Reincarnated as Shenron’s Descendant (old)

Chapter 5: First meal (edited)

Last time on RaSD, Namike and Grandpa Gohan were cooking food together for the evening when a little Goku walked in on them.

Grandpa Gohan and Namike didn't seem shocked or flustered once they discovered Goku. Instead, they seemed happy, as they didn't need to worry about where he went. Why Goku instinctively tracked down Namike and Gohan will remain a mystery.

Namike decided to set up the table while Grandpa Gohan continued making the meal. Goku was initially perplexed before assisting by locating some chairs. Grandpa Gohan was happy that Goku didn't detest the blue dragon, as Goku never had the time to make a friend. Luckily, Grandpa Gohan had extra chairs and plates due to Goku destroying them before he was tamed and disciplined.

Although the head bump got rid of Goku's aggression, the playful Goku will still destroy some objects out of boredom. Namike and Goku sat on the chairs opposite each other on the small table, with a chair between them for Grandpa Gohan. Sparks fly as the monkey and dragon stare at each other down in competition to get Gohan's attention. Namike seemed to get closer to Gohan, but that didn't lessen the gap between the time spent by Goku and Gohan together. Namike is already at a double disadvantage due to the language barrier. Finally, Grandpa Gohan sat down and laid out the three plates, barely fitting on the small table.

Namike knew this was his time to get more attention. He quickly went towards the wood stack and used his processing skills to make a medium-sized table out of some wood planks. Namike only took 20 seconds to build the medium-sized table in a cartoon smoke effect and present it to both Goku and Grandpa Gohan. Grandpa Gohan expected Namike to have such abilities. However, Goku was baffled that a small blue dragon made a table.

Moving the table over, Namike put the plates on top of the new table and gestured to Goku and Grandpa Gohan to shift their chairs. Goku was upset about losing against Namike. When he saw Goku's defeated expression, Grandpa Gohan laughed inside his heart. Taming this unruly monkey took many days, but seeing him like that lifted Grandpa Gohan's mood. Grandpa Gohan, from the outside, told Goku to move his seat. Grandpa Gohan doesn't appear to view Namike as a replacement, which lifted Goku's spirits and his chair. What he didn't know was that he already seeing Namike as another part of the family.

Namike finally decided to dig into the food, as all his work had him famished. Goku similarly dug into the food, as dreaming made his stomach roar like a beast. Grandpa Gohan's eyes smiled while he quietly ate his food with his chopsticks. The plates were quickly finished and the plates were stacked in the middle of the table with each extra serving. Making a big stack.

The food Namike and Gohan made will remain a secret, as the author has no clue how to make or describe food made of fish and fruits. However, the fact is that the food can be eaten with chopsticks and is appetising. For illustration purposes, picture a cooked fish with its ribs on display and some peach slices on the side.

The side dishes were some fruits in baskets and a couple of fish cakes Namike attempted to make using the leftover fish. Goku and Grandpa Gohan enjoyed the variety they made, as they often ate rice with some fish or beasts they found in the forest.

(Insert aggressive noms)

Namike and Goku ate at a similar pace, finishing nearly 80% of the food presented. Goku and Namike were competing to see who could eat more, but unlike other novels, Namike lost. Due to the amount of work he had to accomplish when he was a 2-day-old infant, he was exhausted.

Grandpa Gohan was amused as he thought Goku would finally feel defeated by a peer, but it seems he overworked the little dragon due to his excitement. He picked up Namike and laid him down where Goku was sleeping a while ago. He then went back to Goku, who was grinning from winning and picked him up. He brought him to the fishing pond to teach him fishing so he would be able to survive by himself. Goku learned the skill of "tail fishing," which will be passed down ironically to Gohan in the future.

The day ended peacefully with Namike and Goku sleeping together in the bed once more and Grandpa Gohan sleeping on a bed on the floor.

Time skip 10 days later ......

Hey yall,

The author here decided to take a break to stock up chapter which he had done however...

I have made them a bit too short so I will be still trying to upload every week without guarantee.

Hope you all have a nice day.


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