Reincarnated as a Vampire Princess

Chapter 27: Spirits

I woke up when the carriage stopped. I hadn’t even noticed myself falling asleep in Mother’s lap. My eyes opened groggily, taking in the night. The semi-dense trees told me we’d reached the forest.

Mother smiled down at me, her white fangs almost glowing in the night. “Did you have a good nap, dear?”

I yawned, hugging her arm tight. “It was, but now I need to stretch. My arm feels all stiff.”

“I had to fix your sleeping posture a few times. Riding in a carriage for a long time comes with such disadvantages.”

Janie smiled at me, climbing out of her seat, and grabbing my hands. “Come on! Let’s go play!”

I looked back at Mother.

She shrugged. “There is no problem with it. We stopped here to rest, but I suppose, you are both well-rested.”

Yumi nodded. “She fell asleep soon after you did, little princess. You both look so cute when you sleep. If I had the same painting ability, I’d have made one with both of you sleeping for the wall in my room.”

My face heated once more, and I made for the carriage exit. Wolf ears greeted me, and I yelped, stumbling out of the door.

Adelisa caught me in her arms. “Be careful, princess!”

Her grip around me tightened, and her tail wagged violently. She squeezed my poor vampire lungs, while I tapped on her back. Eventually, her grip let up, and Adelisa put me down in the grass.

She grinned and patted my head.

The lanterns attached to the carriages lit up our small rest area. I saw the dim faces of soldiers and adventurers protecting us further away. Roland’s face was the only other one I recognized.

The old man climbed down from the driver seat of the royal carriage and smiled at me. “Did you have a nice nap, your highness?”

I nodded. “I did!”

Janie grabbed my arm again. “Come on! Let’s play!”

“You may have fun,” Mom said. “However, don’t venture off too far. Yumi will accompany you, while I address the adventurers.”

“Okay!” Janie nearly took off running before Yumi picked her up by the waist. It was funny seeing her little legs run in midair. It reminded me of those silly cartoons.

“The first rule is no running off by yourself, Janie.”

A whimper turned my attention back towards Adelisa, being briefed by Mother. She looked longingly in our direction.

“Fufufu, you may join them, too. After all, it is your sworn duty.”

Adelisa’s tail picked up again, and she followed us into the forest.

Yumi cast a small light spell, dimly lighting our surroundings. Dark brown bark covered the thick trees. They didn’t reach high into the sky, but their foliage covered most of the area above. Bushes littered sparsely on the ground.

We reached another small clearing, and I looked up into the sky, gazing at the stars. The romance of the stars appeared alive and well.

One of the glowing white balls grew closer the more I looked at it. I opened my mouth and closed it, gaping at the descending star. The star approached even closer—only an arm’s length away.

Yumi gasped. “A spirit?”

Janie’s face tilted in puzzlement. “What’s a spirit?”

Adelisa grunted with her deeper voice. “Nobody knows. They are timid creatures.” She reached her hand out to touch it.

The spirit flew from her grasp, dancing away in the air.

Janie giggled, reaching out towards it and jumping. As the spirit hovered away, the dragon gave chase.

“Wait!” I called out, but my plea was ignored. With a sigh, I ran after my friend.

The spirit picked up speed, and so did Janie. The dragon ran much faster than my legs would carry me. Thankfully, Yumi was right on her tail.

The spirit zipped around a corner down an incline.

Foliage grew thicker while I chased after them. Adelisa parted bushes before me. The sound of running water played out ahead. I almost yelled after them, but when the trees parted again, I only opened my mouth in awe.

The spirit rested on Janie’s hands, but the true magnificence showed itself colorfully in the air. Dozens of spirits danced above the water.

They sparkled in the air, playfully prancing over the river. I blinked pointedly—almost like taking a photograph. I burned the image into my retinas.

Janie ran towards me with the spirit in hand, presenting her prize. “Look, Enala! Look! I caught it!”

Her demeanor made me unable to resist patting her head. She smiled, closing her eyes, and leaning into the pats.

Adelisa stared down at the spirit, her tail wagging behind her. “This is truly amazing. I’ve never seen so many spirits gathered in one place.”

Yumi nodded. “I think we should tell Her Majesty about this.”

“But what if the spirits leave?” I asked.

“Will the spirits leave?” Janie asked, pulling on Yumi’s maid dress.

“I am unsure, but this is a truly unique opportunity. There hasn’t been much documentation on spirits, and the research materials are even fewer.”

“Yumi?” I pulled on the other side of her dress.

“Yes, little princess?”

“I can capture this moment with my paints, and Adelisa can go get Mother.”

Yumi rubbed her temples. “I have no idea how I never thought of that.”

I looked hopefully at Adelisa. Her ears drooped, and she shook her head. “I don’t doubt Yumi’s capabilities, but I don’t feel safe with leaving you three alone.”

Janie pulled on my dress this time, leaning close to my ear and whispering. “Can’t you make a butterfly?”

I smiled and hugged her. “You are a genius! I can make a butterfly and have it notify Mom!”

Adelisa placed a hand on her chin. “Will she even know what it’s saying.”

“Are you serious? Mother knows my intentions without me ever speaking a word."

Adelisa’s eyes widened, but she nodded. “I never knew she had such mind reading abilities.”

Janie, Yumi, and I started laughing.


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