Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 31

[30] Dragon tails seem cold and pleasant


“That’s what happens because you’re standing in the rain all the time. I can take care of you at all.”

Ixis puts a cold towel on my head roaring in a ragged voice, complaining.

Soothing and comfortable.

I kept crying in the rain and as a result I caught a brilliant cold.

And go to sleep for the second day.

He is currently in the Inn for the care of Ixis.

If this is the case, Claude is going to be clear, but Claude is not in the inn.

I decided to break Jimmy’s magic doll’s body because I asked you to grab it.

To completely unleash Jimmy from the magic doll, you need to break your body.

I wasn’t going to stop it because he wanted it in person and Hilda could be a stepping stone back to this body.

But I’m talking about how to break it at the heart.

I just want to avoid making Jimmy, who only people see, a splatter thing.

I decided to ask a magic doll technician to do that because I only ask someone who specializes.

He said there was a shop in the basement where Ixis and I went before, so he drew a map and asked Claude and Jimmy to go out there.

Claude just couldn’t tell me he was going to take care of me, and I was rubbing it quite a bit until this morning.

“Claude prioritizes you over Hilda the Fake”

“But Master Meiko!

“Please. If it’s medical, I’ll ask Ixis.”

“… ok”

Like that, I was forced to convince you.

I could have had Claude see me and go to Ixis.

Something like this… when you’re weak with a cold, you want someone to stay on your side.

I thought somewhere in my heart that Ixis, who knows all my circumstances, would be more calm with me on his side than Claude, who is guiding Hilda.

“Ubin Ya”

“Don’t wring people’s tails around”

Because Ixis’ tail is scaly, or cold and comfortable.

Even though I hate to say it, it’s Ixis who sits in bed with his tail beside me on purpose.

I don’t know why. Ixis spoils me.

Not honest, but sweet.

I decide this is what you can do, and I hug you to the tail of Gyu Yixis.

You’re mostly sweet on Ixis, me.

I know it’s not a good trend, but this is a bad Ixis.

Because you’ve never done it before to cry in front of someone, but you allow me to cry.

Nursing is such a hassle… it pushes me.

I just have to ask you to give up on what you deserve here already.

Cry scattered and refreshed, out of all sorts.

In the meantime, I decided to do it as Hilda has always done.

Raise the boys to avoid Abel killing them in the future while avoiding the death flag.

Then the magician would be perfect if he could study and release Ixis from his vows.

If Hilda returns before we accomplish that, we’ll think about it then.

I just thought about it, and there’s no way I can do anything about it.

All I can do is do what’s right in front of me.



Call me by name, and Ixis will look at me with a grumpy face.

But somehow. I thought this face was just pretending to be grumpy.

There is no basis at all. But I felt that.


I didn’t say that. I laugh with my thanks.

I’m glad you’re on my side, Ixis, and I’ve thought about it a few times since I’ve been to another world.

“… I didn’t want to be thanked for anything.”

Ixis opens his eyes to surprise, then frowns and looks more grumpy than he did earlier, getting out of bed.

Oh, the Ixis is lit.

I don’t speak up, but I think so.

Ixis’ tail headed towards the window was showing a twirling motion.

“… don’t. I don’t like it… why do you have to make me kiss a man… ugh!

To the lid, I hear a groan coming from the next bed and I look at you.

He looked painful and Feather was stuffy.

Looks like they’re doing it again.

He had Feather replenish his magic to wake Jimmy, but the way he did it hurt his heart.

The way to replenish magic is with a mouse to mouse…… blah blah kiss.

It seems Jimmy’s magic doll’s body was starving for quite a bit of magic, devouring Feather’s lips so intensely that this one flashed.

Although Jimmy had spoken with a red face that his body had reacted to Hilda’s magic on its own.

Could it have been Hilda on a daily basis?

It was too exciting for me… to look directly at it.

And, pathetically, Feather had a fever after a kiss with Jimmy.

Where they flew in the rain to get a doctor, they took a large amount of magic and the mental damage overlapped.

Sometimes the same beast man was a feather who was close to the kids from Hanayashi, but he seemed pretty pure on that side.

I feel like I did something bad while I was a party, maybe I was about the age of dreaming because I was twelve.

Sorry, Feather.

He looked like a Jimmy doll, and I was wondering if he was as fine as a kiss.

But I didn’t think it was that amazing.

Only at that moment…… I thought there was some pheromone out of Jimmy for nothing.

He was licking Jimmy because he had a plain face.

I apologize in my heart for saying I can’t watch it or something, and I’m really sorry I peeked through the gap in my finger.

I remember and I felt the fever coming up again, so I thought I’d sleep another night, and I made a fierce noise and the door opened.

