Reincarnated as Shenron’s Descendant (old)

Chapter 2: System + Hatching (Edited)

"That is quite a unique wish. Most would wish for Power, Lust or Revenge. The normal shop feature is a staple of the system due to a universal law so it will be replaced with a trade centre with things of the world you reside in instead of other works of fiction."

Shenron suddenly becomes more serious, "Namike, there are many mysterious spots in the universe. They are cracks in space-time which may be intentional or coincidence. One of your goals is to travel these abnormalities in the universe and resolve them by either destroying the outlier or having the outlier not mess with that time crack."

"Of course, you don't have to get rid of all time cracks but rewards are generous for each one resolved. Only some Space-time cracks resolve themselves and having you resolve them speeds up the process. On another note, I am a future version of Shenron so the Shenron of this timeline will not have any recollection of you. He will however discover your species and act more friendly. I hope you have a fulfilling journey." Shenron flies up in the sky when he suddenly emits bright light rendering you unable to see where he went after he disappeared when you regain your vision.

Namike thinks about Shenron's clear clue about becoming stronger but decided to deal with the space-time cracks if he encounters one. He doesn't even know what may be in there. For now, He decides to check out his System.


[System starting up]






[System has been synchronised]

[The functions of the System are available to the User]

Namike felt excited when he heard the robotic voice of the system and didn't need to go through some kind of requirement to activate it. Being able to use the system now means he can access his System when he is unconscious, unlike other MCs who abuse their system too much and relies on their protagonist's luck to survive scenarios when they are unconscious.

The systems he has read about in novels all provide the main characters with unexplainable power like getting the highest talent from a 'lucky' draw or getting an item outside of the world without any exchange. Although the system might provide these overpowered abilities, they are exchanged for either resolving space-time cracks or providing an equivalent object. He wants to use this system to progress steadily as he knows that he is no Goku who grew from a power level of a martial artist to God level without any cheats.

“Hey System, do you have a specific name I should call you?” Namike asked.

[I am called System]

“Oh. I thought you might have an overbearing name like the divine trainer system or dragon god trainer system.”

[Systems with those names are limited to the power they can provide the user. Due to my name, I can access areas some systems will find out of reach like space travelling, business plans, etc]

[If my system level increases, then I can access more information in the system database to further help the User.]

Namike was not surprised that the System he has was able to sound like a normal person as his wish allowed the system to be one of the sentient ones. He didn't know that system names could limit the system's capabilities or that all the systems were connected. He only heard of one novel which went into detail to the point that they mentioned that everyone knows what a system is to allow systems to be born and rule over the life of the reincarnators. Although he doesn't believe that can happen as this system is technically loyal to him due to the wish and only access the system's knowledge to help Namike in his journey.

“System, Please open the Status and Skill list!”



[Name: ??? (Namike)]

[Age: 30 minutes]

[Bp (Battle power): 100]

[System Level: 1]

[Potential: Limitless]

[Talent: Dragon]


[Dragon Ki (Passive] (Semi-locked)


[Perfect energy talent]

[Transform] (Locked)

[Dragon's instinct (Passive)] (Semi-locked)

[Mind realm]

[Trade Centre] (Locked)
[Missions] (Locked)


As Namike looked at his profile and skills, he asked the System, "Can you bring up the description of the skills?" 

[Just like Gods, Dragons were one of the few races to have their ki grade. The history of Dragon Ki was aeons ago and the only information available is that Dragon Ki has degraded to being lower than God Ki but stronger than the Mortal's Ki. Once you fully integrate with Dragon Ki in your mind realm, You will fully unlock Dragon Ki.]

[Inspect is an information-type skill which can analyze an object or organism]

"What about the other skills?"

[It will be smarter to allow the Host to figure out skills to improve his understanding of Ki skills.]

Namike agreed with the system's explanation as asking for descriptions for simple skills undermines the value of the System. Skills can also be undermined if people use the system description to limit their imagination. An example is the simple fireball spell can be condensed for more destructive power or changed shape to unlock more skills.

"All this thinking has made me hungry. I wonder if I can conjure food in my mind space."


