Reincarnated As an Uncreative SupersaiYANG (RWBY Yang SI) Re-Make

5- Bloody Dark

[Remnant/ 3 of November 83 A.G.W/ Forever Fall/ Unnamed Cave/Yang: 10 Years Old, 4:47 PM.]


With her sword in hand, Yang looked intently at her enemies, she'd rather not use it but she needs to kill those things quickly before whatever made her instincts scream at her to run arrived.


Once again she felt the vibrations on the ground, she didn't like that, she had her eyes closed mainly to train her instincts, pure Saiyan instinct, nothing else, and although she is happy she gained this new ability, for now it served more as a hassle towards the true training she wants.


And so, she pushed the feeling to the back of her mind, the same that was trying, and succeeding, in healing her body together with separating itself from her consciousness.


It was weird and extremely complicated, but not impossible, it is much like trying to sleep, by focusing on the dark, some stray thoughts will always come from time to time.


She never thought being able to disassociate in her past life would help her so much in this new one, of course, the technique of parallel thinking isn't quite there yet.


She constantly has to disassociate after forgetting she is trying to separate her thoughts time and time again, her mind was still connected with her subconscious and her subconscious with her conscious mind, she knows it will take much more than a simple day to reach her goal, but she didn't care, she has time, 8 years is more than enough for her.


Or was it seven? She couldn't remember.




Yang felt a brief sense of purpose as her subconscious mind hinted at where she should attack, following the weird and vague feeling she did just that.


Dropping down on her arms she bit on the sword's hilt and ran at the Centinels like a gorilla, she rationalized she'd look even more stupid jumping on one foot like she was the Saci Perere.


It wasn't whether or not she could take the pain, her bones had been shattered, she is physically incapable of standing up without her feet bending like jelly.


The centinel arrived before she could even move halfway, with a screeching sound it started rotating turning itself into a deadly blender.


The creature didn't move its lower part, it had not started rotating itself to jump at the girl, no, it had done so to become a weapon.


The Beringel who was at the Centinel's side held its lower body, and not a second later threw the Grimm spinning towards Yang.


Reacting quickly Yang took the blade from her mouth and slashed at the flying Centinel.




Her blade collided with the creature's frontal fangs, both attacks repealed each other, and as the Grimm was forced back Yang was forced to firm her arm so the same did not happen to it.


More by instinct than anything she jumped back, avoiding the blade at the back of the Centinel's spinning body.


She was given no rest as another Centinel burst out of the ground and threw itself spinning at her.


Acting on reflex she blocked the attack with her sword held tight in one hand as she punched the thing's head with the other.


She managed to hit it, but due to its bladed legs her fingers were slashed almost to the bone, blood began to pour from her hand, but she was forced to ignore it as her mind alerted her of imminent danger.


Another five circled and attacked her at the same time, the creatures were uncharacteristically silent as they curved down and shot towards her.


Acting quickly she took the downed Centinel and threw it away, turning around she slashed horizontally with her blade.


She hit the first's carapace with enough strength to cut its frontal fangs and part of its face off, the thing shot back screaming as it tried to heal itself.


The second and third were decapitated, their heads turning into dust, or at least that is what Yang expected to happen.


Every time she kills an enemy she was able to feel the danger they posed disappearing as if her instincts had nothing more to warn her about, that however is not the case here.


As they were decapitated their bodies fell down, and immediately rushed towards Yang's leg, lifting their bladed legs ready to cut her down, normally a Grimm that lost its head would only be able to detect a person via its negative emotion sensing.


This particular case, however, is different, the centipedes could still control their body even if decapitated, this is a particular ability that some Grimm have, one more prevalent in older ones.


While this happened their heads simply flew in the air, unable to do anything.


As her blade continued on its path it cut the fourth centinel diagonally, from the side of its head to its third body segment, the creature's smaller part immediately turned into dust but the rest simply shot itself back, trying to gain distance.


Yang's blade had already lost much of its momentum, and so it was blocked by the fifth's carapace, the creature reacted immediately by curling itself on the blade, impeding Yang from moving it.


The creature did not stop, instead, it curled its body on Yang's hand and bit her forearm, her Ki-enhanced gauntlet easily blocking the strike.


A the same time it tried to pierce the sides of her arm with both its four fangs and the stinger connected to a black tentacle, it couldn't bypass her armor so it decided to immobilize her arm.


'Smart enough to make simple plans, work together and plan attacks but not enough to know not to attack armored parts, no, it isn't that it's not smart, simply that it has never seen humans before, of course it wouldn't be able to differentiate where to attack and where not to.'


Below her the Centinels slashed at her feet with their bladed arms, not even managing to scratch the shin guard.


Yang, with her eyes closed, had no way of knowing that.


