Reincarnated as a Tentacle Familiar (Rewrite) (Hiatus)

Chapter 26 – Random madness (Reworked)


I remind you that in the previous chapter he got a skill that literally makes him go insane, doing random shit. Someone even threw their phone to the wall almost breaking it after reading the second half of this chapter.

If you cant handle it, please, don't read the chapter. Or at the very least, take in mind that this novel is not meant for the weak of heart if you did not understand it until now.

When I saw the description and effects of the new skill, I almost fainted! This is FUBAR! This is like telling me that Satan himself is now vying to fuck my ass with his gigantic malformed and barbed dick, Just 1000 times worse! This is the entity that creates the fathers and mothers of Satan! From what Elise told him, The Beyond gave birth to eldritch so powerful, that they could literally dream an entire universe out of nothing! A universe such as the one I came from!1Reference to Azathoth LOL

While three of the effects were beneficial to me, especially the second one, the fourth was just plain horrible! Just imagining me facing a gigantic sleeping lvl 1000 elder dragon as a lvl 1 gearless noob, one moment hiding and cowering in fear, and the next I charge like a savant idiot who has gone on a tantrum is enough to send shivers down my spine!

I mean, Irresistible madness?! This is like getting my very psych Wabbajacked randomly into a Hannibal Lecter for a period of time, and then back. Just worse. And I won't even have any control over it! What would I even do if I suddenly decide to eat children?! Or I suddenly decide to rape a burly, hairy, and old man?! What would I do if I suddenly want to kill my very partner or myself?!! This is NOT funny! 

And looking at that last bit in the first effect... It told me indirectly that The Beyond has some limited control over the system! This is horrible! And what the heck does that corrupted hehe even mean?! Does it mean obliteration? Soul rending? Eternal imprisonment in torture? Or maybe... Ok, I need to stop this line of thought.

Let's just check what is going on outside, I should at least be able to see what is going on using my connection... "WTF am I seeing right now?!"

What I saw left me more baffled than angry, honestly. I could literally see a 3D picture of my contractor. She was a silver-haired, large breasted beauty that could put even the most beautiful women back in my world to shame. However, right now, she was suspended in the air, held by some sort of red vines. Some strange rainbow flower was plowing her mouth with some sort of red penis in the center? A tropical penis flower? From time to time, it was shooting some sort of transparent liquid inside Alexandra's mouth, sending a small jolt of pleasure that I could sense dully. Two mouth-like flowers were latched to her breasts, sucking breast milk?! At her backside, five small red vines were making a mess from inside her stomach, sending waves of pleasure, as well as some dull pain. And lastly, A huge warted Penis flower, like some sort of equine horse dick with what appears to be warts on it, was stuck deep inside her snatch. It was blocking some sort of liquid inside that caused an incredible amount of pleasure to Alexandra, causing her to orgasm every few seconds. There was so much of the liquid inside her womb that it caused her belly to be bloated like a pregnant woman! The bloated belly strangely did not cause any pain, only pleasure, as if the pain was being forcefully translated to pleasure.

That was what I could glean from Alexandra's body. However, I could not see anything beyond that. I could only see things through Alexandra's perspective from there. What I saw, was a bit blurry image of a red-haired 16-year-old beautiful girl, that had rainbow flowers growing on her hair, red vines with rainbow flowers, covering her privates. She let out an incredibly seductive aura, even though her curves were mediocre. Right now, she was lazily laying down on a large flower, leisurely drinking what appears to be honey and eating some sort of raisins? She was eyeing Alexandra lazily, almost in a bored manner.

I try and Analyze her and...

Alraune - lvl ???

From what I understood from the books, that means that she is between lvl 100-999, And I would put my money that she is 200+ at the very least, far above my league. My 7 days of fermented and compounded flames of anger were doused almost completely by the cold water of logic, replaced by a deep sense of helplessness. Even if I tried to fight tooth and nail with her, all I would accomplish will be instant death. Even if I assume I had been of an equal level to her, she already holds Alexandra hostage. If I really did anything that pushed her far enough, Alexandra would be ripped to pieces, and I would die along with her uselessly. While I did think about using the true sex monster skill, how the hell will I get close enough to even use it? Even if I did manage to get close, What would happen if she has the 2nd lvl 20 Pleasure Tolerance? Or even the 3rd tier? From what I could tell, she was also a sex monster! She might have resistance to aphrodisiacs too! So the pleasure she actually feels would be more close to 100 times the pleasure. Sure, it would be debilitating for a small period of time, but that's it! And that is assuming I got her in a sensitive area! As for actually causing any form of damage? I would be lucky to leave a white mark on her skin! Who knows just how high her resistances and vitality are!

