Reincarnated as the Monster of all Monsters

Chapter 5: Interrogation

Frank rushed at Hanna, his sword held high, Hanna merely stepped aside to dodge and sent her arm towards the man, ready to slice his neck, but she was stopped by a golden barrier that suddenly formed around him. Hanna glanced towards the elf who was standing a save distance away, her hands glowing in an golden light, Hanna clicks her tongue in annoyance.

They had been at it for 5 minutes already, it was always the same dance, Frank attacked, Hanna dodged and tried to counterattack but would be stopped by the barrier. Sometimes Hanna had to dodge some arrows of light, but that’s about it. She also noticed how Frank was slow and not all that extravagant in his movements it puzzled her how these two ever got a monster killed, even Adeline seemed to be a better sword fighter.

"If only Seth or Mariann were here, this would be so much easier with their firepower."

Frank grunted, before resuming his attack, which Hanna dodged easily once again. Now it was clear to her, this wasn’t the complete party, she was only facing the supporter and the tank of this adventurer group. 

'The worst two to have come, this could drag on for ever…' 

Hanna thought to herself, although she also thanked her luck, this was her first real fight and if there would have been a person that could actually threaten her, she would have been in a bad position. This way however she could actually train her fighting capabilities! She didn’t go out fully, didn’t even use her Magic, she simply used this fight as a way to increase her knowledge of battle and how they would go.

She also learned to control her strength and what not, if she wanted to she could probably crush the barrier with no effort and rip this guys head of with one hand.

But that would be waaaaaayyyyy to boring and it was fun to see the duo struggling this hard, they were seasoned adventurers, from what Hanna had gathered, but here they were, struggling to even touch a person who was holding back so much, it was truly funny to Hanna.

But all good things need to end eventually, this was fun but not nearly as much as Adeline could provide, also there was something that Hanna was burning to find out. Why was that one Elf not fighting and why was she in rags?

Considering what Hanna had found out about her, back when she had analysed her before the fight, she seemed to be perfectly capable of magic, so for what reason was she not doing anything…

Name:  Luisa Hander
Race:  Elf
Gender:  Female
Level:  3
Strength:  12
Mana:  698/698
Affinity:  Dark, Death
Spells:   Analysis, Sadistic Rush (Passive) n.A

When Frank tried to strike her again, instead of dodging, Hanna simply caught the blade mid slash and broke it into two pieces, much to the horror of Frank, who looked dumbfounded at Hanna, who only grinned at him in return, before punching him square in the face. With a scream, Frank flew into Shirone knocking her onto the ground, unable to move due to the man wearing heavy steal armour laying on top of her.

Shirone tried to get the unconscious Frank off of her but to no avail, she was now trapped and at the mercy of Hanna, fear started to wash over her and she desperately tried to move Frank, until her hair was suddenly grabbed and heavily pulled on. Shirone screamed in pain, as Hanna continued to pull at her hair, her tortured screams were like music in Hanna’s ears.

As the spectacle continued to play out, two individuals were watching. One of them was twitching and watched with bright eyes as the torture played out before her and her mouth started to water, she never had felt this good before in her miserable life and she was enjoying every second of it. This was the first time Luisa Hander felt pleasure in her life.

The other had a slightly different reaction, she was also twitching, but unlike Luisa, who was still standing, Adeline Strand was kneeling on the ground, not wanting to look at the scene, yet from time to time she sneaked some peeks. For some reason she couldn’t understand, she didn’t feel sad that Hanna was currently torturing her second mother, but good. She wouldn’t accept it and would deny it to herself, but watching this torture unfold felt good to her.

Both of these reactions didn’t go unnoticed by the one inflicting the torture and as much as she wanted to just go on, she also wanted to know badly about the situation of the girl, she was a sadist at heart, that much was obvious, but that was no reason for the sorry state she was in, furthermore when they arrived, Frank didn’t even mention her existence, only the other elf’s. Hanna grew quite curious.

"Now my dear I have a few questions and your going to answer them alright?"