"That was a present from my mom you fucker, don't scratch it!"


Pushing more Ki into the blade Yang felt as it began to leak energy, before any of the other Grimm could reach her, the blade exploded.




Immediately she felt four of the five Cenrinels turn into dust, taking advantage of the situation she sent more energy toward her leg and jumped, just in time to avoid the attack of the Beringel.


"17 left!" She screamed as she reached a stalactite, pitting the sword's hilt on the Scabbatd again she clicked on the purple block and stood there, waiting for the blade to be made.


Unfortunately for her, the Grimm would not give her the time.


Centinels burst out of the ceiling and ran toward her, in Yang's mind she could feel many pockets of 'danger' coming towards her.


All this time she had been trying to quantify how much a single Grimm could make her feel these 'danger' pockets, it was easy to feel the Beringel and Whatever was still walking towards her deep below the cave.


Their 'feeling' of 'danger' are extremely different from each other, the Beringel felt like all the times she saw a dangerous animal like a snake or a spider, she could fight back and had a chance to win but one mistake could be the end of her.


She theorized that the Saiyans having fought for thousands of years had gained the ability to sense the danger their opponent presented to them, a prelude to a true Ki sense.


The anime did not show anything of the sort but then again if she relied on a anime full of inconsistent power levels to live then she'd already be dead.


The... monster just at the edge of her senses felt like... like being in front of a polar bear, naked, in the Antarctic, starving, she knows she has no chance of winning, fighting is a ridiculous notion, maybe if she had her tail and used the Blutz wave technique she'd have a chance but, that is not possible at her current state.


The Centinels on the other hand felt much like the Lancers, dangerous like a knife, the problem is... There are too many of them, and they all exude the same feeling of danger, the same type.


Sure, she could feel that some exuded more than others, but when more than ten of them are together she can't differentiate, everything blends together, the feeling of 'danger' intensifies, and if sensed from a long distance she could have confused it for a single powerful enemy.


And so, to avoid this, at the same time she was fighting she also trained to be able to differentiate extremely similar types of 'Danger' at the moment she was able to count a total of 17 Centinels, not counting the four dead ones, but even then she is sure her calculations are not correct.


The closer the Grimm get the easier it is to tell how many there are, but even then it is very difficult to identify how they move, her instincts and intuition just give her hints and warnings of danger coming from a very vague direction, she is the one who has to make split-second decisions and just as it happened before she can concentrate in one enemy just to get attacked by another via a different angle.


"he... Hehehe."


Giggling at her situation Yang jumped, and stuck her fingers inside the cave's ceiling, lifting her lower body she used her free hand to take out her sandals and put them inside her Skirt.


Her mother's gift is something very important to her, she'd rather not have to part with it so soon.


Before she could do anything else a Centinel arrived in front of her, the Grimm then immediately snapped at her face, trying to eat it off.


She reacted rapidly, pushing herself back she swung her lower body from front to back until she took enough impulse to slam both her feet on the Centinel's head.


The creature was crushed between her feet and the rocky surface, it didn't have any chance to react, it simply went down instantly.


But Yang would not allow that, using her mostly healed feet she gripped the creature's body with her toes, crushing its soft side while bringing it closer to her.


Freeing one of her hands from the ceiling she took the creature's backside legs and with all her strength, used it as a wip.








The only hint she hit something was the sound of bones snapping and the screeching cry of two Grimm.


Seeing her plan worked Yang brought the Centinel closer to her and started to use it as a wip.






She hit three others in the span of a second, sending them falling to the ground, both the fall and the hits were not strong enough to kill them, not that Yang had a problem with it as she only wanted to buy time.


Suddenly a sense of danger came below her and without wasting any time she whipped the Centinel on her arm towards it.








Many sounds rang at once, a rock breaking, a Centinel screaming, and a monster Roaring, Yang was not confused, she could pierce together what had happened.


The Beringel threw a rock at her, she threw the Centinel to block it, both broke, and now a Grimm is disintegrating on her hand.


As the Centinel died Yang felt its Carapace being left behind, in any other case she would have taken it like she took both the Beowulf's and Beringel's masks, in this case whoever she simply threw it aside.




Hearing the sound of her sword being finished, Yang knew she needed to attack, sticking her free hand on the ceiling again she twisted her body, turning upside down while at the same time bringing her legs close to her chest she put her feet on the ceiling and with a strong impulse, shot herself to the ground.


Immediately after she drew her sword and infused Ki into it, not a second later she began to fall rapidly, still with her eyes closed she was only able to put the sword in front of her, unable to see where her target is.




With a powerful scream, Yang slashed down, she felt no resistance as she kept going down, breaking through the ground of the cave and continuing to fall.


