Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 20.1

"Ah, shit!" Kara repeated herself, her muscles straining uselessly against the chain wrapped around her body.


Standing only fifty meters from her was the giant and shirtless form of Lobo, DC's most infamous bounty hunter.


Lobo was just… huge. While Kal had more of a swimmer's build, the bounty hunter was made of muscles upon muscles with arms as large as Kara's waist. He basically looked like the stylized album cover version of an 80’s heavy metal singer on steroids.


The very end of his chain was still wrapped around his bulging arm and the pale man was pulling her slowly towards himself with a smile on his face.


"Lobo, what the hell are you doing here?" Kara grunted, equal parts fear and anger.


"Heh, seems like even Kryptonians know to fear the Main Man. You guys really are as smart as they say!" Lobo mocked, but continued to drag her closer


In a hurry, Kara grabbed at the chain and tried to break it, but the metal was able to resist her strength somehow and only released a groan.


Trying to fly away was useless so Kara did the opposite. Rushing Lobo caused the chain to give her enough slack that she managed to slip out of it and kick him in the face as hard as she could.


Lobo took the hit without even trying to protect himself and went flying, skidding across the ground for a hundred meters before his hand grabbed at the floor and he stopped himself. 


"Feisty! I like it!" He laughed as he snapped his nose back into place and snorted a glob of blood out. "I'd offer ya a…"


Kara hit the asshole with the strongest blast of heat vision she could manage before he could finish the sentence. 


The attack hit him with physical force, driving his body back and through the ground for nearly a kilometer and incinerating a path of destruction. The farmland around her attack caught fire, its flames spreading rapidly through the crops.


Kara cut off the attack and turned away from the Kent farm. Before Lobo could recover she started fleeing.


A single command activated her panic button, sending a message to the Justice League, Kori, Kal and even Batman at the same time as her leg started reconfiguring itself into her emergency teleporter.


Kara was just starting to think she had escaped when her ears caught a sound that chilled her blood.


From the Kents’ direction she heard Kon telling Martha he was gonna check out a noise he heard.


"Fuck!" Kara didn't know if Lobo had come specifically for her or if any Kryptonian would do, but she wasn't willing to risk it.


Stopping herself in the middle of the sky, Kara turned around to see Kon taking a huge leap towards Lobo's location.


The bounty hunter himself was just getting up and seemed in no hurry to follow after her. Kara wanted to scream.


"Bastich, I think I'm in love!" Lobo shouted as he got back to his feet, his burned face already starting to heal and his black hair to grow back.


Pulling a giant cigar from his back pocket, Lobo bit the tip off and used the fire around him to light it up. He took a huge drag on the cancer stick and finally looked up at Kara, lifting an eyebrow when he saw she wasn’t running. "Heh. And I thought I'd have to hunt you down again."


Kara was paralyzed with indecision. She wanted nothing more than to fly away but, with Kon coming here and Lobo seemingly disinclined to follow her, she couldn't do it.


She considered catching Kon before he arrived, but she also didn't know how fast Lobo was and couldn't risk leading him any closer to the Kents’ farm, the man wasn’t exactly known for his aversion to killing innocents.


"Why are you here, Lobo?" Kara repeated herself, hoping that she could get him talking and delay him.


“Seems like you stole something from some pussy-ass lizard people and they put a bounty on y’head. Something about their progenitors or some shit.” He pointed at her with two fingers while puffing out a huge cloud of smoke. “Always wanted to bag myself a Kryptonian so I took the bounty, and the Main Man always delivers.”


Shit, how the hell did they find out about her? She and Kori had made sure to destroy all the data in the ship when they took it over.


Also, Kara hadn’t stolen anything from them. Well, maybe the ship itself, but it was just a common ship, damnit. 


Kara took the chance to release every drone she carried in her pockets, the little round devices weren’t really weapons, but she could overload their self-destruction and turn them into low power grenades.


Not like that would hurt someone like Lobo, but it could distract him.


Damnit, Kara just knew things had been going too well. Why didn’t she bring an actual weapon?


Lobo started calmly walking towards her, twirling his chain in his hand and causing it to sing as it cut through the air.


“Now come here, Princess. The damn Lizards are mostly interested in some bullshit organ they put in ya, so let the Main Man make your insides into the outsides and we can find it together.”


The chain flew towards her faster than she could see. Kara was ready and still managed to dodge to the side, but Lobo pulled on the chain and whipped it towards her, almost taking her head off.


On reflex Kara ducking under the swing, but she wasn’t fast enough to dodge Lobo himself as he jumped up and grabbed her boot.


“Gotcha. Now let me punch your face in for ya!”


“Fuck off!” Kara stomped down on the brute, but Lobo only grabbed her other leg and squeezed, his strength so great it actually caused her pain.


Looking at Lobo, Kara tried to burn his face off with heat vision again. The Czarnian just leaned his head away and swung them both around in the air causing her shot to go wide, burning a line through the farmland and hitting a barn a few kilometers away, setting it on fire.


Fuck, even here she had to worry about collateral damage!


