Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 18

[17] My use of demons and their likes

“Yes, what was that now? What the hell is this pattern…?

Feather couldn’t hide her confusion at what happened in front of her, staring at the cherry blossom-like pattern that appeared on the back of her own hand.

A magic formation unfolded at my feet, and a water column surrounded me and Feather.

I was sucked into the pattern on the back of Feather’s hand so that it would aggregate.

I was flattered, too, but I need to follow you here.

“That’s a testament to my contract. You won’t be surprised how much you’ve become my servant, Feather. It’s less than 10% of my power, with two names like that [A Being Who Grips the Destiny of the World (World Distinction)]. But maybe it’s because I used my powers a long time ago. Sealed and painful right eye force……!

Gu, and fronted, distorting his face, holding his right eye.

“Ko, you mean there’s more to it than this!

To my imminent act, Feather put her amazement on her face.

Sounds like a great effect!

… but Ixis was looking at me with a dong-pulled face.

After Feather walks away, he returns to sanity.

“I’m ashamed… I want to die…”

“I was watching that. I’m more embarrassed. It’s twice as embarrassing because it adds up to Mako’s share of emotion.”

Ixis chased me to cover my face and bore me with embarrassment.


Ixis said I inadvertently used Feather as a demon.

A user demon is a wizard who divides and serves a part of his magic.

The subject is biologically free and diverse with animals.

Ixis and Claude are held to life by Hilda, and that’s how the subordination is formed.

Unlike that, the user demon contract does not make life a price.

It is a contract that builds on trust, gives part of its own magical attributes instead of making it promise subordination, and makes the subject a wizard.

Mostly my thoughtful stuff or this contract I make to the animals and beasts I miss.

I’ll give you magical powers, so do your best for my husband.

Originally, it is such a Nori contract.

The magic of this world can only be used by each individual attribute when activated, and no other attribute can be deployed at the same time.

So most of the seven attributes that one person has are one or two.

Whether you have the talent to use the magic of other attributes, if you don’t use it, the treasure will rot.

Attributes you do not use yourself are granted to the user demon to make effective use of.

That was the basis of this maiden game, The Crown of Dusk.

Although there are many species that can use magic, beastmen cannot use magic by birth.

For this reason, the Beast Man was just right to grant attributes as a wizard user demon and was set to be popular in the game.

I was apparently in Hilda, imparting the magical power of water to Feather.

I mean, Feather became a wizard of water attributes because of me.

By the way, the use magic contract basically lasts a lifetime, so the attributes you give to the use demon can no longer be used by you in person.

Only when the user demon dies will his attributes be returned to him.

I can’t believe you used Feather as a demon…

This is unexpected.

If I die, Feather dies too.

Feather’s attitude toward me improved because I believe the pledge was exchanged.

Though vigilant, no obvious hostility is directed.

But this raises the risk of feathers per se……

Free yourself from the shackles and be able to fly in the sky.

As well as sharp nails, Feather even got a weapon called the power to manipulate the water.


“Ma’am! What the hell are you thinking about using feathers as demons!

At the time of the demon contract, the water column rose flashly and the flash ran, so what I did to Claude was broken.

I’m in the middle of a sermon right now.

“I didn’t mean to be a demon, either, did I? I was just gonna make you promise not to shoot me for my life.”

“You can’t take Feather out of the barn without my permission and do such an imitation in itself.”

I looked at Claude like I was in a good mood, but there was no gap to fix it.

An atmosphere where I might say we dispose of the feathers right now.

“You promised to protect me, and Feather wouldn’t do that again.”

“While I’m assuming you’ve made a pledge, fine. What happens if you realize that contract is not binding? Now you have more magical powers than before, don’t you?

What Claude was saying was most appropriate.

“Easy, Claude. I’m responsible for this one too. If Feather shows Hilda how to do harm, he kills him relentlessly. That’s all right, right?

“It’s not good. Once put out by Feather, your promise lacks certainty”

Ixis sheltered me, but Claude didn’t pull.

“You think I’m gonna be unconscious about feathers again?”

‘Cause I say once, there’s twice.’

Between Ixis and Claude, cool air flows.

It wasn’t a very good situation.

“‘Cause it’s okay. If only I could see Gilbert, Feather would change the way he sees me a little too. It would be more comforting if we had a relationship of trust and allied ourselves, wouldn’t it?

“Does that work…?

Claude sighed heavily at the hopeful observation that I don’t think was too sweet myself.


“Feather, shall we have tea together?

“I made a deal to keep it, but I’m not going to get along with you.”

Speaking to the feather on the tree is the same, I can’t take the skinship.

I want to create a little trust, but I’m really stubborn.

I was wondering if it might not be as good as this, and horse beast man Elliot snapped the hem of my clothes.

“You want to get along with Feather?

“Yeah, I haven’t been very good,”

Speaking of sigh mixing, Elliot did the trick of coming.

Apparently Elliot has some ideas.

Elliot, who was impatient, is trying to help me.

Without a doubt Elliot was currently the most grown of the floral groups.

By the way, Cat Beast Man Dio and Rabbit Beast Man Betty are the same.

These two tend to chase pleasant and fun things because they are in the flower streets from birth or because they have zero resistance to erotic things.

For them, it might have been a means to protect themselves from the hard things.

But I didn’t have much good results in terms of growth because I ran away to you without studying or doing what I thought I didn’t like.

I wonder what Elliot is going to do.

It warms the back of my chest that you’re trying to help me.

Elliot pulled the hand of Rabbit Beast Man Betty and gave it to me.

“Feather, rabbit lover. Betty, it’s big, so if I give it to you… I’ll be happy”

“What? Betty and Feather are close?

It didn’t look that way, and I’m surprised because I never saw the two of them involved.

“We’re not close! Feather, look at me sometimes. Who’s drooling?

Betty denies it with great momentum, Elliot.

What, like means fleshy?

I saw something in the food chain inside the Beast Man.

“No, no, no, Elliot! That’s exactly what you can’t do!

Into a hell of a suggestion, unexpectedly.

Betty has a little tear eyes.

You thought it was a good idea, Elliot looked heartless or unfortunate.


But Elliot’s proposed gift operation might be a good idea.

That’s why I tried to prepare a bunny round for dinner frequently afterwards.

Although Rabbit Beast Man Betty is in tears, you can see that Feather’s attendance at his dinner seat has increased, so it works.

By the way, beasts and animals seem to be another creature in their own right.

Honestly, you’re eating together! I don’t think so, but I guess we shouldn’t go in there.

But it turns out that eating the same looking thing as yourself is resistant, and Betty doesn’t eat rabbits.

But Eagle Beast Man/Feather also seems to love birds roasted on the beak of a bird.

The dish of the day, the whole roasted bird, looks deliciously cheeky.

“You’re a bird beast, you eat birds?

“… because it tastes like a rabbit.”

Feather answered the question.

I’m glad the conversation just came to an end and I feel like I brought it closer.

Those eyes are directed towards Betty… I decided I didn’t see them.

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