Reincarnated as Shenron’s Descendant (old)

Chapter 1: Shenron (Edited)

A blue star crossed the starry skies above the origin earth realm. Scientists got a glimpse of the shape of the star before the star travelled through one of the biggest black holes. Einstein and Rosen thought of black holes as tunnels into another space and time which was close to the truth. Black holes could be used for travelling but having a weak travel vessel might destroy the object entirely. It seems like the blue star went straight into the black hole and arrived in a space with numerous planes of existence.

When the star travelled into the black hole, the star did not lose any of its mass, unlike the other stars. The blue star seemed to treat this as normal and continued flying to a massive plane that rarely gets stars travelling. Once the star entered the plane, a small but mighty figure noticed the abnormality with a short white-haired angel beside it. "Shouldn't we eliminate this intruder Zeno-Sama?" Asked the Angel. "It has been boring for a long time so I want to have something interesting to watch." Said the child-like voice before losing focus for a few seconds. During their conversation, the star seemed to shine before dimming to reveal blue claw markings on an egg that have glowed like a star before. The star now travels to one of the 12 universes and towards a weak planet called the dragon world.

The star's markings seem to have camouflaged the egg in space, this hid the egg from some space creatures which threaten the small world. Once the dim star entered the atmosphere. The star lands on a mountain near a bamboo forest. When the star landed, certain experts discovered its existence but the consequences will be discovered later.

Our Mc woke up when the egg landed on the mountain and found himself in a yellow cloud world. Fluffy yellow clouds acted as the ground with a sunset dying the sky reddish-pink. "Now this is heaven. literally and figuratively," exclaimed Namike cheerfully. His mind recovered the memories before his death and he feels some regrets. He knows that he didn't live to his fullest but he lived with his own will, unlike some others. He recognised that he was in the area surrounding the snake way in heaven realm but there was a sunset in the background. There was no hell underneath the clouds and no landmarks around him.

He decides to ignore that peculiarity and check around. He discovered he had the optimum body he always wanted. He had slim compact muscles packed underneath his clothes and smooth, elastic skin. His height had grown to 192cm from his original 172cm. Although his weight had increased, his body was lighter and faster than any mortal human on Earth. The health of a person affected various systems within his body like his nervous system and reflexes.

Although it was strange for his dream body appearing, he thought heaven allowed people to change their bodies to their desired form. He decided to make some bedding as he wanted to lie down and enjoy the ever-lasting sunset. He thought about using the clouds to form a mattress and a blanket when they suddenly rose from the ground. The site shocked Namike at first but he was reminded of how he was in his own heaven so he got used to it. He decided to experiment so he took some clouds physically and tried to make them flat like paper and expertly folded an origami crane. The crane seemed to come to life and flew out of his palm into the sunset.

"Let's hope I can experiment more in this heaven area and not be dragged into a heavenly war or such as I just want to have a peaceful life."

He decided to make some furniture as well as he may be staying in this place for quite some time. He made the bed lift into a double-decker and made a ladder on the side. He also made a desk with a stack of paper as he wanted to try making some origami that he was never able to do when he was alive. However, it seems fate had some other plans for him as there was suddenly a ferocious roar coming from underground where Namike was.

Suddenly a huge dragon erupts in front of Namike and destroys some of the bigger furniture like the bed he had made but the desk and mattress he made was fine although damaged. The dragon's body extended from under the clouds and spiralled in the air. When the dragon turned to face Namike, he was able to see its features. He could see its long-flowing whiskers, brown antlers, green scales, and crescent-shaped nostrils with green fur like a mane. Not to mention its vibrant red sharp eyes, and short hands compared to its gigantic and long serpentine body.

Namike recognised the dragon as Shenron the wish-granting dragon. He noted it was the original Shenron instead of the other varieties shown in Dragon Ball GT. He wondered if he would understand Shenron as he knows it spoke Japanese. Suddenly a deep voice in his mind said, "Don't worry youngling. All dragons know magic for speaking for an easier lifestyle." Namike felt a cold sweat from Shenron's voice as he didn't expect it to be deep. However, he then asked Shenron why he had destroyed the furniture that he worked hard on. "I am sorry about that. I couldn't tell apart the cloud floor from your cloud bed" "Ah ha. How were you able to tell that I made a bed when you couldn't tell them apart!"

At this point, Shenron became embarrassed he got found out. "Okay you found me out, I will give you some remuneration so can you forget this matter?"

