Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 38.1 – Interlude 6

Ugh, lost another patron today, hate that, I hate it even more when they leave without saying anything.

It's not even about the money, although it is nice to get the money, it's about why they left, did they lose interest in the story? was it just something private and has nothing to do with me? Is the quality of my writing dropping?

As you may have noticed from my constant complains about 1 stars, I'm kinda insecure about my writing... probably why I can never post my original stories. I did it once, some time ago, when my writing was MUCH worse, and the ammount of rude people made me drop it. I mean, I understand critique, but the amount of hate that some people have, damn, people didn't even have to pay for my fic, why are some of them insulting me about it?

... Anyway, enough about that, I don't really like posting another interlude so soon, but I'm having some trouble with the actual chapter, and this has been in my mind for a long time now, I hope you guys enjoy that.

There should be another chapter this week.


Aquaman stopped in front of the defense line, hundreds of soldiers and at least a dozen mages doing their best to hold back the enemy's approach.

The Trench was always something that had to be watched, the animalistic habitants sometimes swam up into the surface and had to be stopped or fought back.

He didn't like it, but it was necessary, the Trench weren't capable of reasoning and they were incredibly aggressive, attacking animals, Atlanteans and even surface dwellers as soon as they saw them.

Still, it wasn't a hard thing to keep them back… usually. The Trench normally came out alone or in small groups and were easily repelled. Not this time.

A huge group swam out of the Trench, acting almost like a panicked shoal and the mages, protected by the soldiers, started casting spells, blasting the enemy with a wave of water that dispersed the shoal.

Usually, the Trench would retreat after that, instead, the lone members attacked everyone involved with an unmatched frenzy.

Clenching his teeth, Aquaman smashed into the fighters, punching one so hard it was sent flying into a couple of others before grabbing another and smashing its head, causing it to pass out.

He didn't try to kill them, but he wasn't completely avoiding it either, not if it would risk his own men.

Quickly, the Trench was defeated, but none swam back into the depths. Suddenly, Aquaman heard an impact coming from the deep, a second shoal swimming up and immediately turning to flee, spreading to all directions.

"Pressure them!" He commanded, but didn't follow himself. He was here to check what was wrong, to solve the issue, not to contain it.

He almost swam into the opening himself, but something kept him back, his eyes focused on the opening for a tense minute.

Out of nowhere, an arm grabbed the edge of the opening and then a… creature pulled itself out. At first, Orin thought it was some kind of monstrous and inflated Trench, but he soon saw it was only using trench body parts as clothes.

"Awright! The Main Man has arrived!" The man shouted, his voice traveling underwater with a shockwave. "Bastich, those fishers were fun, but killing ‘em did get old."

Lobo looked around and finally saw the single man watching him, wearing a ridiculous pansy ass orange shirt. He immediately dismissed the fruitcake and started swimming to the surface.

“Lobo!” Aquaman shouted, finally recognizing his white skin and magnificent hair. “You’re under arrest, surrender now and I won’t have to fight you!”

Lobo didn’t even spare him a glance, he briefly considered killing the fragging idiot, but he had his fair share of slaughter with them fishers and, while he’d never be satisfied, he could prioritize.

Suddenly, Lobo got punched in the face, the impact sending him back through the water until he could stabilize himself.

“Sheesh, what wuz that? A love tap?” Lobo shook his head and lifted an eyebrow at Aquaman with disdain. “Beat it, ya chump, I’m already late to th’ party like this!”

The damn nerve of those fish people, just cuz he wuz leaving th’ lot of them alive.

Suddenly, he caught sight of the pansy creep swimming towards him, faster than even Blondie had managed t’ do.

Heh, suck’s to be ye, bastich, the dude wasn’t a hot blond with a nice temper, The Main Man wasn’t about to hold back. Dodging the first punch by leaning his head to the side, The Main Man hit the creep with his massive fist, arresting all his momentum.

For a single second, Aquaman’s eyes widened at the force of it and then he flew straight down, batted aside with so much strength he created a crater on the ocean floor before being buried six feet under the ground.

“Wuss,” Lobo shook his head sadly, before turning and starting to swim back up. “I swear, some folks just ain’t got enough common sense.”

