal benefit is indeed a challenging task. In your experience, Mr. Cross, how do you ensure that the pursuit of profit does not overshadow the need for ethical responsibility?"

Alexander felt the walls closing in. Haruto’s questions were probing, demanding transparency and sincerity. He chose his words carefully, aware that any slip could reveal his true intentions. "King Haruto, it’s a constant challenge. We believe in transparency and accountability, and we ensure that all our stakeholders are kept in the loop regarding our practices. Our reputation is our most valuable asset, and we strive to uphold it in every aspect of our business."

Haruto nodded, his expression unreadable. "I appreciate your insights, Mr. Cross. Reputation is indeed valuable. As a young king, I strive to learn from experienced leaders like yourself. It’s interesting to discuss these matters and understand the perspectives of those who have navigated these waters for decades."

Haruto's gaze remained locked onto Alexander's, the intensity growing with each passing moment. The young king leaned in slightly, causing Alexander to instinctively do the same. The atmosphere in the room grew tense, the silent undercurrent palpable.

"Mr. Cross," Haruto began, his voice soft yet compelling, "Your company has worked with several kingdoms in the past, hasn't it?"

Alexander nodded, wary but still trying to keep his composure. "Yes, we've had the privilege of collaborating with many governments and leaders."

Haruto's eyes twinkled with mischief for just a moment. "Could you share a specific instance where Cross Innovations had to prioritize ethical responsibility over potential profit?"

Alexander hesitated, his throat suddenly dry. There were certainly instances in the past that were less than flattering, and bringing them up now would put him in a vulnerable position. Still, he tried to find a neutral answer, "Well, King Haruto, there have been cases where we've halted projects that showed potential risks, even if they promised lucrative returns."

A smile tugged at the corners of Haruto's lips. "I'm familiar with a few of those halted projects. Specifically, the one in the neighboring Republic of Rakario. What lessons did Cross Innovations learn from that venture?"

Alexander's heart raced. The Azure Kingdom venture had been a blot on Cross Innovations' reputation, a project that aimed to exploit the region's natural resources, which had resulted in environmental degradation. It was not something he wanted to discuss, especially not with King Haruto. "We learned the importance of environmental sustainability, King Haruto. And the significance of listening to the concerns of local communities."

Haruto’s gaze remained fixed on Alexander, unblinking and penetrating. The king’s demeanor was calm and composed, but his questions were razor-sharp, cutting through the practiced charm of the experienced CEO.

“Mr. Cross,” Haruto continued, his tone even but laced with an undercurrent of determination, “the Rakario incident left quite a mark on your company’s reputation, didn’t it? It must have been a difficult time for Cross Innovations.”

Alexander’s palms began to sweat as he sensed the direction in which this conversation was heading. However, he maintained his composure, replying, “Yes, King Haruto, it was a challenging period. But we learned valuable lessons and have since made significant changes to our operations to ensure such incidents do not happen again.”

Haruto nodded slowly, “That’s commendable, Mr. Cross. Learning from past mistakes is crucial.” He paused, letting the silence stretch out between them, before adding, “In the spirit of learning from the past, how do you envision a partnership with Meteor Kingdom differing from your previous ventures?”

Caught off guard by the question, Alexander hesitated for a fraction of a second before answering, “We have grown and evolved since those days, King Haruto. A partnership with Meteor Kingdom would be based on mutual respect, transparency, and a shared vision for innovation.”

“And yet,” Haruto pressed on, his voice steady, “the allure of Meteor Kingdom’s advanced bioengineering technology is strong. How does Cross Innovations plan to ensure that the shared vision for innovation doesn’t become a one-sided exchange, with our kingdom’s knowledge and resources fuelling your company’s growth while leaving us with little in return?”

Alexander’s mask of confidence began to crack. Haruto had seen through the polished exterior, exposing the underlying agenda. Alexander’s mind raced, searching for a way to salvage the situation. “King Haruto, I assure you, our intention is to create a partnership that benefits both parties equally. We are fully committed to a fair and equitable collaboration.”

But Haruto wasn’t finished. He leaned in closer, his eyes piercing. “And yet, Mr. Cross, I can’t help but wonder how you define ‘fair and equitable.’ After all, fairness is subjective, and what might seem equitable to Cross Innovations might not necessarily be so for Meteor Kingdom. So, I ask you, directly and plainly: What guarantees can you provide that our kingdom will not be left disadvantaged, our resources and knowledge exploited for the gain of Cross Innovations?”

Alexander was cornered. Haruto’s questions had laid bare the predatory nature of his intentions, revealing the exploitation hidden beneath the veneer of partnership and collaboration. The room fell silent, the air charged with tension as all eyes turned to Alexander, waiting for his response.

But Alexander had no response to give. The young king had checkmated him, exposing his true intentions and leaving him with no room to maneuver. Haruto’s seemingly simple questions had cut through decades of business acumen and experience, revealing the shark lurking beneath the surface.

Alexander, feeling the intense pressure and realizing that he had no way to counter King Haruto's probing questions, made a hasty exit after promising to reconnect for further discussions. He swiftly moved through the room, his composure shaken, while other business magnates hesitated to approach the young king. It was clear to all that Haruto was not inexperienced or easily fooled.

Canary, observing the situation, exchanged a knowing glance with Machi. “He didn’t know what hit him,” she commented softly, her voice laced with amusement.

Machi smirked in response, her eyes following Alexander’s retreating figure. “Haruto has a way of doing that,” she said, her tone reflecting her admiration for the young king.

Haruto, meanwhile, remained calm and composed, his eyes scanning the room as if assessing his next move. Kortopi, who had been silent throughout the exchange, now spoke up, “You really put him on the spot, Haruto.”

Haruto turned to Kortopi, his eyes reflecting a glint of mischief. “Well, he needed to know we’re not pushovers. We’re not just a kingdom; we’re a force to be reckoned with.”

Canary, her eyes softening, looked at Haruto. “You did great,” she said, her tone sincere. “You showed them that we won’t be taken advantage of.”


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