Reincarnated as the Goddess of the sea.

Chapter – 11

Upon entering the divine realm the first thing I see is the towering gates to the castle that swing open as I step towards them. I walk down the path towards the castle entrance. The path is surrounded by fields filled with colourful plants of many varieties there are so many you almost can’t see the grass.

Passing by the flowers I enter through the main door of the castle and head towards the throne room. This castle is like a maze the first few times you come here however I have been here multiple times already. The castle interior is different colours depending on which section you are in each section corresponding to the nature goddesses is in their corresponding colours while Ziellas areas are purple and the rest are a mixture of all the primordial goddesses powers.

When I reach the throne room I knock on the large oak door.

“Big sister Ziella can I come in?”(Xyrra)

“enter my sister.”(Ziella)

I push open the oak door and step into the throne room. Ziella is sitting on the throne looking as beautiful and majestic as the day I first met her. The problem is that she is now wearing a tee shirt and a sort of jogging trousers. She is also surrounded by cans of drink and packets of food while sitting in front of a tv.

“What have you been doing big sisters.”(Xyrra)

“I have been relaxing it's hard work creating your own world.”(Ziella)

“Big sister did you reincarnate us just so you don’t have to work?”(Xyrra)

I Unconsciously start to release my divine mana towards Ziella. She starts to look a bit scared.

“Wait wait I didn’t reincarnate you so I don’t have to work I genuinely wanted my own family.”(Ziella)

I release more of my divine mana and Ziella tenses up.

“Is that true big – sis -ter.”(Xyrra)

I give her a slight smile while tilting my head slightly to the side.

“It's true little sister please, believe me, I reincarnated you so that I could have a family. I love all of you I would never use you to get out of work.”(Ziella)

“Prove it.”(Xyrra)

“Prove it?”(Ziella)

I release more divine mana.

“Yes prove to me your love big – sis – ter.”(Xyrra)

“Ah yes yes.”(Ziella)

She shoots up from her throne and runs towards me and gives me a warm hug.

“Little sister Xyrra you, Xituna and Xecra are all my little sisters and family. As a true god I never had a family it is something I have wanted for all of my very long life. When you agreed to reincarnate into my world you granted me my greatest wish of having a family. I love you all greatly and I will do anything in my power for you.”(Ziella)

After she says this we continue to hug for a while longer. After a while, I calm down and stop releasing my divine mana.

“Have you calmed down?”(Ziella)

“I have big sister and sorry for doubting you.”(Xyrra)

“It’s only natural that you would.”(Ziella)

After a few more minutes I managed to recompose myself and remember my original purpose for coming here.

“Big sister you said you would do anything in your power to help us.”(Xyrra)

Ziella freezes in place and slowly turns to look at me.

“I did but –“(Ziella)

“No big sister you said you would do anything.”(Xyrra)

Looking at Ziella I can imagine she is trying to come up with an excuse as quickly as possible.

“Well you see there are ru-“(Ziella)

“Big – sis -ter.”(Xyrra)

I once again release some divine mana while giving her a slight smile. Eventually, Ziella gives up.

“It will depend on what you want.”(Ziella)

“Well, I want to give Xecra an award for her work and to encourage her to work more often. The thing she seems to want the most is mortals to rule over but at the moment there are only the foxes. I think she wants something more intelligent and helpful.”(Xyrra)

“I can do that. I will allow her to have her divine helpers early as you and Xituna have them its a bit unfair if she doesn’t and I will see what I can do about the mortals.”(Ziella)

“Thank you, big sister.”(Xyrra)

She walks back to her throne and sits down.

“As I said before I will do anything in my power for the sisters I love more than anything in the universe.”(Ziella)

I look around the room. The room is covered in empty drinks cans and food packages.

“Big sister we need to get you a maid or something to keep this place clean.”(Xyrra)

Ziella doesn’t look happy at what I just said.

“I created this space for us sisters and us sisters only I don’t want anyone else coming in here it's just that you never come here. I have nothing else to do except watch tv and try different mortal food.”(Ziella)

“We can’t come here because we are working but in the future, I will try to come more often.”(Xyrra)

“yay. I will get to see my cute little sister more often. The mention of maids has just given me the perfect idea.”(Ziella)

She gives me a mischievous looking smile.