Behind him, the ocean floor exploded, the water being displaced faster than the speed of sound as Aquaman slammed into him, punching him three times in the kidney.

Lobo tried to elbow him, but the King ducked the blow and delivered an uppercut that sent one of his teeth flying, kneeled him in the stomach and then delivered a hammer blow to the back of his head.

Smashing into the floor and almost causing a quake, the Main Man flipped himself and spread his arms.

“Awright, wool-fer-brains, that was slightly better,” Putting a hand on his nose, he blew a wad of blood out, watching it drifting away in the water. “Ain’t Ya a member of that fragging Juiced League or sumthing? Well, pucker up, ya pansy fish smelling bastich, The Main Man’s coming for ya!”

Jumping from the ground, The Main Man sent himself straight at Aquaman, but the King was far too good a swimmer, weaving away with an almost lazy movement before punching out at Lobo’s head.

Lobo caught it, pulling the Atlantean closer and head-butting him, Aquaman struggled to free himself, punching out, but Lobo caught it too and put both arms into a joint lock, straining the King’s bones and causing his back to bend from pain.

Suddenly, a giant shark rammed Lobo from the side, freeing Aquaman as some of his men returned and tried to engage the Czarnian.

“No, Don’t!” Aquaman shouted, having felt his enemy’s strength.

It didn’t help. Swinging the giant shark around, Lobo sent it flying down before backhanding an attacking soldier and breaking every bone in his body.

One of the mages tried to send a spell his way, but Lobo actually punched out the ice javelin before punching a hole through another soldier’s belly, grabbing his weapon and throwing it towards the mage, sending her away with the momentum.

Ocean creatures swarmed the bounty hunter, acting under Aquaman’s control and doing their best to hurt, or at least inconvenience the man, it wasn’t helping.

The Main Man caught yet a fourth Atlantean by the throat and was about to crush it when Aquaman finally arrived, he had grabbed a sword from one of his fallen guards and sliced off Lobo’s arm before trying to skewer his heart.

Reacting blindingly fast, Lobo twisted away, leaving the sword buried in his chest and kneeling Aquaman in the side, grabbing his arm as he started to fly away and using his body as a shield to block a few shots from the remaining soldiers.

Aquaman screamed in pain, the hit from the weapons damaging his armor, but he recovered fast, putting a shoulder against Lobo’s chest and swimming towards the wall, attempting to smash the Czarnian as hard as he could.

Unfortunately, even with one arm, Lobo was a better grappler than the King and managed to swing him around. Aquaman wasn’t able to stop his momentum in time, hitting the underwater mountain face first and losing his concentration, and his hold on Lobo.

Grabbing the fragging Fishdude by the back of the head, the Main Man smashed his face against the rock repeatedly until he felt the bastich starting to lose strength. Releasing his head, Lobo let him start to collapse to the ground before grabbing him by the left arm and keeping the hero between him and the rest of the soldiers.

“Y’know, I’m starting t’ think yer underestimating me. Was it cuz I waz playing with Blondie earlier?” The Main Man shook the King by his arm, causing the rest of the soldiers to. “What’s wrong? Cat got yer tongue? Ya did know I gave her, like, a dozen free shots?”

Looking down at his already regenerating arm, Lobo frowned when he noticed it was taking far too much time, how fragging annoying.

Lifting the hero up by his arm, Lobo opened his mouth wide and actually bit off Aquaman’s left hand, spitting it out to the side and causing the Hero to scream out in pain. “There, new we’re even, can’t say yer’ got a fair fight thought, need a couple dozen more people fer that.”

The pain snapped Aquaman out of his daze, his handless arm slipped out from Lobo’s grip and he twisted, kicking out with both feet and propelling himself away from the man, clutching his arm to his chest.

“Off!” Lobo grunted, slamming into the wall, only to be bombarded with shots and spells as every Atlantean there unloaded on him once he was no longer holding their King.

Wrapping some cloth around his stump, Aquaman shouted. “Give me a weapon!”

“My King?”

“He’s not dead! Call the rest of the League!” Aquaman quickly ordered, grabbing a trident from one of his soldiers. “… You, go warn Mera, I’ll hold him back.”

