Reincarnated as the Monster of all Monsters

Chapter 21: Now that‘s just Vexing

Hanna never thought she would ever be back in this city, at least not this quickly and far more importantly she definitely didn’t expect to come back in such a embarrassing way, chained up and being escorted by multiple soldiers. Her plan had been to try and break into the city and get her gorgeous pet Adeline out, maybe cause a fire or two, and hen get out simple as that.

But now her quest of getting back what was rightfully hers so her pride won’t get damaged turned into this, her and Luisa being paraded through the city in chains, a far greater hamper on her pride then losing Adeline if she being honest, if she didn’t continuously tell herself that this was the best option she would probably lash out, especially considering how easy it would be for her to escape! It was down right infuriating how little they seemed to take this seriously!

Sure she had disguised herself using her magic, so they wouldn’t recognise her immediately but still! No restrictions besides some iron chains around her wrist and the few guards around her, there was nothing stopping her from killing each and everyone with her fire and just making a run for it, even if it was uncommon and it probably was for someone to be capable of something similar, but there should still be some precautions against that right? With how incompetent they were she wondered how they ever caught any criminal ever!

Hanna slapped herself mentally, telling herself to stay focused, this was all part of a plan and if it would go perfectly, the shame and humiliation of the kingdom would be enough gratification to be worth this humiliation.

"Just you wait, I‘ll get my revenge and get back what is rightfully mine you apes, just you wait.“ She mumbled to herself, quietly, so no one but her could hear.

Luisa on the other hand, had very different things to think, mainly, that she was very, very, veerrryyyyy hungry right now.

And the guards, where simply glad that they caught an alleged murder duo with out much fuss and violence, it was not their duty to determine if they truly were murderers and if they were innocent or not. They got paid for getting their alleged murderers to court, nothing more and nothing else.

And soon they came to their target destination, a simple wooden shack near the outskirts of the slums of the city, where Vex lived, it was her job to determine, rather or not the two were truly murderers, not through intense questioning or the like. Because Vex was the only person who was allowed to break the law, in order to better enforce it. Vex was the only person in the kingdom, who had the right to use the forbidden art of Necromancy.

Vex hated her job, mostly because she was forced into it. Being born with a affinity for Dark and Death Magic, when the kingdom you live in has banned the study and practice of both is already a bummer for everyone with such affinities who also want to become Mages, it get worse when your father doesn’t tell you that it’s illegal and teaches you Necromancy anyway at the age of three. The worst possible thing that could happen is when your father gets caught and then executed for it and now your a 12 year old Necromancer who didn’t even know it was illegal and are now face to face in court with the King, who decides rather or not you die for it, that was Vex‘ early life.

She had thought herself lucky when the king decided not to execute her on the basis that she was a child simply following her father and not knowing any better, nowadays she wished she had died that day. Since Necromancy was still illegal and that’s all she was good for, she couldn’t live inside the kingdom without constant surveillance that she didn’t use her Necromancy, as such it was decided to make her useful in the justice system, back then she thought it would be a blessing, now she realised it was simply glorified prison.

She was given a wooden shack, that barely constituted as a house, put under constant watch and was forbidden to leave without at least four guards. She was forbidden to practice her Necromancy besides one thing, talking with the dead. It was common understanding that those who murder are followed by the ghost of those they murdered, the idea was that a murderer was brought to Vex and she could tell if the accusation was true or not, since she would be able to see and talk with the ghost of the victim if there truly a murder.

Great idea on paper, but in reality completely and utter bullshit and now matter how often Vex tried to convince them they wouldn’t listen. A ghost would only follow their murderers for a limited amount of time ,unless slain with a cursed weapon, they would move on eventually, meaning by the time they found the murderer and brought them to Vex, the spirit was already gone. It was so, so frustrating.

Vex partitioned multiple times to bring her the corpse of the victim, that she could resurrect them and ask them instead it was so easy, so so easy and yet she denied every time. It was at this point Vex realised her curse, that this live was nothing more then a prison and her existence was barley better then that of a slave, she had barley and rights and only kept alive because she was a convenient excuse to say that they didn’t unjustly executed a 12 year old girl, to make the king look better. She seeped in her frustration , which quickly turned to anger and that anger to hate.