Namike was surprised by Shenron's generosity as it only takes some seconds to remake the double-decker bed. Well, this can be explained by Dragons being known for their pride and arrogance which means they are generous when wronged. Shenron also thought Namike may be scared of his appearance so he wanted to appear friendly but he didn't know that Namike just sees Shenron as a monster in the Godzilla universe. Giant but more friendly, unlike some horror games he had played/seen.

Namike asked Shenron if he is in an illusion as everything around him seems a bit perfect for heaven and he did have perfect control of the space. "Keen observation there. This space is your inner mind realm which every fighter could access. The mind realm is accessed when people do image training or have inspirations. Your inner mind realm is different due to you being an Eternal dragon descendant whereas normal martial artists would only see within their close proximity."

"This space is a reflection of a pleasing scene in your mind and where your dreams occur mostly. Sometimes people's dreams access some realms that are not accessible to their regular species. The scenery can be changed to enhance training but your body here is not affected by your physical body and vice versa." Shenron was happy to explain the mind realm as Namike was able to deduce the irregularity within minutes of stepping foot.

"Wait so I can re-enact some of my fantasies like flying here?" Namike asked Shenron expectantly.

"Not yet youngling. Wanting to experience flying is unknown to you currently so your mind would not allow flying. An example can be trying to swim when you never touched water in your life." Shenron knew Namike may be upset about this limitation but he will grow regardless of the limitation.

"Why do you keep calling me youngling although I am human? Also, how did you access my mind realm in the first place?" Questioned Namike as the gigantic dragon hovered over him.

"Slow down youngling, I will answer all your question. Some time ago, A metal monster named Truck-Kun delivered your soul due to a lottery of who to reincarnate. He used some powers to make me your guardian and ancestor. The power he used allows someone's fantasy to come to life which was to be free and become the most powerful being," Shenron explained to Namike who was holding his chin. It did not help him think.

As Namike takes in the information that Shenron, a mythical dragon, became his ancestor and Truck-Kun does exist even as a toy truck, Shenron explained, "I was able to enter your space due to the connection between our bodies. You are now a dragon yourself!"

Namike was quite surprised by this revelation. "Wait so does that mean that my current body is not real?" Namike always dreamed of having a fit body so exchanging the body for a small lizard is not worth it to him in the small term.

"Your current body is a spiritual body which is how people do mental battles. We also use it to travel throughout our mind realm and train. All improvements will affect your real body but physical improvements have to be done by your dragon body. Your real body is the almighty body of an eternal dragon but as an infant."

"At a certain point, you can learn a technique to blend in with others which is to make your main body look like your spirit body but not expose the spirit body itself as it will be dangerous."

Shenron explained how the lineage of eternal dragons branches with wish-granting and battle versions. The battle-type Eternal dragons have gone extinct due to an unknown part of history while the wish-granting dragons are bound to the dragon balls. The battle-type dragons allow major improvements, unlike wish-granting dragons which will be discussed another time. Namike is a descendant of Shenron but he will be the first Battle-Type Eternal dragon in this generation. Shenron also explained how he will not be able to stay here for long as he is still bound to the dragon balls.

"As the first reincarnated being in the dragon ball universe, You are granted one wish from the Omni-dragon god to help you on your journey. I can also grant you a wish as enough power has been stored in the time the dragon balls have last been discovered and used twice in a row." Shenron said enviously as Namike is handed the pie without the work.

Namike got shocked by the privilege and didn't think that Shenron will grant him a wish as remuneration for destroying the furniture that takes one second to make again. He imagines wishing for Zeno's power and snapping all the villains from the universe but he wants the power earned not wished for. Wishing for a harem is one of my dislikes to Namike as any adventure will seem bland due to a rinse and repeat of getting every girl. He could wish for riches but he is a dragon so not many people will want to trade with him. He finally decides on his first Shenron wish, " I wish for perfect energy manipulation and sensing talent using Shenron's wish. For my second wish, I wish for a system which helps me grow. I don't want to have a shop feature like other systems."

Shenron asks why he didn't want a shop feature to be versatile as his knowledge of Earth's novel states that systems mainly are OP due to their mysterious shop feature which breaks the logic of the world.

Namike explains with somewhat practised ease," The shop feature might be godly but nothing good comes with something perfect. The items may be stolen from other timelines or worlds and may attract higher beings that are above the system's power scale. Plus my journey in this life is to gain power by working hard and not cheating the way people improve in other worlds. I may use things that improve my power but they will come from Dragon Ball and not from other verses."

Shenron was surprised by Namike's wish. His response will be seen next time in Reincarnated as Shenron's descendant.

Chapter 2: System

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