Lobo took the chance to grab at her shirt and pull himself up her body, cackling in amusement the entire time.


Using the interface on her eye, Kara ordered one of her drones to fly into Lobo’s eye and explode.


“Argh.” He finally took a hand away from her body to protect his eye.


Kara acted fast. Twisting her body, she ripped the leg of her pants off and caused Lobo’s remaining hand to slide off her body holding only a piece of cloth. His body started tumbling down to the ground fast.


With a shout of rage she took the chance to punch him in the kidney and accelerate his fall. He hit the ground with a shockwave and immediately turned around, but Kara was already on top of him, delivering a knee to his stomach.


She used her speed to punch him in the face twice before activating her heat vision again and trying to burn through his neck. The blast was so hot it vaporized the crops around them and scorched the ground.


She just managed to burn her way to his spine when he grabbed her face, his enormous hand blocking her vision.


Kara felt herself being lifted as Lobo got to his feet and ordered all her drones to bombard him, forcing the bounty hunter to use his other arm to destroy her small army.


Having never stopped using her heat vision, Kara’s drones brought her enough time to burn through Lobo’s hand and amputate two of his fingers, loosening his hold.


Before Kara could take her distance, Lobo kicked her in the chest, folding her body in half and sending her flying back.


“Feetal’s Gizz, what a rush! I ain’t had this much fun since I stitched my granddad’s eyes shut and sent ‘im walking through traffic!” Lobo screamed. A giant smile on his face.


A hundred meters away, Kara held her chest with a hand and tried to recover her breath. Heat vision was probably her most costly ability and she had been abusing it.


“Kara!” Kon shouted when he finally got close enough to see them.


With another giant leap the boy dropped by Kara’s side in a superhero landing. Putting a hand on her shoulder he checked her for any wounds before looking towards Lobo.


“Bastich. Another one of ya Kryptonians, I knew I wuz gonna have fun t’day! Just fraggin’ KNEW it!” Lobo laughed out loud as he shook his wounded hand, his fingers already starting to grow back.


“Kara, who’s that?” Kon asked as Kara finally righted herself, her chest still hurting.


“Lobo, psychotic bounty hunter extraordinaire.” Kara glanced at Kon and saw the boy was tense, his eyes glued to the enemy as if he just wanted to charge in and start punching. “Don’t. I already called for help, we just gotta delay him.”


For a second, it seemed like Kon wasn’t gonna listen to her, but then he released a breath and nodded causing Kara to smile.


“Alright punks, it’s kinda ah tragic fraggin’ waste, but the Main Man is on the clock. And if your buddies are coming I’m gonna have to stop playing around with ya.” Lobo cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders. “Tell ya what, the more ya struggle the more it’s gonna hurt so, y’know, feel free to go crazy!”


Lobo exploded into action, his speed much faster than before. Both Kara and Kon ducked under a swing of his chain and Kara barely had time to cross her arms in front of her chest before getting hit by a flying knee.


Kon tried to punch Lobo in the face, but the hunter reacted instantly. Grabbing his hand Lobo pulled Kon out of balance and head-butted him into the ground.


Kara recovered and attacked with a kick which Lobo blocked with his chain wrapped around his arm. Kara managed to avoid getting grabbed again but Lobo’s hook glanced off the side of her head with enough strength to disorient her.


The Czarnian turned towards Kara, giving Kon enough time to jump to his feet and punch him twice in the side, then climb on his neck and try to put him into a sleeper hold.


“What’s this, amateur hour?” Lobo grabbed at Kon, but it left him open for Kara to strike him in the balls. “Gah!”


No matter how Kon tried to hold on, Lobo still managed to pry the arm away from his throat with a single hand. He then swung at Kara, using her little cousin’s body as a bludgeon.


Kara managed to dodge it and kick at Lobo’s arm, but the bounty hunter didn’t release his new club.


“Aaaargh!” Kon screamed and grabbed at his arm with his free hand.


“No!” Unable to keep her mind calm, Kara charged right in, tackling Lobo which caused him to drop Kon but rewarded her with a knee to the face.


Before Kara could recover, Lobo lifted both hands and delivered a devastating hammer blow to the back of her head, burying her body deep into the ground.


Under the ground, Kara realized they may not be able to buy enough time. The fight had only lasted for a few minutes and Kara really doubted she could survive another.


She thought about the teleport in her leg. It was already ready. Activating it would be so easy. A single command and she’d be away from here and safe inside the Fortress.


Unfortunately, it could only take one Kryptonian to the Fortress. She couldn’t take Kon with her or send Lobo instead.


A huge arm dug into the ground and grabbed her by the hair lifting her up with barely any resistance. Bringing her head up Lobo stared into her face with a grim. “What’s the matter? Y’done already?”


Kara just stared at the pale man, her mind in turmoil. What could she do?


If you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics: Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW) / Welcome to the System (SFW)

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A shout to Xhaustedhero, AkumaSmaG, Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust), Icewing, Comics, DERMONIAN, Davvy chappie, Banh Bao, Ian Michael, WanderingDaemon, Scott, Tony Martinez and Travis cox  for supporting my work!

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