Reincarnated as a Villain That was Killed Before the Game Starts

Chapter 110

[Outside 1] Bride stained with dragons


To the extension of the shoulder blades of the back, move with force.

I knew I couldn’t wing well and I couldn’t even float.

Ixis supports me from behind where I was able to do a little too much.

“So I told you I couldn’t do it yet. I’m not completely dragonized.”

Ixis strokes the wings on my back like a laborer.

The milky soft wings were shaped like bat wings.

“I know that, but when I think I have wings, I kind of want to try”

Married to Ixis, caged in the temple of the Dragons for ten days.

For about three days now, I had milky wings growing on my back.

I was dragging my body a little bit today and moving my wings to try flying in the garden.

The white based temple is in a high position inside, with no one but me and Ixis.

The meals and baths have been prepared at some point, so I guess someone from the Dragon tribe is there, but it seemed like he was trying not to show up.

Many of the Dragon Brides receive a reverse scale from their husbands dragons and become dragons from people in this place.

Plenty of love from the dragon into its body seems to cause the scales in the body to react and the bride’s body to approach the dragon.

This temple seemed a cozy place for dragons, which meant it was a place to promote brides becoming dragons.

I do feel the wind is comfortable and the clean air is flowing.

But when it comes to what me and Ixis do, I don’t feel like it’s… pretty rotten every day.

Let’s be honest.

Since this is the official ritual that makes the bride a dragon tribe, I just have to say that there is none.

Dragon tribes are not half as varied.

Whatever you think, you don’t have a bride’s body?

After ten days, I was just wondering if I had recovered enough strength to finally get out.

If you’re Mr. Ixis, you’ve been fine!

Yeah, I’m really… I’m so well, you say you made me cry every day.

On the pretext of dragonization, you can do whatever you want.

With all the minutes I’ve been waiting for so far, it’s been a lot of intense since the beginning, even though it’s the first time.


If I remember a little and it was red, Ixis would sweetly bite my wings on the sieve.

Stimulation on areas that I have never felt before is strangely itchy.

They seem to remind me that my back wings are part of me, too.

Even though he licked, chewed and scattered my wings yesterday and all yesterday, Ixis seemed to never tire of it.

“Hey Ixis, don’t play games…… ah”

Ixis’ hand reaches out to those who are growing tails.

When he even got the base of his tail, which was only about thirty centimeters, he tickled and raised his voice.

“I’m excited to think Meiko has the same thing as me”

Turn around and your body gets hot with your eyes matching those of a giraffed Ixis.

This is not good, I manage to get out of Ixis’ arms with a body that is about to lose its strength.

I was learning in this short time that if I let myself be, I would be rendered irreversible again for at least three days.

“Hey Ixis, you look like my wing cream color, but are you a dragon of this color? I thought I was gonna be the same red dragon as Ixis.”

“Haven’t we talked yet? The bride’s wings are all of those colors at first.”

Ask a distraction and Ixis will answer.

“Just as my father was a black dragon and the mother who got the scales was a red dragon, the color of the bride’s dragon body is not with the color of her husband. At first it’s cream, maybe three more days, and the ritual is over.”

Ixis strokes my wings from the front, as he gently loves me.

It was strangely illuminating.

“So until it’s dyed, you don’t know the color, do you?

“You can predict the attributes you have and the magical tendencies you’re good at, and then, by and large, from your personality. There’s something close to fortune, but it hits me well.”

With the color of the dragon’s body, Ixis spoke when he knew his character and tendencies.

Strong light and flame attributes can easily result in red or yellow dragons.

Many red dragons say they are good at attacking systems, straight, and thick in emotion.

Ixis remarked that he was good at auxiliary magic systems, yellow and had a lot of my-paced personality.

Strong darkness and water attributes can easily make blue or purple dragons.

Thin blues and purples often have a tender personality that is good at recovery and auxiliary magic systems.

Dark blue or purple says there are many dragons of a cool or abusive character.

Strong wind and soil attributes make it easy to become green or brown dragons.

Light colors, they’re good at auxiliary magic and alchemy magic, and have a lot of laid-back character.

Dark colors often specialize in attacks and seemed to account for a large number of refreshing or serious dragons.

I mean, I understand it’s like blood type fortune telling.

Ixis is a red dragon, wind and light attributes.

I do think that’s the type of thing that’s thick on emotion.

“In Mako’s case, I don’t know the magical attributes that his body has. Just because of my personality… I also feel like a red dragon just like me”

Ixis mouths pleasantly.

It was such a mouthful that I couldn’t wait for the moment when my wings stained.

“With that said, there were no black dragons among those that Ixis taught me. What does the Black Dragon personality diagnosis look like?

“In the case of black dragons, they say they are born with a more odd fate than character. Maybe it’s because of the strength, but in my father’s case, he was supposed to be raised by the Demons to be the Demon King, and Ouga is having a pretty hard time… oh, so to speak”

If you ask concerned, raise your voice as if Ixis had noticed something.

