Reincarnated as the Goddess of the sea.

Chapter – 27

A Christmas present for everyone. Not sure if its good but merry christmas everyone.

 Any guesses when the next chapter might be?


“That is correct, I am the goddess of these seas. Now all I want to do is help you. Will you accept my offer” (Xyrra)

I hold out my hand towards her. She seems to think about it for a few moments before answering.

“C-can we really trust you?”(Avalon)

I reply in the friendliest voice I can.

“I will do everything I can to help you.”(Xyrra)

“If so I accept.”(Avalon)

For a moment I am confused as to why she doesn’t take my hand until I remember they can't see anything.

“Now the first thing is to get you out of here. I can't imagine you like it down here very much.”(Xyrra)

“We can't leave. Everyone who has tried never returned, we are trapped here forever.”(Avalon)

“Have you forgotten that you have the goddess of the sea with you. Give me some time to think about it.”(Xyrra)

Why could they not be returning? They don’t want to or are they being killed by something? There are more predators up ther- wait? Could it be water pressure? I remember something about blobfish dying when the water pressure gets too low. Maybe that’s it. But how do I get around this problem? Maybe, I could create a bubble of water same pressure around them and then change them to adapt to lower pressures? It's probably the best plan there is.

“Avalon. I think I know what's happening. I believe any of your kind that goes too high is killed by the lower water pressure as your body needs a higher pressure to survive. And I think I know how to solve this issue.”(Xyrra)

“Thank you goddess I will do anything to leave here especially to get the young ones out. I want them to have a better life filled with light and colour as told by our ancestors.”(Avalon)

“wonderful, I will need you to gather everyone here then.”(Xyrra)

“Yes, my goddess.”(Avalon)

She swiftly swims away as fast as she can.

Now I need to practice this first. I concentrate on an area of water and imagine it creating a spherical capsule with the same water pressure inside. The first few tries it starts to form and then collapses however eventually I managed to get a stable sphere of water. I keep practising making it bigger and bigger until Avalon returns. Behind her are about twenty other dark mer-people of all different ages and genders.

“Is, this everyone?”(Xyrra)
“Yes goddess Xyrra this is everyone in the village. Unfortunately I nor anyone here knows where any other villages are.”(Avalon)

“Let's worry about that later. Everyone gather together and make sure you have everything you need. I hope you explained everything to everyone Avalon.”(Xyrra)

“I did goddess Xyrra.”(Avalon)
Once everyone had gathered together, I form a sphere around them. After a few tries, I get it perfect and begin to swim to the surface. I swim steadily and slowly looking out for significant changes in water pressure. At the first major change, I use my powers as the sea goddess to adapt them to the new pressure. This continues for about another two hours until we reach the top of the ravine. They should be safe here so now is the moment to see if this plan worked.

I move away from the ravine and then slowly and carefully disperse the sphere. Once it is completely gone they all seem to be fine.

“Are you all right?”(Xyrra)

They all talk among themselves quietly for a few moments.
“We are goddess Xyrra thank you for the help but… we still cannot see are we really out of the darkness?”(Avalon)

“We have reached the light. Maybe your kind went blind after being in the darkness for so long. Wait a moment please.”(Xyrra)

“I hold my hand up to them and then a golden light comes from it towards them. Moments later all of their eyes opened wide.

(Avalon POV)

We all waited as the goddess asked us and moments later a warmth enveloped us. I can see. Has the goddess given us sight? So this is what the world looks like. There are various colours and shapes not just darkness and nothingness. I have been told about colour and shapes my entire life in stories from our ancestors but I never imagined I would be able to see them myself. More importantly, my son and the other children will be able to have happier lives.

As I look around my eyes lock onto a person much larger than any of us. Is she our goddess? She floats there calmly waiting for us to calm down and she is only what I can describe as beautiful. I’m not sure how to determine what is beautiful but from the stories, I have been told I think she is it.

“Thank you goddess we will never forget this and follow you for the rest of our lives.”(Avalon)

“Do not worry Avalon. We much to do I will give you some to yourselves and then we must move on.”(Xyrra)

“I understand goddess Xyrra.”(Avalon)

I turn around to the mer-people behind me and for the first time, I can see them. My family and friends and most importantly my son. I dash towards him and pull him into the biggest hug ever and don’t let go while starting to cry. I can finally see my son my treasure.

Thank you goddess I will follow you as long as I live.


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