Hanna spoke with a smile on her face as she pulled one last time, before letting go of the Elf’s hair, she had tears in her eyes and looked up at Hanna with both fear and pain, but said nothing. Hanna jumped away from the trapped elf and towards the Adeline and Luisa, neither flinched when Hanna grabbed them by their necks and dragged them towards Shirone.

"First off what is your relationship with my beloved pet, this place is rather isolated, so how did you know she would be here? And the second question, how did you know me?"

"B-beloved pet…" Adeline whispered.

Shirone glared at Hanna suddenly, her previous face of fear replaced by disgust and hatred, she seemed to have rather quick mood swings.

"Adeline is not anyone’s pet and definitely not yours vile beast! She is the daughter of the family Strand the most well known Adventures in the whole kingdom and she won-" She was stopped as Hanna pulled on her hair again, much stronger this time.

"You said that already! And I still don’t care about some dead people’s titles, so either you answer the questions or I change my methods. It’s your choice." As Hanna said the word methods, she demonstrably clenched and in-clenched her hand, showing of her claws to the now petrified Elf at the ground.

"F-fine I‘ll talk! I‘ve known the Strand Family for years and while both of them where out, I would look after Adeline back when she was younger. I‘m practically her second mother!

As for you, the Guild had received a letter from the royal family telling us about a Dark Margenko who had been spotted near the old capital. The guild has set up an bounty on your head that would practically make the poorest peasant one of the richest men in the kingdom."

Hanna started to stroke her chin in thought at the new information, this could get problematic since everyone would want her dead, that is, if they new how she looked. With a plan in mind she returned her gaze back towards the Elf, while also grabbing Adeline in one arm and locking their arms together.

"Well that wasn’t so bad now was it? Also you can rest easy, knowing I will keep lovely Adeline save and sound After her parents unfortunate early passing. I will shower her with love don’t worry!“

She nuzzled her cheek against Adelines, who simply stood there wide eyed and mouth agape, her body started to slightly twitch.

"B-beloved pet… s-shower with love… keep save…" Adeline mumbled to herself, Hanna heard it despite its low volume.

Shirone glared at Hanna with as much hate as she had back when she started to fight each other.

"Shower her with love?! Don’t make me laugh, I saw the state she was in, she was covered in wounds from top to bottom!"

Hanna only grinned in return.

"That’s my point dear, those are signs of my love. After all…" She went right next to the Elf’s ear and whispered.

"Toys that I don’t break are my favourite toys, only those get to stay around, others get broken and thrown away."

She went back to Adeline‘s side and started to pet the girls head, the elf looked with disgust and fear at the scene and Hanna had a grin on her face. Adeline didn’t even react at first until slowly she turned to look at Hanna.

"Y-you love me? You will protect me? All those time you were with me were out of love?" Adeline had a glossy look on her face and looked at Hanna, she was multiple heads taller then Hanna, yet she acted like a child around her.

"But of course my dear. I did everything out of love." Hanna said, as she pet Hanna’s head once more, she had to go on her tiptoes to reach it, so it looked rather comedic from the outside, but only from the outside.

"Y-you love me?! But the things you did… no they were out of love, but they were bad and hurt me… but you love me…" Adeline kept on mumbling to herself, she didn’t know what to think anymore, her mind was racing nonstop at incredible speeds, nothing seemed to make sense anymore.

For Shirone it was an absolute horror scenario, she was trapped, one of her team members was out cold and the other two were not there to begin with and in front of her was the murderer of close friends and their daughter was manipulated into being the murderers toy!

For Hanna it was comedy show, the elf was making a fool out of herself and she enjoyed every second of it and she wasn’t even lying. Hanna had indeed become attached to Adeline and she wouldn’t dare let anyone take her from her, if Adeline was suffering from Stockholm syndrome then that was a-ok for her, but there was one issue that had yet to be resolved.

She turned to the other person, still standing, the other elf who still had a passive look on her face, but there was a shine in her eyes whenever she looked upon the adventurer duo. A shine Hanna knew all to well.