Not knowing what happened her curiosity gained the better of her as she opened her eyes just before going below the ground.


There she saw the beringel cut in half, both its parts turning into dust as the Grimm appeared to be trying to beat on its chest and roar the moment it died.


Behind it she could only see destruction, the power from her blade had spread and destroyed everything meters away in a cone-shaped area, the Centinels that had previously fallen were either dying on in the process of being crushed by the ceiling that started to collapse once again.


The last thing she saw was a gigantic black and white maw, bigger than her entire body just behind the cave's corner, and then a roar, so loud she was forced to block her ears.




The sheer volume of the roar shook the entire cave causing it to start collapsing in its entirety, the floor she was falling into started to completely break apart into hundreds of pieces, the creature's roar being so powerful it broke apart anything it touched.


Not that she could see it, she couldn't see much of anything really, her vision was blurry as blood poured down from her ears, nose, and eye.


Her bones shook as her entire body trembled uncontrollably, her heart sped up hundreds of times as her skin paled, she couldn't move, even while falling and seeing boulders the size of her body coming toward her Yang Xiao-Long was simply too afraid to move, too afraid to do anything but tremble and so, she fell.


Everything became a blur, the only thing she felt was the sensation of plummeting, the light coming down from the collapsed ground slowly dying as she continued to fall.


Around her, the scenery changed rapidly, the walls expanded and compressed without rhythm, the boulders collided against them, breaking apart and continuing to follow her downward.


Grimm in the form of spiders, lizards, bats, scorpions, and centipedes rested on the walls, running mindlessly from the falling rocks, watching her fall to her death.


Suddenly, she was in complete darkness, her heart briefly slowed down, the monster's presence slowly vanishing beyond her senses.


"Haaaa." Yang was finally able to take a deep breath, looking around her she only saw darkness, concentrating on her body she moved her Ki as she attempted to create a Ki ball to lighten the surroundings, seconds passed, and nothing happened.


Her Ki refused to move.




Not wanting to waste time she stopped trying to move her ki and instead tried to move her body, but once again she failed.


'What the fuck is this?! I may be afraid but not nearly enough for my body to freeze like this!'


Huffing angrily she looked inside herself, and just as she thought, she was able to feel... Something foul sticking tightly to her aura, its nature allowing it to spread and lock her body in place.


'A roar with the ability to paralyze and induce fear, amplified by the strange form of my aura, a lesser woman would have died of a heart attack, or be swallowed whole by that thing, unfortunately for it, I am not just anyone.'


Powering up Yang began to extend her Ki, slowly her body began to bulge and grow.


Veins popped up from her arms as they pulsed with power, her body began to bulk, and just when she felt she would break whatever was holding her, her Ki suddenly exploded.


She coughed blood as her body was forced to compress once again, her insides were crushed as whatever foul energy was inside her forced them back violently.


Suddenly the world around her became clear, and she was able to see her surroundings again, with her body spinning uncontrollably she was forced to move her head to gain a better visual of the place veins popped out of her neck as she tried to move her head, the curse refusing to give her even a single inch of freedom.


Looking down her eyes widened, below her she could see a lake shining with different colors, gigantic crystals grew not only from the rocky surface but also from below the lake, even at this distance she knew what they were.






She had never seen dust crystals this big, not even in the show.


Seeing the lake get closer and closer she huffed, this isn't the time for her to be thinking of useless things, first things first, saving her life.


Concentrating deeply inside of her she desperately tried to move her Ki, but the energy refused to budge, no, it was more apt to say it tried to move but something kept it in place.


Veins popped up on her head, she knew her aura was responsible for strengthening the paralysis effect, it should never have been able to affect her Ki, but she pondered, perhaps it is a good thing.


Falling to her death while under a paralysis effect is the best way to train against such a thing, if she succeeds she will open a new training path towards resisting such effects, if she fails... Then she won't have to worry about it anymore, she'll be dead after all.


It didn't matter if she fell into the water at the height she started it might as well be rock, her Ki was unable to reinforce her boy, meaning her death would be very gory if she didn't manage to somehow save herself.


Less than thirty meters away from the water she had almost given up, if the fall didn't end her either the rocks or her lungs filling with water would.


Moving her eyes frantically she searched for something, anything that could help her, looking at her side her eyes widened once more, her blade, the one her mother had given her was right there falling together with her.


Gritting her teeth she focused on both of her arms, veins exploded in blood as she used all her strength to move them, in her right arm she formed a ki ball while moving her left one into position.


Not a second later she shot a continuous Ki blast propelling her to the side and allowing her to perfectly grasp the sword's hilt.


Using all of her strength she then stabbed the small shard of Gravity dust in her chest.