“Should I be worried.”(Xyrra)

“No no there’s no need to be worried little sister just leave it all to me. When you return Xecra should have one of her divine helpers and some mortals.”(Ziella)

“Alright then I should be leaving now.”(Xyrra)

I then leave the divine realm to the mortal realm.

(Xecra’s POV)

I am flying through the sky surveying the area when I feel a new presence with my wind magic.

“Greetings my lady.”(?)

I stop and hover in the air. Turning around I see a young girl who has silver eyes, long ears and hair that is like a rainbow her hair is a combination of many different very bright and vibrant colours. There are colours such as red, blue, green, purple and many more. On her back, she has multi-coloured fairy-like wings and she is currently wearing a maid uniform.

“Who are you>”(Xecra)

The maid gives a curtsy while in the air and answers.

“I am Eyiya my lady. I have been created by you older sister thee Goddess Ziella to be your first divine helper. It is my job to care for you and help you in your duties ”(Eyiya)

She is my divine helper but she is wearing a maid uniform. Doesn’t that make her my servant and subordinate? YES! I finally have someone to rule over there’s only one so far but it’s a start. Lets give a test. I hold out my hand.

“O ho ho ho ho. Eyiya kiss my hand and swear loyalty to me and me only.”(Xecra)

She gives a small bow and replies.

“Yes my lady.”(Eyiya)

She floats closer and kneels in front of me.

“I the demigoddess and sylph Eyiya I swear undying loyalty and obedience to the primordial goddess of the sky Xecra.”(Eyiya)

She then takes my hand and kisses it. The area on my hand that she kisses glows and then a link is formed between us.

“What happened?”(Xecra)

“My lady I swore an oath of loyalty and obedience to you we are now bound together by our souls it is a master-servant contract. If I am ever disloyal to you or I do not follow your orders no matter my opinions I will be sent to the deepest depth of hell and tortured for all eternity and once an eternity has ended my soul will be shattered and I will feel all the pain that was inflicted upon me once again in what feels like another eternity but what will be a few seconds. Once my soul has been shattered, I will never again enter the cycle of reincarnation. The pieces of my soul will enter the cycle of reincarnation as new souls but they will forever be cursed with bad luck and unhappy lives.”(Eyiya)

I stare at her in disbelief how could she accept this so easily.

“How, how can you accept this so easily.”(Xecra)

She gives another bow.

“I can accept this because this is the reason I was created. To serve you for as long as you have need of me.”(Eyiya)

I wanted people to rule over but this might be too much.

“Why is the punishment so severe?”(Xecra)

“In this universe, any crime against a primordial or true god is met with the harshest of punishments as they are the ones who keep the universe working. It is also because your older sister goddess Ziella doesn’t want any harm coming to you. She is protecting you. If you will allow me I will serve you to the best of my abilities till the day I die or until you no longer have need of me.”(Eyiya)

“Fine then I will allow you to serve the great me. You should be honoured to be able to serve me o ho ho ho ho.”(Xecra)

“Yes my lady it is the greatest honour to serve you.”(Eyiya)

“Of course nothing could be a greater honour. Now follow me Eyiya.”(Xecra)

We fly off in search of big sister Xylla.
After a while of flying, we see something near the ground flying. Something that I have never seen before. As we get closer I see humanoid shapes that look like smaller less colourful versions of Eyiya.

We both land on the ground near these new lifeforms. Once the small lifeforms see us they horridly approach. They are all very small at the tallest they are about a foot in height. None of them has gold or silver eyes that must mean they are mortals. As they approach us they begin to land.

They all line up in neat rows in front of me and then bow down. They recognise my greatness.

“Great primordial goddess of the sky Xecra I the leader of these fairy’s Aed greet you.”(Aed)

“O ho ho ho ho you recognise my greatness do you.”(Xecra)

“Of course my goddess who could not.”(Aed)

“I will give you the greatest honour of serving me. You should be honoured I even acknowledge you lowly mortals.”(Xecra)

“Of course just being in your presence is a great honour. We would like nothing more than to serve you.”(Aed)

I have finally got my first mortal worshipers to rule over.

Discord -

Every time Xecra laughs she puts her hand in front of her mouth. 

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