Who we’re they to determine what magic was allowed and wasn’t? Who are they to claim that certain Magic schools just aren’t allowed? Because they are evil? Magic isn’t inherently evil, only the casters can be evil or not! Why are all Dark Mages automatically evil and all Light Mages are good? She knew for a fact that most light mages in the justice system are corrupt and yet she’s the one being held like a slave And she is the one receiving death treats and demands for her execution when ever she is out to buy anew apples!

It were 20 years of this building frustration, anger and hate that Vex lived through, enduring the time with studying the Necromancy arts in secret as best as she could, but her hate only ever grew, she was capable of so much more, she deserved so much more and yet here she was, a slave in her prison cell, in capable of doing anything, until Hanna and Luisa were dragged into her cell and changed everything.

At first Vex didn't think much of it, seeing a young girl here was a rare ocurance but not completly unheard of, in her 20 years she had seen many diffrent people of many diffrent social standing being dragged into her cell from the lowest street punk to a high standing aristocrat. Over time they all merged together to her a few years ago, it was all just a routine at this point.

Her door would open and if a convict happens to cross the doorstep, she would turn around do ask some bullshit questions, make a few hand motions and then send them of and since 99.9% of times they weren’t followed by any ghosts this routine was almost never broken, she could probably do it with her hands sewed shut at this point and at first she believed this to be just this a normal routine job, since after she looked at the the two accused and she didn’t see any ghosts, she was sure of it, but after taking a closer look she realised something was amiss.

In the girls eyes was an anger and hatred she has only ever seen when she looked into the mirror before, it was normal for innocent people to be angry when they get wrongfully accused, but this was different, it seemed feral and uncontrollable, like she was looking into the eyes of a beast, Vex was intrigued. Was this a chance of something interesting in her monotone life? She sure hoped so.

Hanna on the other end was practically boiling in her anger at this point, First the sloppy security while dragging her here and now this? Letting her into a secluded shack with only two guards and women that’s dressed like some kind of cliche witch, pointy hat included?!! This was getting to much for her to bare, she came up to the guards, admitted to slaughtering Querum village and this is the best security they would offer in such a scenario?! The damage to her pride had long outstretched that what was sustainable at this point, she needed to let her anger out, luckily she was currently alone with only two guards.

Without a word, she ripped the chains that bound her hands, stripped her illusion to look like a normal red haired girl, turned around and slammed her claws through the two guards armor and out on the other side, blood sprayed everywhere, soaking the many flasks and towels littered across the place. There was no scream or reaction as the two guards died and slumped to the floor, Hanna the proceeded to lick her hands clean of the blood, while Luisa was still lamenting the fact that she hadn’t had anything to eat yet.

Vex on the other hand suddenly felt a cold she never felt before run down her spine, she knew the girl was more then she first seemed, but she hadn’t expected this. Like a switch clicking in her head, she remembered something that made the rounds even to her abandoned part of town.

There was a huge panic outbreak over a supposed super intelligent monster roaming the kingdom it was supposedly responsible for killing at least over 60 people in the city alone, it grew so out of control that a hunt consisting of the entire Cloud Order was called to hunt the thing down.

A few days ago they had returned, claiming to have slain the beast, but judging from what she just saw and the fact that the monster in front of her matched perfectly with the description she had heard about the monster, she was inclined to believe they were wrong. Vex gulped in fear, as she watched the back of the monster that was covered in a simple green shirt, the tail swinging side to side. She was probably suspecting the rest of the guards to storm in after they heard the commotion, however.

"T-the other guards have already left, t-they always do." Vex didn’t know why she spoke this sentence, she didn’t even know if the monster understood her and still she talked, she was still filled with fear and dread but underneath the surface there was something else, something warm that was telling her that this was an opportunity, that she had no reason to be scared, it was quite and went unheard, but it was there.