Suddenly, a huge boulder flew from where Lobo had been, scattering the Atlanteans and almost killing two of them. A second boulder came flying right after the first one, but Aquaman smashed into it, breaking it apart with a swing of his weapon.

From the destroyed rubble, Lobo came swimming at him, the sword still sticking out of his chest as the Czarnian didn’t pay it any attention. Aquaman attacked, using everything he had to try and kill the monster.

Lobo only laughed, barely dodging the tip of the trident as it left a wide scratch at his face. Aquaman was a trained warrior with years of battle under his belt. He was incredibly skilled with a weapon and, under water, could give Superman a fight.

Lobo wasn’t Superman, he was worse, Superman would only try to disable him but, with Lobo, every blow was aimed to take Aquaman’s life and he fought with vastly more skill than his actions suggested, Aquaman truly believed the man had been playing around before, because now… now Aquaman had to struggle just to last a second more.

His trident bit into the man, cut gashes in his chest and, once, even his neck, but Lobo just ignored it all, taking the hits as if they didn’t matter and ignoring the resulting blood loss without losing strength.

Aquaman was exhausted, he was in pain from a missing hand and, worse, he could see Lobo’s missing arm was nearly regenerated, he really doubted he’d get a second free shot at cutting off a limb in this fight.

The surrounding animals and soldiers were doing less than nothing to the Czarnian; Lobo just ignored them or sent a few attacks their way once they got too annoying.

Suddenly, his trident pierced one of Lobo’s lungs but, before he could pull back, the monster put a hand on the shaft and pushed it further inside his body, Aquaman hesitated for less than a second before releasing the weapon, but it was enough.

“Got ya,” The Main Man said, grabbing Aquaman’s shoulder and pulling him closer. “Ya, know, I don’t usually do a fella for free, but I’m thinking I’ma make an exception… ah, who’m I kidding, I do a lot of fellas fer free when they annoy me!”

Finally having regenerated his arm, Lobo pulled out the sword on his chest and slowly pointed it to Aquaman’s chest, starting to press it against his armor. Before he could kill him, however, Lobo had to duck as a monstrous fish almost bit off his head, the creature also almost killed Aquaman, but it was a risk the Atlantean was willing to take to avoid losing his heart.

Lobo really didn’t want to have to re-grow a body all over again.

Moving through the water, Lobo cut a shark in half and then was smacked by the tail of a giant whale, getting smashed nearly half a kilometer back. Kicking against the waves, Lobo swam back, weaving between several fishes and punching the whale away while ignoring the Atlanteans shooting at him.

Just as he was about to reach the exhausted hero, he saw Aquaman swimming away, helped by a pair of Dolphins. Widening his eyes, the Main Man paused and took a moment to look around.

There were several Dolphins around him, from all sizes and shapes, all of them staring at him with judging gazes and preparing to attack him, even when they had no chance.

“Im-Fragging-possible!” Lobo released the sword and used both hands to scratch at his eyes, but the image didn’t change. “Why didn’t ya say ya loved them fishies too? The Main Man can’t fragg a fellow man of culture!”

Pausing in his retreat, Aquaman actually did a double take, seeing Lobo actually lifting his hands up. “What?”

“Yeah, I was, like, gonna turn ya into meat, but now I kinda feel bad about the arm, bastich, I’m gonna have ta’ be civil now,” scratching at his beard in embarrassment, Lobo shook his head and re-started swimming for the surface. “Y’know what, cheezhead, I’m outta here!”

Wounded, still bleeding and knowing that his soldiers couldn’t do much against the bounty hunter, Aquaman actually lifted a hand and ordered them to stop. He could only hope the rest of the Justice League arrived soon; otherwise, he’d be forced to watch the Czarnian leave.

Looking at his helpers, the King actually couldn’t believe what had happened… did-did he just get saved because of… Dolphins?

If you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics: Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW).

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Thanks for my patrons : Xhaustedhero, AkumaSmaG, Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust), Icewing, Comics, DERMONIAN, Davvy chappie, Banh Bao, Ian Michael, WanderingDaemon, Travis cox, Rootbeerguy, High Priest of Torga, James Williams, Michael Neal, Felrook, RavenCore, kenzie, GrumpyJustGrumpy, NotableRonin and Josh Orton for supporting my work!

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