Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 43.1

Greetings! I'm happy to announce that I managed to keep my schedule at least once in my life, next chapter is here!

So, it seems like I was wrong about the 1 star review thing. It's been more than a week now and I still haven't gotten another after my fic went up to 4.6.

I'm gonna get another eventually, but I'm happy to see there isn't an asshole doing it on porpuse every time my rating goes up.


I'm thinking I'll probably start posting my SW/WORM fanfic here next week, I have five chapters ready and I'm feeling good about that one.

My Naruto fanfic I don't know. It got some great reception in QQ, but I did make some mistakes, and I don't seem to get the motivation to write the next chapter. I'm really divided on that one because I think I should write a chapter between the current chapters 2 and 3 to better foreshadow things, it would really improve the fic, but I actually don't want to write it. Ugh, and I have such good plans for that one.


Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!   


Kara sat on the floor, doing her daily meditation in the morning since she wouldn’t be able to meet Kal later. She hadn’t had any great results with manipulating her bioelectrical field yet, but she found herself feeling far more centered. Kal’s exercises really were useful.

Kori’s presence in her life and her talks with Black Canary had also helped a lot and, coupled with actually going out of the house for patrols, Kara felt like she was finally… alright? Even if she had avoided talking with the Titans about the volcano yesterday, leaving the place before they had returned. She’d do it later.

Alright, she was still VERY far from getting over things, but at least she was making progress instead of ignoring her problems or running away.

Letting out a breath, she finished her meditation and adjusted her position. Looking at the clock, she saw that it was already one in the evening, so Kara stretched her arms above her head and felt her stomach rumbling.

Getting up, she absentmindedly scratched Dexter’s sleeping head on top of the table and opened the fridge. Nudging some mustard monstrosity aside with a finger, Kara found some untainted left-over meat and grabbed the plate. Her appetite really was getting better every day.

With a blast of her vision, she heated the food and sat at the head of the table to start snacking. In two hours, she’d have to meet with Bobo, going to see this ‘informant’ of his. Kara already had a casket of her little drones ready for him and her armor was waiting in her room, having been teleported there earlier in the morning.

She had considered going as Supergirl, but she was about to plot against The Light and the Injustice League, they had strategic powerhouses like Wotan, Atomic Skull and Black Adam, as well as the Joker for planning things, she didn’t want to take any chances.

Noticing movement from the corner of her eye, Kara saw the cat sneakily drop to the seat beside her own. Hidden from view by the table, he lifted a single paw, extending his claws and trying to hook a piece of her meat from her place.

Kara snorted and cut some of it into tiny pieces, offering them to the feline. Satisfied, she dropped the plate on the sink for one of her house drones to clean and picked up a small orb from her bedroom.

She could have pulled her computer to tinker a little, but all of her projects would need far more time than she had available right now and she’d end up just wasting the hours with some silly device she’d never use.

Instead, she laid the orb on the floor and stepped away. Sitting back down in a meditating position and focusing all her mind into the small target, she gathered her willpower, commanding the ball to move.

She had yet to access the Green Light of Will, but she was determined to master her ability to conjure it anyway.

Truth be told, Kara would have much rather just… gotten rid of the damn organ those fuckers had put inside her. The increased power was NOT worth having something of theirs inside her. Unfortunately, things weren’t that simple.

The Fortress had called it an organ and while it was correct, it was far more akin to her skin than just a heart or lung. The way it had integrated itself into her body meant taking it out would require extensive surgery and the AI just wasn’t made for such things.

No, having the Fortress AI operating on her was already bad enough, but she could, maybe, manage it. Having to ask someone else to slice her open and tool around inside her? Absolutely not!

Still, Kara had considered just ignoring the ability, but it wouldn’t do to lose control of her emotions in the middle of a battle like she’d already done. It had helped her defeat Lobo and even fight against Felix Faust, but it was far more likely to be a liability if she completely lost her mind.

Her ability to think much faster than most other beings was one of her greatest advantages, losing herself to rage was not worth the increase in power. It was only by pure luck that she’d gone berserk while there were only enemies, or at least no allies or civilians, on the battlefield and, even worse, that said enemies hadn’t been able to take advantage of it.

So, she was left with learning to control the Emotional Light Spectrum, even if, as a Kryptonian, her sheer raw power made it almost irrelevant unless she reached a really high level of mastery. Like, Hal Jordan and Sinestro level.

Really, her time would be far better spent improving her creations and working on new inventions. Frowning, she focused on the little marble even harder, letting all distractions go as she WILLED it to move, it would move, she demanded it!

It didn’t. The ball just remained in place, not even a hint of green around it.

Wait, wasn’t she being stupid? Yes, most of the time, all she saw the GLs create were fists, blasts of light, force fields and the occasional gun but, theoretically, they could create anything. Kara knew that, from both of her lives, even if she had never been a great fan of their comics, she had just been ignoring it because of where such powers came from.

Heck, hadn’t GL recently been using his ring to effectively create bombs? She wanted that, she really wanted that. She wouldn’t have the ring’s AI to help her create things, but she didn’t need to, she was a member of the El house, Rao damn it!

She didn’t need to be strong; she didn’t need to have a greater willpower, rage or any of the other emotions. Her constructs could be fragile enough to be destroyed with a tap of her finger and, as long as she could form them with enough control, she could make anything, recreate any device from Krypton without the need for materials or tools.

She wanted that, she really wanted that!

