Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)

Sit Down

Driving down the road in the old truck, Alex thought.

'I have trained and at least have the basics down for my physical abilities. It's time I give my other abilities some training as well,' Alex thought as he turned around a corner.

'I have only used daze once against that kid at school. From what I know right now, they will follow commands, but I don't know the limits or if there is a limit. Will someone kill themselves if I tell them to? Will they keep following my commands for eternity if I tell them to? So many questions that I want answered,' Alex thought as he slowly slowed down the speed at which he was driving.

Finally, a few minutes later, Alex arrived at downtown Forks.

It was still pretty early, at only six in the afternoon, but Alex had decided to use this extra time to get some more training in.

Parking the old beatup truck at the same parking lot that he had used when he had previously come here.

Alex switched the engine off as he, twisted the key and got out of the truck.

After locking the old truck with the key, Alex turned around and started walking towards the center, looking for any old bars or nightclubs.

It didn't take Alex long to find one. Alex found an old bar at the corner of the street, right next to an old alley. Using his enhanced senses, he could hear the people inside the bar laughing and slamming their drinks on the tables.

'It's only six pm, and these guys are already that drunk,' Alex thought as he furrowed his brows in disgust.

Heading towards the bar, Alex saw a large neon sign beside the door.

"Sleep Bar"

'It doesn't sound like anyone is going to get any sleep done in there, though,' Alex thought as he opened the door and headed inside.

Once inside, Alex saw what the bar looked like. It was a room mostly made of dark wooden planks, with a bar counter at the end and tables on the left. The atmosphere appeared dark and humid, and the smell was horrid.

'Who the fuck would come to drink in here' Alex thought to himself as he turned to face the customers and then nodded, finding the answer almost immediately.

'Yeah, that makes sense,' Alex thought as he stared at the crowd. Most of them had unkempt beards and looked like they hadn't shaved or cleaned themselves in months. They were drinking cheap beer as they laughed with one another.

'Can they look more like cliche bandits? I don't think someone could nail the appearance this much even if they tried,' Alex thought as he sighed softly and headed towards the bar.

Behind the bar, Alex saw an old, chubby man with a beard heading down to his chest. His hair had been grayed out, and his face was littered with black spots. He was cleaning a beer glass as he stood behind the bar counter.

"Hey, can I get a Corona beer," Alex asked as he sat on the bar stools.

"We don't have Corona. If you want a bud light, that's all that we have in the fridge," the man said as he turned to face Alex.


Releasing a breath of disappointment, Alex thought as he nodded his head toward the bartender.

'I should have known.'

And then Alex saw someone sit beside him and someone else place their hand on his shoulder.

"Hello there, kiddo. Why don't we become friends?" the person who had sat next to him said as he slurred over his words, barely able to get them out.

Alex looked at the man, who looked like he was about to keel over any second, and stood silent for a moment.

"Come on, friend. Answer us. How about you buy us a drink, and we can all become friends, eh?" the one who had patted his shoulder said as he moved his head closer to Alex.

His breath stank as he breathed in Alex's face.

A vein popped into Alex's forehead as he sniffed the air.

'I was going to warn you, but I can't even breath in if ur that close, you piece of cow shit,' Alex thought as he turned towards the man and looked him in the eyes.

'Time to see if I need to give the commands out loud or just think of them,' Alex thought as his eyes started changing color.

The black turned dark crimson in a split second.

The man's expression turned into one of shock before it quickly turned into an emotionless one.

The man quickly took a few steps back and sat down on the ground.

"Hey, Jack, what are you doing? Get up, man." The man who had sat next to Alex slurred as he turned to face his buddy.

"Where do you think you're going," Alex said as he turned to face the man.

"Huh?" The old drunk said out loud as he turned to face Alex. Similarly, a split second later, he took a few steps back and sat on the ground beside his friend.

The laughter started echoing into the bar as the other drunks laughed at the two who were sitting on the ground and looking at the air, their eyes unfocused.

Alex turned towards the others, and the noise quickly disappeared.

"What is this" One of them mumbled as they stared at Alex.


"It's a demon." 

The drunks mumbled as they started to freeze up as they looked at Alex's crimson cat-like eyes.

"Shut up," Alex said as he looked at them. At the same time, all eight of the drunks closed their mouths as they stared at Alex.

Their eyes, however, started moistening, and some pants even started appearing to become a darker color.

"Now, go and sit next to them," Alex said as he smiled at them, and all eight of the drunks went and sat on the ground obediently.

Turning around towards the counter, Alex looked at the frozen bartender.

"What are you waiting for? Go," Alex said as the bartender joined the others on the ground.

Alex stood up from the stool, took the Budlight from the counter, and took a sip.

"Now, this looks much better, doesn't it?" Alex said.


Last Chapter of the little mass release. 4/4

If you want to support me more and reach ten chapters ahead then check out my Patreon at:

It has started, and the story will, from now on, start getting more and more action-based. The plot of Twilight is upon us.

For those wondering why Alex went ahead and did this, it's because of the pressure caused by Edythe, as well as the transformation affecting his emotions a little.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was pretty fun to write.

Powerstone Goal: 500

Lots of Love

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