I could only come up with three options. One, I stay inside the space and wait it out. The second, I come outside and beg for mercy, and for her to release Alexandra, and have revenge when I am strong enough. The third is to commit suicide if option two fails and I judge that the situation is completely hopeless and unsalvageable. The first option sounded cowardly at first, but it was logical in the fact that I would be out of danger, and avoid making things worse, at the expense of continuing to feel the unpleasant sensations in my connection. The second option was actually more appealing to me. Alexandra was right now already captured by the Alraune, and it did not change anything even if she also captured me, at most, I will attempt suicide, I already died once, so I don't care, at least I will stop Alexandra's suffering with it. 

However, If the second option really works, then that means the Alraune is at the very least not hostile. And that would raise the question of why she did this. If it was for training purposes, while I could see that it raised Alexandra's skills, by an incredible margin at that, I am sure that there were other, more gentle, means to do it.

The second query is why such a powerful monster girl did all of this?! A lvl 100+, most likely 200+ monster girl raping a classless girl while looking as bored as you can be? The monster girl is obviously not enjoying all of this! Why would she even do it for a whole 7 days in the first place when she is so bored?! This definitely does not look like some sort of fucked up hobby to me!

The third option is that Alexandra did something bad, and right now is receiving punishment from an elder, which actually makes more sense if I consider the bored and indifferent look of the Alraune.

In any case, I need to first make sure Alexandra survives, and only after that think about revenge when I understand the circumstances better.

Begrudgingly, I decided to just take the second option, and try and beg for mercy. With a thought, I exited the space. When I was out of the familiar space, I realized just how small I was. Right now, I was facing the Alraune on the other side of the room, but she looked like a giant out of the magic bean tree series, just far more appealing to the eyes. Swallowing what remained of my anger, I was about to speak, when suddenly...

You are affected by a random bout of madness for 30 minutes. You will now think you are a Puppy until the 30 minutes pass.

Wait, what?! Now?!! NOOOO!!!! It's been barely a few minutes since I got this skill!!! AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN A FUCKING PUPPY?!!!! FUCK YOU SYSTEM!!! FUCK YOU BEYOND!!!!!! FU-

I was washed by a feeling of wanting to bark, be petted, be loved. It was so intense, that it colored my entire line of reasoning and thought, any vestige of my anger, reasoning, and self, covered by a thick layer of adorableness and cuddliness as if someone splashed paint on it.



I'm John, the Puppy. I like being petted and loved. I NEED TO SAVE ALEXANDRA!!! I want snacks! STOP IT!!!! I wanna bite on that red wriggly thingy! I WANNA BITE THAT ALRAUNES FACE OFF!!!! I wanna lick her face and feet! I WOULD RATHER LICK SHIT! Woof Woof!

"Woof, Bark WOOF WOOF WOOF Hah* hah* hah* Whine*"



Iberis, who was laying on the huge rainbow-colored flower, drinking royal honey she got from her friend in exchange for her nectar and eating magic berry raisins, suddenly saw a red and smooth-skinned ball-shaped creature, that had 11 stubby tentacles growing from it, 4 marble-like black eyes, and a large slit that she assumed was the mouth, appearing from out of nowhere. Overall, it looked strange and alien, yet oddly cute. The creature saw her, and immediately stuck out its purple tongue and started barking and whining like a puppy. It even started running around in circles, biting on her vines cutely, and ran to her in an oddly cute manner, wagging its rear-most tentacle, like some tail.

Iberis checked it with Analyze and...

Taintless Eldritch larvae - lvl --

Along with no sense of danger whatsoever, and the playful manner the thing went to her, she immediately thought it was Alex's newborn familiar! "Aww! How adorable! Come here you cute little thing!" She picked up the cute(?) little ball the size of a fist and started petting it. The thing licked her hands like a cute little puppy! "KYAAA, This thing is sooooo cute!!!!!"

Iberis petted the thing for a while, and fed it raisins and royal honey, it ate it with delight, lapping it happily. Iberis smiled from ear to ear, and then looked at Alex who was still being fucked mid-air. She hesitated for a moment, before deciding that it was most likely enough. The vines in her ass slowly and gently exited out, the penis flower in her mouth shriveled and exited her mouth, the flowers sucking breasts milk unlatched themselves, and the huge penis flower inside her pussy shrank itself, warts disappearing, until it was as thin as a small stick, before exiting. The liquids trapped inside Alex's womb flowed out until it shrank back to normal. The healing property of the nectar slowly healed the gaping ass and vagina, as well as the belly wrinkles that formed from the intense stretching, as if they did not exist. The vines holding the now unconscious Alex laid her down gently on another huge rainbow flower, and it covered her like a blanket.

Iberis nodded to herself, before smiling at the cute ball-shaped familiar. "Aw, How I would love to keep you all to myself, and love and cherish you forever! "  

She brought it to her face and rubbed her cheeks on it, and it licked her face adorably.

You didn't see that coming, DID YOU?!

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