Suddenly, Kara looked down, seeing the little marble sitting in her hand, a hint of orange light surrounding it. Staring at the marble with a frown, Kara sighed.

“Great, of course I’d get the villainous lights first. What’s next, fear?” It was an uncomfortable possibility. “Let’s just hope nobody could sense that.”

Seeing as Atrocitus hadn’t found her after her use of the Red Light, Kara was fairly certain he couldn’t sense her from that far away and without a ring. Hopefully, the damn bastard that controlled the Orange Light couldn’t as well. She didn’t know a lot about Larfrezz, only his name and that he was not-so-coincidentally the single lantern from his corps. Rao, even his name may be wrong, she didn't have the same memory in her last life.

Fuck, Kara needed to get some guidance here, but she REALLY didn’t want to risk talking with one of the active GLs. She’d bet just about anything the Guardians would learn about it and she didn’t know how they’d react. Maybe Danni could introduce her to Alan Scott later? If he was even alive, that is.

Putting the marble back in place, she started over, making sure to focus on her willpower, not her desire for it to move. Kara realized she was probably most suited to Red and Orange, but she didn’t want to risk training those without learning more or getting a spotter capable of stopping her from running wild if she lost control.

Almost two fruitless hours later, she put the marble away and stepped into her armor. The dark metal closed around her body as the systems came online. The armor flickered briefly and then disappeared from view, to the point that even a Kryptonian would have to focus in order to see it. A brief test later and Kara was ready.

Grabbing the crate of drones, she activated her small teleportation platform, reappearing kilometers away over Happy Harbor. Since they were going out today, Bobo had decided to stay in the city after teaching the Titans.

The platform disappeared back to the Fortress as soon as Kara stepped away, leaving her alone in the city. A brief sensor search and she found Bobo’s location, flying towards him.

“Detective,” Kara greeted, her voice modified by the armor to be completely unrecognizable.

Bobo adjusted his cap, looking up at where her voice was coming from, but unable to see the giant armor. “Forge, come on, the owners really didn’t appreciate my stay here.”

“They dislike supers?”

“They disliked the smoker loitering,” Bobo corrected, pulling a fresh cigarette from his pocket as he stomped his previous one out on the ground. “Come on, we’re walking there.”

“You managed to arrange a meeting here?” she asked in surprise, but the chimp just shook his head.

“Not exactly here, but you can find it in a lot of cities. The place is flexible like that.”

A chimpanzee dressed like an old detective walking around the city and talking to himself gathered a few looks, but not as many as Kara would have thought. The existence of Superheroes really did make things very different.

Detective Chimp may be a talking animal, but he wasn’t any of the famous heroes or villains. Yes, people stared, but they quickly dismissed him from their minds. Kara felt as if it was like they saw a very minor celebrity, interesting but, ultimately, unimportant for their daily life.

Turning a corner, Kara saw a small door, a sign with a beer mug on top of it. The door seemed to be squeezed between two buildings and Kara couldn’t see how there could be a pub there unless it was on the second floor, there was some kind of separated dimension or it was using magic.

Glancing down at Bobo, she sighed. It was magic, wasn’t it? She hated magic.

“Do deactivate the invisibility once we’re inside, some of the patrons may not react well to presenses they can’t see with their eyes,” Bobo said and opened the door.

There was a small bell sound announcing their entrance. Kara immediately dropped the cloaking effect, revealing her full armor for everyone to see. Fortunately, it seems like she fits right in… in a manner of speaking.

The bar was wide, with an extremely high ceiling and an old appearance. Everything looked like it was an antique, but it was very well preserved and slightly illuminated slightly by modern lights, giving it a cozy atmosphere. There were at least 20 tables, more than half of them filled with drinking patrons. Despite the time of day, the place was nearly full. Though, with magic involved, Kara couldn’t be sure these patrons had used an entrance that was in Happy Harbor’s time zone.

The patrons themselves were incredibly varied. Kara saw at least two different tentacle beings, a long haired warrior wearing several skulls talking with a blonde kid wearing royal purple, a purple hat covering his shoulder length hair, Blue Devil himself was sitting in a corner booth, drinking beer and laughing with a super wearing a green cape and a full body suit made with scraps of cloth of several different colors.

At another corner, an obese man sat with what was clearly a demon of some kind, a suited man that wouldn’t be out of place in a law firm and an old man wearing a red costume, a large cape at his back and a horned skull helmet covering most of his head. The old man was clearly annoyed at being here, but the others were laughing and eating with enthusiasm.

Bobo walked directly to the bar and Kara followed, being mostly ignored by the other patrons. Some gave her a few glances thanks to her clearly technological armor, but there were at least three armored individuals here, even if they were closer to medieval full plate than power armor.

Sitting down on a stool, Bobo lifted a finger and a man wearing a red cape and a skin tight black suit that covered his entire body, leaving only his face exposed, poured him a glass of whiskey.

Turning towards her, the man smiled. “Welcome. I’m Nightmaster, the proprietor. It is always nice to have a new customer, even if you don’t seem the usual sort to find yourself in my establishment.”


As I said, second part of the chapter coming Thursday.

If you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics: Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW).

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Thanks for my patrons : Xhaustedhero, Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust), Lynx of Chaos, Comics, Davvy chappie, Ian Michael, WanderingDaemon, GrumpyJustGrumpy, Travis cox, Rootbeerguy, High Priest of Torga, James Williams, Michael Neal, Felrook, Kenzie, NotableRonin, Josh Orton, stanley seymour and AjiTae for supporting my work!

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