Slowly, Hanna let her arms lull to her side. She knew she should be happy or at least glad they were they were away, it would make this so much easier, but she just couldn’t shake off that feeling that she wasn’t taken seriously, wasn’t the entire kingdom up in a frenzy because of her a few days ago? Why wasn’t this taken more seriously?! Was she nothing but a joke to them? Even if disguised with illusions they shouldn’t take this so fucking lightly!!

Hanna turned around to face the woman on the other side of the room, she was angry and frustrated and needed to calm down a bit, otherwise she might run wild killing everything in the city, she didn’t want that yet, she was just hear to get her pet back for now, but it’s not like they had to hurry, she could have some fun first right?

Hanna took one step towards the stereotypical witch and she took one back, a last, it was a losing battle for soon Vex hid a wall and Hanna quickly closed the distance, looking into the crimson eyes of Hanna, Vex could see her doom, her death she was staring at a predator who just found new prey to play with, she gulped in fear.

"Why are you so afraid my dear? You don’t have to worry, I just want to play with you, ever since your people took my pet away I couldn’t play anymore, Luisa just isn’t my type." From the corner Luisa snorted in an attempt to keep her laugh in.

Vex didn’t know what to expect, was she about to be beaten or eaten alive? There were thousand of scenarios racing in her head at this point, all playing with her being beaten with an inch of her life, so she could barley suppress her moan once Hanna kissed her neck, which was then followed by licking and biting.

Vex had never experienced these sensations, having been locked away for 20 years tends to do that to a person and once she registered what was actually happening right now, Hanna was already roughly squeezing on of her breast while the other worked to get rid of the garments in her way of her price.

Vex wanted to scream and to fight back, but she couldn’t as she standing there being taken advantage of in every way possible she couldn’t fight back, it was like her body was in a stasis, meanwhile her mind was working on overdrive giving her pleasure center a big ol jolt everything Hanna moved her lips or hands around her body, she knew it was wrong but it felt so good, it was the best feeling she felt in her entire life, she wanted, no, needed more of this.

Her rational side tried to scream the obvious, she was being assaulted by a monster that just killed two people in front of her, this situation should be terrifying and nothing else, but it was drowned in the pure feeling of ecstasy she was feeling and there was an even darker voice, a darker feeling, those humans were nothing, they deserved death, they had caged her for so long, this was her shot at freedom and revenge.

But it too was drowned by the feeling of pleasure and ecstasy, tho it lingered in her mind, unlike her rational and so she simply took it all in, as Hanna had her fun with her, fulfilling every desire she bottled up over the last few days, she licked and kissed as much as possible, fondled and played with Vex‘ breast and nipples to her hearts content and enjoyed every second of it, as did Vex, whose voice finally broke lose and moaned into the shack over and over again.

Luisa, meanwhile plugged her ears and covered her eyes with shadows, not wanting to see the display before her, she was still hungry and wanted this to be over with, but if there was one thing she didn’t want to happen, then it was making Hanna angry by interrupting her session, for that would definitely result in her own death.

And so she waited for Hanna, while Hanna herself made the crucial decision to keep this one around, she was a perfect submissive pet for her to play with if she ever grew bored of Adeline, or maybe they could do it all together? The mere thought made Hanna‘s libido shoot through the roof, she attacked Vex with a new vigor, sending the latter into a higher octave of moans and screams. Only after 20 minutes of straight assault did. Hanna finally slow down enough to let Vex take a breather.

Hanna looked deep into the eyes of Vex, who was panting fast and loudly, Hanna took her by the chin and smiled at the woman.

"Why don’t you tell me your name, little pet?" Now it was time for Vex‘s gears to be turning once more.

"I‘m Vex the Necromancer. And what are you?" A Necromancer? Hanna raised an eyebrow at that, why on earth did a Necromancer wear  such stereotypical witches clothes? A question for later, Hanna mused before remembering she had a question to answer. With a dramatic bow she did just that.

"Hanna, The dark Margenko, pleased to make your acquaintance."

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