Reincarnated as a World

Ch.268 Will Flames

Even with all of the knowledge granted to him by the golden orb, the information he had regarding Will Flame’s was low. However, even a fool with a rotting brain would be able to recognize that it would be very bad if a Will Flame died out. But ‘bad’ was putting it mildly; In reality, it was a step or 2 away from fatal.


Thankfully, the information regarding Will Flame’s wasn’t completely lacking and he knew a few things. First of all, a Will Flame was exactly what it sounded like. It was the embodiment of someone’s Will and could be considered the engine of their Soul. For those who were adept in the Soul, they would be able to see it at the centre of their mindscape.


Drive, diligence, motivation and things like that were heavily tied to the quality of a Will Flame. The higher the quality and the more vigorous it burned, the more passion you felt to do things on a daily basis. And by contrast, the dimmer the flame, the lazier and more susceptible to things like depression you were.


However, as was mentioned before, all things had grades. Perhaps they weren’t all distinctive enough to be named, but there were always worser and better versions.


When it came to Will Flame’s, they were divided into grades called ‘Tiers’ and Eridel knew about 3 of them. His own Will Flame was at Tier 2 and it was gold in colour.


It happened after he had pushed himself to the limit to survive his Red Tribulation. He didn’t know how it worked since he didn’t possess the knowledge to cultivate it in the first place, but he could only guess that his strong will to overcome everything in that moment caused some changes to his Will Flame that pushed it to the next Tier.


In Tier 1, a Will Flame was very susceptible to changes and could be affected by the things that happened to its owner, becoming brighter or dimmer depending on what state of mine the owner was in.


But when a Will Flame reached the 2nd Tier, it would etch within itself the most predominant personality traits of the owner and would stick to them. From then on, it would be exceedingly difficult for the owner to have a drastic change in personality. This was a good thing for most and a bad thing for some.


As for Eridel, he knew his Will Flame traits were the following: Wrathful, Lustful, Prideful, Ruthless, Domineering, Noble, Fearless, Defiant, Ambitious, Creative and Peerless.


A good amount of them hadn’t shown themselves in a while, especially the 1st two. After all, there wasn’t much that could make him angry apart from when his Worldly Instincts were pushing him to do something stupid. But what would he do about that, punch himself?


He wasn’t interested in having sex with the women in his World either. A small part of it was they were his creations and he could read their every thought which put a damper on things, but the biggest reason was their severe lack of knowledge. They were effectively all cave women with no concept of hygiene and basic necessities. He may be lustful but not that lustful.


The last trait had slightly surprised him. What did it even mean to have a peerless personality trait? But it didn’t take him more than a few nanoseconds to come to the conclusion.


Pretty much from the time he was born till now, he had effectively had no peers. He had never experienced the feeling of having a rival, he had never experienced the feeling of having to rely on someone, and he had never looked up to a single living lifeform. Nobody was on his level. The World looked at him and found themselves wanting, but it had never been the other way round.


He had respected people and he had been kind to many, but that had mainly been because of the way he had been raised. Apparently, that ended up culminating in his ‘Noble’ trait.


But he had never really looked at someone and felt they were someone like him. Never felt the ‘Man to Man’ confrontation. And now that he was a World that could think like both a Human and a supercomputer, this had only become more prominent.


As far as he knew, the only entity that resembled him now was his first Soulmate, the pink gas planet. But that had been because of his own doing. It might have been a surprise, but it was still a result of his actions.


He was… peerless.


Perhaps that was why he had barely stepped down onto his lands to walk amongst his people. In fact, the amount of people that had seen his avatar could be counted with a hand and a few fingers, despite the great amounts of opportunity. And even then, he never stayed long.


He seemed to spend more time lying around on clouds, eating various foods that he created, than actually showing his face anywhere. How amusing.


How very amusing.


Thankfully he didn’t see something like aloof on his Trait list or he would have mocked himself for being a frigid loner. As it stood, he could only wait until his World was more interesting before deciding to actually step down and smell the roses. Maybe when toilets and bathrooms were invented? Haha!


In any case, Will Flames were pretty unique. Tier 1 was what pretty much everyone else had and didn’t need to be mentioned, Tier 2 encoded your most predominant personality traits and allowed you to keep your mentality no matter how much time passed or what you experienced (but it’s not like you couldn’t feel anything else, those were just the core personality traits). And Tier 3…


That’s where things really got juicy. Alas, it was pointless to think about considering how far out of his reach it was.


Instead, he was much more interested in what would happen to Kazolix. Kazolix had a Tier 1 Will Flame that was grey in colour, nothing special about that. But it had been blown out like a candle flame. According to his knowledge, there were a few things that could stimulate back into existence, and he had done those things, but there was no way to confirm success or failure since a long time of rest was still needed.


He would just have to see if the guy would ever wake up.

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