Reincarnated as the Monster of all Monsters

Chapter 2: Magic!

As Hanna finally calmed down enough from her previous high and could think rationally once again, she went over the information she had just gathered once more. It was confirmed to her that she possessed  great physical strength and was basically a walking weapon, that could kill people with a single slash of her claws or sting from her tail. Although she was still working on the part that was controlling her tail correctly.

She could definetly feel it and she knew it was able to move, but the feeling was still very foreign to her, so she decided to train with it soon, not now but soon, after all she needed to learn how to correctly move her own body.

Second on her agenda was Magic. She learned she was indeed capable of Magic, there was just  one tiny problem. She didn't know how to actually use it.

Without it she was not able to utilise her full power and that wouldn't do. She also really needed to test her strength limit, she supposedly could uproot a tree with minimal effort, but again she didn't truly knew if she actually could until she tried it.

Her head started to spin, there were so many things she needed to figure out and that wasn't including things like basic world knowledge, like which countrys existed, how the world looked like and so on and so forth. She couldn't help but compare her situation to other protagonists in her old fantasy storys.

"They always had it much easier then me." She grumbled. "They always had someone explain things to them, like a god or something and even those who had no god, still had locals for that, but I ain't got nothing! No god, no robot voice from the ether and considering my status as a Monster there were definetly no locals to ask for help."

Frustrated she silently decided to train on her tail for now, after all, if she could master to move it perfectly, she basically had three poison laced daggers on her hands and tails to get the job done, combined with her strength that alone were quite powerful weapons after all.

First she decided to get a feel for it, to her it felt like a third arm but for some reason she couldn’t really control it. It took most of her willpower to get it to listen to her own commands and often times, when it seemed she had the hang of it, the tail suddenly decided to do the exact opposite thing of what she wanted from it. It was frustrating to say the least.

Eventually she got the problem with her tail, it was sensitive to her own emotions. Depending on her emotions the tail instinctively tried to act a certain way.

Happy? Swinging from side to side. Angry? Standing straight upwards. Depressed? Limply falling down. She needed to fight against those instincts of her body to move the tail in response to her emotions to gain full control. It was tedious since it felt like her own body wasn’t obeying her correctly 

It took her multiple hours to fully control her tail, when she was finished the night sky had long ago given way for the light of the day, with the sun standing high and mighty. Although nothing really felt different to Hanna, she still saw just as well as she did in the night, thanks to her Night Vision.

"Finally I‘m done with this crap, hopefully Magic will be easier, although I really doubt it, if I even find a way to learn it that is…" She was frustrated beyond believe, why must everything be so godamn difficult, why didn't she had like, a complete Library filled with all sorts of books and textes that could help her understand the world and its on goings better?

Silence, nothing but silence. She simply stood there, her body twitching and shacking, as she stared at her hands in complete disbelieve. She stood there for minutes not moving, not speaking just her standing in the ruins of an anciant LIBRARY.

"have i'm always been so dumb..." she simply asked in a absolutly devestated voice.

4 Days after the expedition to the ruined capital, inside the royal castle of Ranos

Captain Feralt von Brestfell, the captain of the cloud order was walking through the large halls of the royal castle, the walls were decorated with paintings of all kinds, ranging from nature, history or simple portraits of the royal famile, on his way many a royal knight or servant crossed his way.

They all gave there small greeting, usualy involving a quick bow and then going on about their buisness. This wasn't the first time Feralt wandered these halls and they all knew it wouldn't be the last time either, after all he and the king were close firends, knowing eachother since childhood.

They served their time in the military together after which they took their own paths, still being in touch with one another even outside of their respective duties, since officaly the king was the Leader of the Cloud Order, unofficaly however it was Feralt who lead the Order.

They often met privately or exchanged letters with one another, simply telling each other investing stories of their respective duties or missions, it had been that way since more then 30 years at this point.

This time it wasn’t such a friendly matter for which he came into the castle, he was reminded why he came as he approached the throne room and it’s grand doors, being protected by not only Royal Knights, but also the Holy Knights of the church. In Front of them was Bishop Arnilius, talking with a priest. He and him were to report their findings inside the ruins to King and the leader of the church, Grand Archbishop Julius the third.

Feralt approached and was quickly noticed bathe bishop, who sent the priest he had been talking to away as he gave the Captain his hand.

"Are you ready?" The bishop asked, the Captain simply nodded and gestured to the guards to let them in. The grand doors were opened and they started to walk in a simple purple carpet laid on the floor which lead towards the throne on which King Grater the second sat, he was a strong looking and imposing figure, despite his age, slowly getting to him, he wore a shining armour of silver and gold, on his head sat the crown of the kingdom of Ranos.

Next to him sat a old man dressed in completely white robes with golden outlines, he had a long white beard and held a golden staff in his right hand.

