Reincarnated As Shiba Clan’s Heir! (Bleach-Gin)

Ch7- Shinigami

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"Well?" he prompted, raising an eyebrow. "I believe the question was directed at you."

Kukaku chuckled, looking at Kazuki with a playful glint in her eyes. "Oh, I see. So you're curious too," she teased, drawing more laughter from the family.

"Well, Kazuki," she began, leaning back and crossing her arms, "welcome to the family. And to answer your question, as a cousin, not a husband... for now."

Kazuki put a hand to his heart, feigning a look of despair. "Oh, cousin-zoned so soon?" he said, his tone overly dramatic. "My heart is shattered."

His words drew a burst of laughter from around the table, the light-hearted teasing cutting through the previous tension. Even Kengo cracked a smile at his antics, appreciating the lighthearted approach Kazuki had taken in response to the unexpected question.

But laughter was short-lived as Kengo's serious demeanor returned, drawing everyone's attention. He lightly coughed, straightening up as his gaze moved to Kazuki.

"Enough of that now," Kengo began, his voice firm but not unkind. "While we enjoy our levity, there are serious matters to discuss. Kazuki, we've been thinking about how best to help you with your... abilities."

The room quieted down, all eyes turning to Kazuki. He nodded, putting on a more serious expression. He was intrigued and a bit relieved that they were approaching the subject he'd been thinking about all morning.

"Your control over Hado is impressive," Kengo continued. "But without proper training and knowledge, such power can be dangerous to both you and others. We believe it's important to start your training soon."

Kazuki nodded in understanding. "I agree," he replied. "I've been... feeling this power inside me, but I don't quite understand it yet. I want to learn, I need to learn."

"That's a wise outlook," Kengo said approvingly. "Learning to control your power will not only make you stronger, but safer as well."

"I'm ready for whatever comes," Kazuki assured him, his tone firm. "I'm grateful for your guidance."

"Good," Kengo replied, his eyes softening slightly. "We have arranged for you to start your training this afternoon. Yoruichi, who Kukaku mentioned, will be your instructor."

Kengo’s stern gaze softened as he looked at Kazuki. "You have a remarkable potential, Kazuki," he began, his voice carrying a solemn undertone. "As such, we believe it's best for you to fully embrace your abilities and step into a path that will help you master them."

Kazuki nodded, indicating that he was following Kengo's words.

"You have already demonstrated a surprising aptitude for Hado," Kengo continued, his gaze never leaving Kazuki's. "But there's more to being a Shinigami than just harnessing raw power. There's discipline, knowledge, and above all, a sense of duty. And I believe you possess these qualities."

A heavy silence followed Kengo's words. Kazuki glanced at the other members of the Shiba clan, their faces mirroring the seriousness of the patriarch’s tone. He felt a sense of gravity settle over him, but he met it with a calm readiness.

“I understand, Kengo,” Kazuki responded, his voice steady. “I'm ready to learn, to train, and to take on that duty.”

Kengo nodded approvingly. "In that case, I believe it's high time you officially join the ranks of the Shinigami," he declared, a hint of pride gleaming in his eyes.

A stir went through the gathered clan members. Yukari's eyes widened with surprise, while Riku gave an approving nod. Akihiko looked thoughtful, his brow furrowing slightly. Ayame's expression was unreadable, her gaze resting on Kazuki with a pensive look.

Kazuki looked at Kengo, his heart pounding. He had expected something along these lines, but the formality of the announcement still came as a surprise. However, he couldn’t help but feel a surge of anticipation.

Kengo, seemingly satisfied with the silence his announcement had elicited, continued. "To accomplish this, you will attend Shin'o Academy. There, you will learn everything you need to become a full-fledged Shinigami."

Kazuki drew in a slow breath, processing the enormity of Kengo’s words. The Shin'o Academy was legendary, known to be the training ground for the Gotei 13, the primary military force of Soul Society. It was a place where the most powerful Shinigami honed their skills, and the fact that he was going to be one of them sent a shiver of excitement through him.

"Shin'o Academy..." Kazuki murmured, tasting the words. "I'm ready."

Isshin clapped Kazuki on the back, his grin broad and enthusiastic. "That's the spirit, Kazuki!" he exclaimed, causing a few chuckles to ripple around the table.

Kukaku leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "You’ll be an excellent addition to the Shinigami, Kazuki," she said, her voice firm yet gentle. "You've got the determination, and with proper training, you'll be unstoppable."

Kazuki glanced at her, offering a small smile of gratitude. "I'll do my best," he replied. "I want to learn, to grow, and to make a difference. And I'm grateful to have you all by my side."

Kengo inclined his head, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Well said, Kazuki. We have faith in you."

A hum of agreement echoed around the table. There was a newfound respect in the eyes of the clan members, their faces reflecting their confidence in Kazuki.

The afternoon sun was a warm, golden haze in the Shiba clan's yard. Kukaku and Kazuki stood side by side, the grass beneath their feet lush and soft, rustling with the occasional gust of wind. The air was pregnant with anticipation, the scene serene but for the underlying thread of excitement that hummed between them. They were waiting for Yoruichi, a reputed expert in Hado and the Shinigami arts.

Kazuki could feel the pulse of his newfound abilities humming just beneath his skin, his senses heightened in the anticipation of the forthcoming training. Despite the looming challenge, he felt calm, composed. Being there, under the nurturing shadow of the Shiba clan, he felt he was standing on the threshold of something transformative, something monumental.

"Are you nervous?" Kukaku asked, her voice breaking the comfortable silence between them.

Kazuki turned to her, a soft smile playing on his lips. "A bit," he confessed, his gaze steady. "But more than that, I'm excited. This is... new, yes. But it feels right. I'm ready to explore what I'm capable of."

Kukaku returned his smile, her eyes reflecting the same excitement that was alight in his. "That's the spirit, Kazuki. Just remember, Yoruichi is tough, but fair. She won't go easy on you, but she'll guide you in the right direction."


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