“… no, but”

“I care. Tell me!”

Stuck it in a hard-faced Ixis, and Ixis slowly opens his mouth.

“The Black Dragon has long been said to be easily liked by Genger. I guess there are times when a genger likes that kind of thing because it’s easy to get caught up in weird fates. Looks like there was a Genger in your dad’s acquaintance, and Augusto, right?

“If you’re talking about Saki, it doesn’t feel like Ouga is liked. I keep fighting.”

To the words of Ixis, give the name of childhood taming, a genger.

“It’s like being liked at the point where Genger comes in contact with you. That’s not so easy to reveal who you are, and it’s unlikely we’ll meet.”

Though the Dragon clan is not so numerous and is sometimes called the Fantasy clan because it can manipulate space and disappear.

Gengers are even less likely to meet than that, and they seem to be treated like legendary creatures.

“If we meet, we die, even if they chase us, if we skip them with candy balls scattered, we’ll get away with it and it’ll help.”

“You treat it like a haunted or urban legend…”

I’m surprised Saki was a rare species on that level.

“Meiko is liked by such gengers, and now also by the descendants of the doomed demons. He’s in contact with the White Dragon rebirth, and the Dragon Clan likes him. The phantom beast has declared that he wants to lay eggs, and that’s why he’s gone to different worlds so many times in this short period of time…”

Tough mouth, Ixis makes a difficult face.

“Just to be clear, there are all the unlikely guys I don’t normally meet around Meiko. Mako might, maybe he might.”

“Does that mean I might be the Black Dragon?

“I think that’s quite likely…”

Mouth it, for some reason, Ixis looks complicated.

“What’s wrong, Ixis?

“No, if Meiko was a black dragon, I thought he would have deserved Augusto. Mako chose me, but Augusto was the first one to like Mako.”

A slightly guilty seeping voice.

It seemed like Ixis had feelings that I thought were bad for Ouga.

“Well, I still can’t if I say I can let go of Mako. I would definitely have pulled myself out so far, but Meiko can’t… make me want to be alone”

My body temperature rises to the icsys that I can’t give up that much even if I think it’s bad.

If I could hold him, I was thrilled by the scent of Ixis.

Ixis’ hand reaches out to my wings again. Still little soft wings, unlike those from Ixis.

Steal a look at the face of Ixis stroking it with love.

I felt itchy when my hands were inserted into my hair and the corners of my hair grew slightly tight.

I like the face when Ixis loves the part where he became my dragon.

A gentle, mellow face.

Watching the look on my face that I was sincerely waiting to be a dragon fills my chest this way.

Maybe Ixis doesn’t realize how happy he looks at me.

“Ixis, you like to touch.”

“Oh, when I do this… I realize that Mako has become mine”

Ixis let go of his body whining with a mixed voice of admiration that sounded a little solitary.

Then he puts his hand on my stomach.

“I hope they give you eggs soon, too. I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of kid he is. It’s likely the Red Dragon from my bloodstream.”

“Right…… eh, wait a minute. I just said eggs!?

Trying to snort back, I overhear what Ixis said.

Now, if it wasn’t my mistake, I could hear the word egg.

“What such a surprise. Mako… you don’t want an egg with me?

Ixis looks a little sad.

No, no, that’s not the problem!?

“Ixis, do dragons come from eggs!?

“It’s obvious, right?

Ixis is a face like I don’t know what I’m confused about.

Dragons laying eggs seemed common sense in Ixis.

“… Ixis, people shouldn’t be laying eggs”

“Oh, speaking of which, don’t even feel like you learned that at Dragon School. Is it going to be born directly?”

That much said, it was like Ixis finally guessed why I was surprised.

“Well, that doesn’t make much difference, does it?

“It’s gonna change! Because that kind of thing requires mindfulness!

I’m surprised you’re going to lay an egg.

“Does that… mean you won’t lay an egg with me?

If you disturb an unexpected situation, Ixis makes a sinking voice.

“No, I’m just surprised that eggs mean kids with Ixis… you want them?

I’m glad you want it, but there was a strange embarrassment in mouthing it.

“Well, that’s fine.”

Ixis smiles as relieved and holds me up.

“Hey Ixis!?

“Go back to your room. That’s a continuation of the ritual of dragonization. If we work hard now, we might be able to see some eggs soon.”

“No, no, you don’t have to be in such a hurry!

Whisper in a slightly plundering voice.

It is transported to bed by a space-linked Ixis.

“Yi, Mr. Ixis, you just worked hard in the morning, didn’t you?

And the golden eyes of Ixis, whose bed swept, and crawled on all fours, were of the beast.

“Meiko’s body isn’t enough for me yet, is it? I haven’t dragonized yet.”

“Because I’ve already got plenty! Isn’t this just what Mr. Ixis wants!?

“Say yes”

Speaking of which, Ixis admitted it softly, laughing like a prank.

When the day was going to be long, I thought of that with a sweet mouthful.

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