"Welcome Feralt von Brestfell, captain of the Cloud Order, I hope your mission was a complete success?" The king greeted him once he was closer to him, Feralt bowed before him.

"It was carried out to the best of my abilities my king." Feralt simply said before raising his head again, the same interaction happened between Arnilius and the Grand Archbishop, once all the greetings were out of the way? Feralt began his report to the king and the Grand Archbishop.


Hanna was at the very end of her Patience at this point, she spend the last 4 days looking around the Library, searching for any book that might prove to have knowledge she needed, since she apparently didn’t have to sleep anymore she searched all day and night and gobbled up any and all knowledge she could find about this world, her two most important finds were a map of the world and a book titled "What is Magic and how to use it. Vol.1". 

It was quite fortunate that this world apparently spoke the same languages that were spoken in her old home.

As soon as she got her claws on that book she devoured it, having read it completely in less then 2 hours, from the book she learned that any being as Magic inside them, in this state it’s called 'Mana'. Depending on your race and training the amount of Mana one had differs.

A person could then use that Mana inside of them and use it to cast what is know as 'Spells'. Spells were essentially Mana, formed and twisted by an affinity to have certain effect. Spells were always only ever achieved through training, only monsters are capable of having access to spells without acquiring them through training, however that only applies to some spells not all.

There was a special section in the book talking about the Spell Analyse, as it was a special case, since every living being could in theory use it, as Mana wasn’t required to use it, however it was excidingly rare and only every 1 in 2000 people were found to pocess the skill.

To properly use a spell one has pull out a bit of ones Mana and infuse it with the right affinity. Some spells might require some special requirements to activate, such as the Curses spell, which needed to be specified what the curse should do and when to start.

It took Hanna days to properly figure everything out but soon she had complete control over her Spells and knew how to use them, she had also studied the Map and now felt ready to venture forth into the wild. It was then that she found the most important book yet. 'The Dark Margenko, a case study'.

It was this very book that was currently driving her to the brink of an anger fit. She had hoped this book could give her valuable information about herself and at first it did. She learned that her race often times were treated as a queen by Margenko, which were small hairy creatures with the same ears as the Dark Margenko.

She also learned that her poison was inside her claws and tail, making it function similarly to stingers. So Hanna was truly happy that she picked up this book, but then it’s usefulness quickly faded, as it quickly devolved into a collection of stories about how a hero would destroy a Dark Margenko, with constant comments saying how evil and bad the Dark Margenko was and how heroic and good the hero was.

After five of the same story rewritten with different names, Hanna was really pissed about wasting her time like this and it all came to a head after she read the last line of the book which simply stated:'All the covered stories were a work of fiction and none of them really happened.'

Hannas eyes twitched with anger as she threw the book onto the wooden floor as she released a scream of anger, before deciding to vent her frustration as she inhaled sharply, before releasing bright red flames from her moth, turning the book into ash.

 After having her angered quelled for the moment she grabbed a large stack of papers and scrolls, these were skill scrolls, they were magical items, gifts from the gods, according to rumours, and gives one the knowledge how to use the Spell inscribed in them, they were worth multiple fortunes.

Hanna had found them around the Library, not many mind you, only around 12 and some scrolls held the same Spell, making those practically useless, at least for now.

Hanna grinned as she read the contents of the first scroll.

“This will be quite interesting I believe, hahahahah."


In the throne room of King Grater of Ranos, captain Feralt of the Cloud Order and Bishop Arnilius were almost finished reporting about their shared mission from a few days ago, both the King and the Grand Archbishop Julius the third, both of them seemed happy about the results, but neither the captain nor the Bishop seemed eagerly happy about what they had to tell next.

"During the night of the same day we had found the Library our newest member of the Order had called us over in a panic, he told us about some bright light emitting from deep in the Library, we quickly gathered everyone around to discuss what to do, that’s when we realised one Priest was missing." Feralt told them, there was barely any emotion in his voice and his eyes were downcast.

Both the king and the Archbishop sensed the change in mood and changed their expressions into a more serious demeanour.

"We quickly rushed towards the place the member had told us where the light was coming from, there we found brother Markus‘ corpse, he had a hole in his stomach and back, like someone rammed a club right through his stomach." Arnilius continued, his voice was coated in anger and sadness, a strong contrast towards Feralt.

"There were no signs of a fight, making this a very clear ambush, through further investigation we found clue with what we are dealing with." He stopped to see for a reaction from his partner, since he had a bigger investment into the story, having lost many friends against these creatures.

Both the Archbishop and the King looked at Arnilius, silently asking him to continue, which he did after a long sigh, to calm his nerves a bit.

"Your majesty, your holiness. We have found clear evidence that a Dark Margenko is living in the ruins of the old capital!"


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