"Now we come to you my dear, you seem to follow these two around, yet you didn’t fight me, you didn’t even speak, your cloths look in such a rough stage as does your body. Why would such a girl walk among these 'famous' adventures? You can’t be someone without battle abilities, otherwise you wouldn’t have stayed. So what’s the deal with you?"

With every word Hanna moved towards the elf, her face just as passive as it had been all the time, like she was trying to assert her dominance over Hanna, yet with every second Hanna came closer, her facade started to break. Sweat formed on her forehead and eyes went from side to side, looking for an escape, before suddenly Hanna was right in her face a giant grin on her face.

"Girl I appreciate the meal, but I had my fill already, no need for it Kay?"

Behind her, Adeline looked like a small puppy rocking herself back and forth, Shirone only looked on disgusted at the scene before trying once again to either wake Frank up, or move him. Both of which were useless endeavours.

"I‘m not their companion, I‘m their captive."

The elf said, her eyes filled with fear, as she looked upon Hanna’s razor sharp teeth, visible through her toothy grin.

"A criminal eh? What did you do? Kill some important guy or…" Hanna couldn’t finish her sentence, as the elf interrupted her.

"My crime is the fact that I exist. Nothing more."

She looked at Shirone with an angry expression, which Shirone only gave right back, they silently glared at each other, as Hanna raised an eyebrow and looked between the two, at the same time Adeline came to her side, she looked at the glare fest going on, before turning to Hanna and tucking at her shirt.

"Hey, H-Hanna, what’s going on here?"

Hanna only kept on staring, not answering at first, she did however unconsciously stroke Adelines arm, who’s body started to twitch at the contact and she started to rock back and forth again. Until Hanna decided this whole situation might be far more interesting then she first expected.

"Well my dear, I don‘t get it either, but this seems rather interesting. So what‘s going on here exactly? Your both Elf’s so racism can’t be it, so what is it?"

"This thing is everything our sages warned us about, she will be the reason our race will come to an end!" Shirone exclaimed, Luisa only glared harder at her.

"Oh, I‘m sorry that I was born with a different affinity to magic, then anyone else in our race, I definitely planned this back in my mother!“

Hanna sighed as she realised the root of the whole debate, she thought she had escaped such things, however this still was a mediaeval world, so the problem would be even bigger here then back home.

"Ah, yes religion, always there to ruin the lives of people because they are different from them. I hate the concept to the core of my very being…" Hanna muttered to herself, remembering how people used a good concept, to force others to believe the same thing they did. She really disliked it. Just because someone is a bit different doesn’t mean that this person needs to convert or die!

It was then that she realised something. She went over to Luisa and put her hand onto her shoulder.

"You know we aren‘t all that different from one another, you and I are both hunted down for our mere existence."

She then whispered into her ear.

"I‘ve seen the shine in your eyes, I know what you want to do. If you stay with me, I will let you do exactly that and so much more. You can have your revenge against the world and so much more, just be my little pet.~"

Hanna then turned to look at the still rocking Adeline, before adding the words.

"But Adeline was my first, so she will always be my most precious pet~."

In response Adeline rocked even faster then before.

"Most precious pet… showered with love… But she hurt us…. She hurt our parents…" Adeline mumbled.

Luisa stood there mouth slightly agape, shocking her head slightly, Hanna walked over to Shirone who again resumed her attempts of getting Frank off of her.

"If you accept, there will be no one you have to listen to but me and I promise you I won’t let your desires go unnoticed."

She suddenly stomped her foot onto Shirone‘s face, breaking bones could be heard, a scream of pain soon followed and then another stomp and another and another, until the screams stopped.

"It’s so sad how easily my toys seem to break… So what do you say? Go with me and become my pet or disagree and become my toy?"

Alright guys, I‘m sorry I could only upload a single chapter this week, I will try to get it to 2 chapters a week, but I can’t guarantee anything… However as compensation you get small character bios in the Glossary of  the three main characters.
Hopefully we will meet again soon.
Signed NoraNali

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