A plate of rice mixed with curry and a serving of chicken on the side similar to how he used to eat it with his family before. This plate instantly causes Namike's mouth to flood as he always missed eating the homemade food his mother makes. Once he digs in, he discovers that the food is only some clouds being a different colour and shape. The texture and durability of the object are the same but he finds himself more hungry than before.

He was angry that he just baited himself with food so he was going to use the Dragon Ki around to demolish the food but then he remembered that sometimes an illusion can even trick someone's appetite. He decided to make the dish but this time to trick his mind to be filled. The same dish reappeared but this time there was an aroma that made Namike feel it was real. When he ate it, he found his appetite filled but felt it was a little lacking like sipping on a tiny amount of water.

"I guess I can't suddenly make myself a perfect object using dragon ki like a OP protagonist. How do I make myself wake up System?"

[The Host is about to wake up in 10 seconds]

After ten seconds, Namike suddenly feels his surroundings dim as he is confined to the inside of his egg. his body is curled up in a ball so he can feel his warmth but he is stuck. He tried to stretch himself but the gooey substance got in the way. By accident, he swallowed some of it. He panicked but realised it was some of the most delicious yoghurts in both of his lives. His body craves more so he opened his mouth and makes a vacuum motion to slurp up all the yoghurt at once. One of the fleeting thoughts was that he might die due to choking, but that quickly went away as the gooey substance dissolved into his mouth.

Once all the nutritional substance got slurped up, Namike fell on his scaly butt and saw that his egg seems to be larger than him which explains why he couldn't reach the shell.

Once he finished licking the inside of his shell clean, he felt like a hamster in a ball. 

"My first obstacle to living as a dragon I imagined is breaking my inner shell. I didn't expect it to be a physical shell I need to break."

Using all his strength, He decided to punch the shell but his innate instinct tells him that he should not use force. After thinking it through, his 100-battle power will blast through the egg and make him the centre of attention. He decided to eat the shell as he may increase in battle power due to the properties of the shell.

From the outside view, a little blue snout pokes outside the Azure claw-patterned shell and eats little chunks of the huge egg. Inside the shell is a cute little dragon which resembles Shenron but has blue scales and black vertical slit eyes with a blue iris. His eyes are narrow as light temporarily blinds him and he emits a cute grunt which completely goes against the violent look he imagined he would have. The egg becomes smaller and smaller till the only thing visible is a bloated blue baby Shenron resting belly up on a mountain top near a bamboo forest.

"System, Can you bring up my profile?" said Namike as he burps.



[User profile: Namike]

[Name: ??? (Namike)]

[Age: 2 hours]

[Bp (Battle power): 300 ]

[System Level: 1]

[Potential: Limitless]


[Dragon Ki (Passive)]


[Transform] (Locked)

[Perfect energy control talent]

[Dragon instinct (Passive)]

[Mind realm]

[Trade Centre]
[Missions] (Locked)


"Oh, my Dragon Ki and Dragon Instinct skill unlocked. How did that happen?"

[Once your shell was consumed, your battle power increased. The shell was a unique shell created to make your power more versatile than the standard battle-oriented eternal dragon. However, the effects of this breakthrough help when you are an adult]

"So I guess my shackle broke when I was eating my shell. I wondered why the last bite was the loudest crack sound when eating the shell."

Namike didn't realise then that he had good control over a dragon born minutes ago. Dragon's neuron activity is multiple times that of humans. This is why even newborns can create a mind space (The human version) due to their calculating ability. Another perk of the dragon's body is that his soul is undergoing evolution. He cant feel this until his soul completely changes to a dragon soul.

You may be wondering, How is he able to think and move although his soul is undergoing evolution? My answer is Anime Logic. Just kidding. This is because the dragon soul that is being grown functions for basic movements while the human soul is slowly turning into a dragon soul. The human soul is utterly inferior to a noble dragon's soul so it adapted and decided to turn into a dragon one instead of clashing like in other novels. This also explains why humans can advance without some restrictions in bloodlines like other beasts.

"Why does this place look so familiar and why is there a crater nearby?"


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