Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 128

[Baton 3] None x Jimmy (Jimmy Perspective)

“Good Morning”

Say hello. But I won’t return it.

In this house, I’m not supposed to be here.

Help me prepare a meal.

But you don’t talk to me.

I just eat rice that doesn’t taste very good.

I understood my position.

The truth is that it shouldn’t exist.

There are elderly couples living in the house.

I was supposed to be their adopted son, but I’m not.

Born of mistakes that could not have been forgiven, I was a man who should not have existed in this world.

The world is colourless and transparent.

Like the air, I was alive.

Try not to get in someone’s way, not to get into your sight as much as possible.

I shouldn’t exist because I was the means to be here.

It gets painful compared to someone else.

I know that, so I don’t think about it.

Just amazing every day, flush.

If you don’t have anything – your days go by.

But sometimes I think.

Until this happens, I wonder if it makes sense to be alive.

If you don’t have anything, it’s just like nothing.

I was there, and he said he wasn’t there.

This world goes around fine.

Rather, it would be smoother without me, I’m sure.


Someone’s screaming, screaming.

A tall sound that rubs the rubber off the tire.

Falling shadows.

Looking at you, there was a truck in front of me that couldn’t bend the curve.



Someone calls my name.

Comfortable voice.

For the first time since she called me, I know what it means to have a name.

When they call me by my own name that way, I can actually feel that I’m here.

At that moment, I’m here.

Though I think it’s ridiculous to be a ghost and know.

My name in that world – because no one could call me.

With her voice, I wanted you to call me by my name.

I pretend to sleep again. [M]

“Jimmy, wake up. Morning Degree”

She rides over me with a high-pressure attitude, and she calls my name.

If I pretended to sleep any more, I would get stuck, so I decided to wake up.

“Morning, Hilda”

“Morning. Come on, hurry up”

Make sure I wake up and Hilda plays her finger.

The landscape changed in an instant.

Out of space, out into the outside world.

A different world from the Nihon I was spending.

Different worlds, but also places to be.

That was Hilda’s living world.


Hit by a truck and become a ghost.

I wandered through a strange space. [M]

Hilda picked me up like that.

Well, rather than being picked up… I guess you’re right about being pushed into different spaces and saying you’re surrounded.

It’s the same thing because I didn’t have the will to run away.

Hilda gave me the body of a ghost.

Tied to this world, I can’t go anywhere on my own.

I just don’t feel like going anywhere, so this was a good thing.

A special room called a different space seems to be connected to Hilda’s mind.

When I first came in, it was a white room, but now it looks like a barn.

There’s a big, uncomfortable bed in the cage.

So I always fall asleep with Hilda.

In the morning, get it out and tie Hilda’s hair.

Once that’s done, we’ll be trapped in different spaces in Hilda. I’ll have Hilda let me out on a whim and we’ll sleep together waiting for Hilda to come home.

Get them out in the morning and help Hilda get back to herself.

Speaking of repetition, repetitive life.

For the most part of my life, there is no freedom in a cage in another space.


Because Hilda calls me that so sweet.

I wasn’t empty right now.


Rarely summoned in the evening.

Put a red dress on Hilda and tie her hair.

They have a ball coming up.

Hilda, who turned eighteen, said that everyone was a beautiful girl with their mouths shut.

Half elf-like pointy ears are cute, too, and I liked the green eyes with harsh colors above all else.

Dresses that accentuate your chest catch your eyes.

I’m sure Hilda will be the flower of the ball.

I thought about that, I guess it’s beautiful to dance.

“Hey Hilda. I was wondering if you could let me out until after the ball.”

That was just an idea, just a little thought I’d like to see Hilda dance.

If you say so, Hilda turns around.

In his eyes was a dark and strong light.

Hilda is angry about something.

I didn’t know what it was, but the next moment I was in my usual room in different spaces.

Rooms like barns.

Hilda on the other side of the lattice.

Apparently, today, I’m the only one trapped in my room.

“Why does Hilda always lock me up in different spaces?

“Jimmy’s trying to escape.”

I never thought of running away from Hilda once.

I just ran away in the first place, and there’s no place for me to go.

Though I have spoken of it.

“Liar. Jimmy tried to escape the wax, didn’t he? I tried to disappear from the wasp’s side, saying I’d lived long enough.”

Green eyes of scorching colour stare at me.

A hand stretched out from the other side of the lattice is placed around my neck.

I did say that once.

Hilda was three when we met. Become a girl, grow up.

Still looking for me, I just got anxious because I was going to visit different spaces.

Because of me, Hilda isn’t familiar with the world on the surface.

I guess I’m just unnecessary to Hilda.

If it’s not necessary for Hilda, I’d better disappear from here.

Words that came out of such thoughts.

From that day on, the rooms of the different spaces, which were white, were transformed into chambers.


“I don’t hear excuses”

The lattice in front of me disappears.

I was drawn to Hilda and her shapely lips blocked my lips.

Hilda’s back, three years old and little when we met, was getting past me.

He gets his hands on his chin and turns up, flirting with his tongue.

I was supposed to be a better adult at thirteen.

Soon, Hilda grew up more than I did.

“… you are a wasp thing. All my life, until I die, even after I die. I’ll chain you up and lock you in a cage.”

But that’s how you say it. Words and everything.

When I was young, nothing changed.

Strong obsession.

Hilda lusts for such an empty me.

Like you insist that everything belongs to you, like you teach me that.

He shoots me through with those eyes and kisses me like he can’t breathe again and again, taking everything away from me.

Desperate to connect, capture me and lock me up.

I can’t wait to find Hilda like that cute.

That’s what you’ve been doing, tying me up.

As long as Hilda needs me, I’m not going anywhere, and I’m on my side.

“… Fine, tie it up. Don’t let go all the time. You can be Hilda and be imprisoned.”

“Good boy, Jimmy.”

Hilda laughs, like you did well.

A gentle kiss of reward comes down to my lips again.

I don’t know what kind of mouth to say you can be imprisoned.

That’s ridiculous, I think, while kissing.

The truth is, this is how you tie me up, and you want to be imprisoned – even though it’s me.


Between kisses, it’s Hilda calling me that sounds soft and sweet.

“Hilda, you’re a good boy.”

Now I gently blocked his lips so that I could take away all of it.

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