“Dear Hilda, Feather! I’m here to see you!

Yeah, I think I heard Gilbert, the tense dog beast, again today.

They bring flowers, I’m happy with that feeling.

But honestly, to the sick, Gilbert’s opponent had something hard.

“Shall I make something? Do you want to wipe the sweat? Or do you exercise after all? Exercise is good, right? I think you’ll feel better if you sweat, and good luck with me!

Wait a minute, Gilbert!

What you’re going to do, what you’re going to do to the sick!

Why are you taking off your jacket? Or I remember having the same one-sided conversation yesterday!

Not if you think it’s muscular.

Help me, Mr. Ixis!

Please, do Gilbert somewhere!

My throat hurts and I can’t scratch it, so I send a moisturizing gaze to Ixis.

“I’m a guardian dragon, and I’m not a babysitter if I’m not a lump…”

Ixis exhaled one, grabbing Gilbert’s root and throwing him out of the room.


“Lady, are you feeling better?

I nodded because Claude, who had returned from the outside, sounded worried to me when it was around noon and I was recovering.

“Claude, are you still calling me a lady about me?

Claude made sure that Chillari and Feather were asleep on the side to relieve me as I spoke in one word because of a sore throat.

“You don’t have to call me Lady Mako. But do you know this secret only from Ixis and Jimmy? There’s a little bit of a problem with calling me Mako in front of everyone.”

That’s what Claude says, he makes me warm tea.

There was a fluffy little white flower floating in the cup and it smelled sweet.


Claude smiled fluffily if he accidentally let his eyes shine.

“It’s Lilke’s flower tea. It’s good for your throat. I bought it because it was a favorite product in the Elf country and it was in this country when I looked for a tea shop.”

Honey is also served please, spoon in and stir.

Included in my mouth, it tasted refreshing and seemed to shed a refreshing scent from my nose.


“Good. I thought you might like it.”

Apparently Claude bought it on purpose.

“Hilda’s favorite tea?

“No. Master Hilda hated this tea. Hilda was also a favorite product of her mother to help her voice after the affair.”

He answers my question, blushing like Claude was in trouble.

“Give me that kind of tea… sorry. I knew it would work, and it looks adorable, so I thought you’d be happy. Mako loves these cute things, doesn’t he?

I’m a little surprised Claude was told he was getting a good grasp of my taste.

Regardless of what I wear with cute things, I loved to love cute things.


“No. That’s all I can do, though.”

If you say thank you, Claude smiles sorry.

Though I felt a little depressed because of the effects of the fever that Claude might no longer be able to understand because of the fake Hilda.

Claude’s care stained my chest at the same time that I became a little embarrassed when I thought about it.

“Dear Meiko, I asked a technician familiar with magic dolls that it seems possible to dismantle Jimmy and release him from his body”

It seems that some magic dolls incorporate something called a heart part, or a core into which the mental body can enter.

The contract was inscribed there, so I should have broken it.

“I’ve just been persuaded many times that a magic doll technician should reconsider breaking such a precious core,”

“Are you that awesome?

Ask Claude and he’ll tell you what the engineer told you.

The core was like a magically crafted artificial gem.

Also known as “The Stone of the Sage,” the engineer said he had never seen anything so advanced.

I’ve heard of you, Sole.

A magical stone that often comes out of games and stuff, turning trees and stones into gold or making people immortal.

Even the world of this maiden game, The Crown of Dusk, is the most challenging item to create.

It’s just that in “The Crown of Dusk,” the important thing is to fall in love.

This is an item that most players don’t think they created because they didn’t have to make it to clear the game.

Loving the alchemy element, I remember having a lot of difficulty creating this item.

At the price, Hilda’s gorgeous mansion is said to be light enough to buy five. Or more, so I’m surprised.

“Shall I also be present in the evening to destroy the core”

“But Master Meiko. You’re still not feeling well, are you?

There was a reason why Claude had to hurry, though he would throw a carefree glance at me.

The time limit for being in the kingdom of the Beast is until today.

Three days to travel. Arrive on the morning of the fourth day and reunite with Gilbert as you are.

On the fifth day I left a will from Jimmy to go to the land of the Birds and destroy the castle.

He was invited to different spaces of Ixis on the sixth day, and on the eighth day Jimmy was discovered to be a magic doll.

Walk in the rain on the ninth day and catch a cold.

Now leave the territory, day eleven. The journey from here to the Mansion takes three days.

He told me he was leaving within two weeks, so I have to go home today.

I’m worried about everyone I’ve put down, and prolonging it any longer will add to the cumbersome process to the bureau.

I can’t do it here. But I needed to get it done.

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