Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 122

[Outside 7] Leni and Maiden Special Training 2

After lunch, if I went to the mansion’s library, there was a look for Sophia there.

Though I’m opening the book, I haven’t moved my fingers around the page since earlier, and I’m just throwing up sighs.

The worried expression suited Sophia well, a beautiful girl with a pretty look.

Sophia, the daughter of the maid Maria, is three years older than Abel, the offensive target of the maiden game Dusk’s Crown.

Because Abel is currently fifteen, eighteen.

Being sick and weak from an early age, she has finally been able to live a crowded life lately.

She’s on the bed all the time while a kid her age plays outside.

She’s supposed to be hard, but she’s still a strong girl who always laughs without even crying, like she cares about her mother and her brother.

Girl who is spotless white when compared to color and wants to protect you.

I guess whoever you ask her impressions will get a similar answer.

The constant smiling cause of her cloudy face lies in Leni, the assassin girl.

This morning, they went for a walk.

That’s where Sophia found the beautiful bird, and if Leni wanted it, she dropped it with a knife.

…… I wonder if we can make up properly.

That’s what worries me, and I decide to sneak up on you from behind the bookshelf.

Here it splits when Leni comes in through the entrance, so I just moved a little further back and found a shadow crawling through Sofia as well.

He slapped his shoulder gently so as not to surprise him, but the person shook his shoulder frighteningly.

“Abel, what are you doing?


There was Abel.

If I spoke out loud, I frowned that I had found something strange, and my eyes bore a grumpy color.

“… because there was something wrong with Sophia”

It won’t matter to you.

Abel answered honestly, though I would have just returned such a dialogue before.

Do you even think it’s not good to dress up to worry about someone, or I can feel something like lighting in the words that don’t blink.

“Is that why you’re sneaking around here?

“Isn’t that the only way? When I asked him what was wrong, he told me it was nothing. I read a book and asked you to leave me alone… like I couldn’t tell you.”

Abel gets more and more depressed as she answers my questions.

The distance between Abel, who will eventually be the head of the Austin family, and me, who is the current head, is much closer than it used to be.

That’s what I found out while dealing with Abel, but pretty much he’s hit and weak and vulnerable to rejection.

He was unsure of himself, though he wore something quite high level of study, exercise and magic.

Because my mother didn’t love me…… I’m inferior to people, so I pretend to think I wouldn’t be loved if I didn’t try harder than anyone else.

At times like this, Abel doesn’t know what to do.

He looked troubled.

People change how Abel can expose us to weaknesses like this.

Abel before would have hidden everything from her, from her misery, from her misery, from her grip.

Seems paradoxical, but being able to show people how weak you are is proof that Abel has become mentally stronger.

“I think you just wanted to think about it alone, don’t you? It’s okay because it’s not like Abel can’t count on it or anything. Sophia just had a little fight with her friends. I’m going to make up for her now.”


To my words, Abel looked a little relieved.

I guess I just figured out why Sophia’s depressed, and she doesn’t feel the same way.

Leni should be here in a little while.

As we were both lurking our breaths, less than five minutes later, Leni came.

He dresses like a boy named Pants on his regular hoodie, not the dress he wore in the morning. There was a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

I opened the door but there was no sound, no footsteps.

Leni’s presence closer to Sofia is so thin that I wonder if this is what it means to erase the signs. The door.

If I hadn’t watched, I wouldn’t have even noticed that Leni had come in.

Though I felt like I had subtle eyes because of my mind… Leni moved straight to the side of Sofia.

“Hey, Sophia.”

Speaking up, Sophia seemed to finally notice Leni.

I tremble my shoulders and look back.

In front of that eye, Leni stuck out a bouquet of flowers.

“I’ll do this. You like it, right?”

“… flowers? To me?”

Sophia rounds her eyes compared to the big orange and red flowers and Leni.

“My apologies for this morning. I didn’t mean to make you cry. Sophia seemed to like a rare bird, so I was just trying to get it. I’m sorry I made you cry.”

Leni said so wisely and deliciously, pressing a bouquet of flowers against Sophia’s chest.

“You couldn’t have killed him in front of me, could you? I’m not gonna kill you in front of Sophia from now on.”

I feel subtly off, but I guess it’s harder to suddenly understand there to Leni, who has lived the killing as a business.

Still, this was quite a concession if you try Leni.

I don’t suppose you’ve done much of the very act of matching someone with your own will.

“… thanks Leni-kun. I’m the one who’s sorry. That’s what Leni-kun said, even though he was kind enough to do it.”

“You don’t need Sophia to apologize. I’m not sure how a woman would dislike it or be happy with it. I’m bad. So how about those flowers? You like that?

That’s what Leni said to Sophia, who apologized, and asked for her thoughts.

Sophia says of course with a smile on her face.

“Oh well… good. Honestly, I was worried that getting flowers wouldn’t help or make you unhappy. What Piocho said was true.”

As relieved, Leni pulls out her shoulder strength.

It seemed like he was speaking up to Sophia for sarcasm, but he might actually have been nervous.

“This is the flower in the flower bed of Pio and Quo, right? Leni picked it for you?

“Well, it’s the one I decided to talk to those guys about. I don’t care if they tell you to pick what you like, but flowers are all the same.”

With the bouquet of flowers received, Sophia stares at Leni.

“I can’t believe they’re all the same.”

“It just looks the same when they say so. Flowers are flowers, even if they come in many varieties. They’re all together for me, even with so much.”

The clouds are getting a little suspicious.

Sophia looks sad at Leni for saying that.

“I don’t know which flowers Sophia would be happy with where it was. It’s easy because you don’t have to think about it one way… it took me a while”

Chick Leni pounds his tongue.

That means that Sophia chose the flower because she worried, seriously thinking about which one would please her.

“He thought about it a lot…”

Sophia noticed that too, smiling sweetly like a wasp.

Well, Leni answered. Looks like she’s lit up somewhere.

What, this pure pure atmosphere?

It’s like I’m looking at a sweet and sour page of youth.

If you’re a girl cartoon, the dots and flowers are blooming in the back.

Rather than friendship between girls, it’s like when you become uncommonly honest with a girl who seemingly likes a tuned boy…

No, it’s fine that we could make up, but it’s a little different than I thought.

“… how did you make this flower?

“I don’t know Sophia’s taste. I chose a flower that looks like you because Pio and Cuo told me to pick one that suits Sofia.”

To Sophia’s question, Leni puts his head on as illuminated.

“He said he looked like me… around which?

Leni’s chosen flowers are bright orange and red.

It felt like I said I was passionate and full of energy, and it wasn’t much of an image of Sofia.

“Keep your nose close.”

Honestly, Sophia wears that scent.

“… smells so good”

“That sort of thing. You smell good. I’ve chosen the most scented one.”

Leni laughs more at Sophia for her mouth.

I blushed like Sophia lit up.

– Something was going on with Leni right now.

I regret that I’ve been a little cummed.

Well, whatever, I’m glad I made up with Sophia.

I’m trying to understand the girl’s feelings. The effort is what I saw, and now let’s just say it’s settled.

I left it with Maria and Sofia to be girly, but I was wondering if she was more manly.

Kind of isn’t Leni about to go in the other direction? And?

It’s not like that question doesn’t cross my mind – well, that’s it.

If you’re saying it in a good direction, that’s it.

The two had some good vibes, and I sat next to Sofia and started a conversation about what Leni was reading.

If it had been like this, I probably wouldn’t have had to watch.

I notice something strange, trying to speak to Abel about it being time to go.


I opened my eyes and Abel was there in shock.

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