Blood began to gush out of her the moment she did so, but her objective was not to simply stab herself for the fun of it.


Small purple veins began to spread from her chest, but it wasn't enough, using all her power she was able to infuse it with a small amount of Ki.


"AAAAAAAA!" She screamed in agony, her body felt like it was being crushed and boiled at the same time, the purple veins spread through her chest as her Ki fed the dust allowing its energy to wreak havoc in her body, even then, she smiled.


She could feel it, a new type of energy invading her body, poisoning it, but at the same time, its presence was slowly banishing whatever was keeping her frozen in place.


Normally she would never be able to control or even sense this energy beyond the pain it inflicted on her, but Yang Xiao-Long, if nothing else, is a Smart idiot.


When it comes to fighting she prides herself on being the biggest prodigy on the planet, if it is related to fighting she will be good at it, it is a simple fact.


And energy? Oh yes, energy is very much related to fighting.


And so, in the second she saw her blade she came up with a plan, Hazel was able to infuse dust on his own body gaining its powers temporarily, this was not something she wished to do, dust poisoning couldn't really be stopped with Ki after all, and the power is temporary anyways what she wants is to replicate it, not borrow it.


And so a plan came to mind, stabbing herself allowed the gravity dust to infect her body with its violent energy.


She theorized that this same energy would expunge whatever kept her paralyzed due to the two not being able to exist in the same space, something her Aura would have no problem with, no, it would instead help to spread it.


But this alone was far from enough, the dust shard didn't have the energy needed to spread itself all through her body, and even if it did all she would have done is change a curse for another.


She'd be too weak to do anything by that point, so she had an idea, when infusing her Ki on dust she noticed it did not warp around or Inside it, no, it converted to whatever energy dust is, the thing is, the ratio was not 100%, it varied from dust to dust but for Gravity, in particular, the exchange ratio is 98%.


Meaning 98% of her Ki turned into whatever type of energy Gravity dust based itself on, and the two percent? It glued itself to the rest.


This particular phenomenon allowed Yang to 'drag' the dust energy around, she couldn't do anything else but move it, and that, is more than enough.


Purple veins spread through her body, the more they spread the more Yang could move and the more she could move her Ki, as a result, she was able to infuse more of her energy within the dust shard.


Unfortunately, that also meant the gravity on the blade increased even more, something she had not planned to happen.


"AAAAAAAAAAAA!" Yang screamed in pain as both the energy inside her poisoned her body and the sword on her chest began to go down, cutting her body while doing so, even then, she did not stop infusing her Ki within it.


When the blade reached her intestines she briefly stopped, tears streamed down her eyes, the pain was just too much, her vision began to fade into dark spots as the strength of her body started leaving her.


She was about to give in, to the pain, to the tiredness that wanted to consume her, she just wanted to close her eyes, and she was about to do so, but right then, on the precipitous of death, something happened, a stay though found its way on her mind, it was... something, something a powerful man she admires once said.


If it hurts, push through the pain, giving up hurts more.


She... she couldn't give up could she? She knows for a fact an afterlife exists, what would Sumer say to her? More importantly, what would she do up there, seeing Remnant fall to some entitled Gods, knowing all she had to do to prevent that from happening was simply


Something burned inside her.


Blue particles of light began to form on her arm, and with a strength she didn't know she had Yang began to spread her Ki.


"HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" With an inhuman scream, Yang's Ki exploded from her body, contrary to its previous black and red, now it shined with a spectral blue.


The cave exploded with light as both she and the Dust Crystals began to shine with the light of a sun, the rocks falling above were instantly destroyed as the impact of her energy hit them.






Yang stood there in the air, looking down she saw her wound, from chest to hip there was a clean cut one that bled profusely, her sword, stuck on her hip as her sandals struggled not to fall the only reason she had not died of blood loss being that her subconscious clenched her veins, trying desperately to stop the bleeding.


She looked at the blue particles circling her body, and then at the blue aura surrounding her, if only unlocking Blue was this easy, briefly she noted the purple veins on her skin slowly disappearing into streaks of light.


"Goddam it, how am I supposed to knit this thing and clean all this blood?" And then, she fell.


Her body hit the water with a splash, as she began to fall she saw the water slowly turn red with her blood, her eyes became heavy as a sense of tiredness overcame her the pain faded to the back of her mind as water began to enter her body, drowning her second by second.


'I failed hmm, goddam it, you better not die you fucker.'


Slowly her vision faded, the last thing she saw before closing her eyes was a white blur getting closer and closer.


A boring chapter I know, but all histories have those, they are unfortunately necessary to advance the plot.


Anyway do tell me what you think of the chapter, I don't really care that much about the likes, just the comments, it's hard to know if my fic is any good if people don't rate it.

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