Reincarnated as a Tentacle Familiar (Rewrite) (Hiatus)

Chapter 23 – Finally summoned! A list of totally f*cked up skills

From now on, we will start seeing the world from John's first-person perspective. Only in special cases, will I switch to third-person (Like sex or if something happens in another place).

After Elise sent me away, I was stuck inside some sort of acid trip for like 15 minutes, and I felt my body changing into something else, and I was encrusted in some form of a layer? I don't know but before long, it directly shut down my senses, and disconnected me from the acid trip, at least. Now, I just felt like shit. The discomfort of having my body changed was too weird to describe. It was like being made out of dough, and you are reshaped. Every time you are being changed, it is as if your nerves are being rewired to feel different. Organs that I once had, were discarded, organs that I should never have, were added. All in all, it just felt plain weird. And then it finally ended, along with prompts.

You learned unique skill Baptized Pure Soul
Due to lvl 5000+ Goddess milk nourishing your soul, Wisdom +1
Due to lvl 5000+ Goddess milk nourishing your soul, Wisdom +1
Due to lvl 5000+ Goddess milk nourishing your soul, Endurance +1
You learned unique skill Nourished By Lesser Goddess Milk
Due to lvl 5000+ Goddess milk nourishing your soul, Wisdom +1
You learned Pleasure Tolerance lvl 1
You learned Sex Technique lvl 1
Due to lvl 5000+ Goddess milk nourishing your soul, Wisdom +1
Due to lvl 5000+ Goddess milk nourishing your soul, Endurance +1
Pleasure Tolerance increased to lvl 3
Sex Technique increased to lvl 4
Due to lvl 5000+ Goddess milk nourishing your soul, Wisdom +1
Unique skill Nourished By Lesser Goddess Milk evolved to Nourished By Goddess Milk
lvl 5000+ Goddess milk and below can no longer nourish your soul
Unique skill Sex Monster evolved to True Sex Monster
You have gained the unique skill Divine Protection Of Ellisiel
Through The Blessing of a vastly superior being and possessing a Baptized Pure Soul, you have gained the unique skill Class +1
Congratulations, you were reborn as a Taintless Eldritch Egg lvl --
You learned the skill Chaos Resistance 2nd lvl 20
You learned the skill Corruption Resistance 2nd lvl 20
As a starter pack, gained Ekkaryon Standard language lvl 5
As a starter pack, gained Identify lvl 3

You have landed the killing blow on Eldritch God Ghriozh'thag lvl 1836!

Contribution rate, 20%

Due to not possessing a class yet, you do not gain experience

"... I have so many questions and retorts right now, but I don't know where to begin..."

As I was still dumbfounded, reading all these random prompts, I suddenly felt a tug warning in my head.

Warning! As a summoned creature, you must get contracted, or you will be banished by the plane of existence. Must contract in 10 minutes.

"Oh right, I did agree to be a summoned creature... Well, the summoner should try and contract me soon enough..."

And sure enough, I felt a tug on his consciousness after waiting for 3 minutes. It did not force me to make a contract with her or anything, but more like asked for confirmation. It also showed the status of the one who wanted to make a contract with me.


After briefly looking over the status, I immediately confirmed. I already learned at Elisiels domain about the status of a classless, and this by far outstripped anything that should be normally possible. If a normal adult untrained humans stats reached a 5 at every stat by just living and breathing, and a normal human who actually made a bit of effort reaches 10 in all stats on average, a trained human is 15-20 in all stats, and a genius can reach even 25-30 points in stats. On some very rare occasions, they can even reach 35-40 points by some external means. This does not include the 3 unique skills I just briefly saw, which usually averaged at 0-1 unique skill per classless human.

Besides, I didn't know what would happen to me if I did not accept the contract, and the contract itself was on equal terms, so I had no reason to reject it.

Congratulations, You have been contracted to Alexandra La Croix

Congratulations, You gained the unique skill Contract Of Equals - Familiar

Immediately after the contract, I felt a connection with this woman called Alexandra. It felt like the connection of trust I had with my parents, just far deeper in a sense, and different in nature. I knew instinctively that our lives were now connected, and I could trust her with my life. It felt... Nice.

As I was enjoying the new sensation, I suddenly felt a bit cold on the outside, and a notification rang out.

You have bathed in the blood of an entity 1000 levels above you and have contributed more than 10% in slaying it for the first time. Gained the unique skill 'God Slayer'.

"What the hell... Why did I get it just now then?! Wait... Did she just dip me in a pool of eldritch gore?! EWWWWW!!! Oh well, at least I got the same unique skill she got... Since I can't do anything anyway, let's just check my status..."


"Ok... This is definitely not the status of an egg! Almost all eggs have a Vitality of 1-5 for starters, and I shouldn't even possess strength and dexterity! The other stats are even more of a joke! How the hell did wisdom reach 337! What madness is this?!"

After being in shock for a while, I checked my skills.

General skill Ekkaryon Standard language: The ability to speak and write in the Ekkaryon common language. The higher the level, the more proficient the skill. Can only be increased up to lvl 20 of the first tier.

"Ok... I get that, but why isn't English listed? Does it not count? Anyways, It should make my life easier on this planet. At least I won't need to learn a language from scratch."

General skill Identify:

Tier 1: Can view the level and highest class/object name of another entity or object. Effective up to (10 + 2*skill level) higher than your highest class.

"Alright... Doesn't say much, but at least it is better than nothing at all..."

General skill Sex Technique:

Tier 1: The ability to better utilize your body to sexually pleasure others. Proficiency increases with each level.

"Well, it doesn't say much. But seriously? All the sex I had with Elise barely counted as 4 levels?! Well, I guess I really didn't do much besides swinging my hips and sucking breast milk... The most I did was change positions from time to time. I guess I didn't utilize my equipment optimally enough..."

General skill Cooking:

Tier 1: Brings out the taste of ingredients more, and maximizes their nutritional value. Proficiency increases with each level.

"This skill definitely didn't come after I died, that means it came before that. My parents always told me I should open a restaurant instead of studying... Maybe they were right, I mean, lvl 17? From what Elise taught me about general skills, lvl 5 is someone who grasped the basics completely, and lvl 10 is someone who can be considered as intermediate. lvl 15 is an expert and lvl 20 is a true professional who mastered the art. Above that is already the symbol of transcending a skill! According to that, I am close to being a professional chef! Holy shit!"

General skill Dagger mastery:

Tier 1: You have learned the ability to better wield a dagger, at the very least you will not cut yourself anymore. Increases proficiency in knife or dagger-wielding and usage per level.

"Well, I did learn how to wield a knife... And I did cut myself plenty of times in the beginning. But I did not use it to cut people, so fair enough I guess..."

General skill Bare Handed Mastery:

Tier 1: You have entered a brawl, or perhaps learned how to fight with your bare hands and feet, regardless, you can now wield your body better as a weapon. Increases proficiency in hand to hand combat per level.

"Well, I did enter a taekwondo school for a few months when I was a kid until I got punched in the nose and called quits."

General skill Riding:

Tier 1: You have ridden a steed of some sort, and learned how to steer it better without it throwing you off its back. Increases synchronization and control over a steed per level.

"My parents forced me to ride a horse for a few months before I resisted enough, and they officially called quits on it."

General skill Haggling:

Tier 1: You have learned how to haggle with others, without getting ripped off or angering the other party. Increases proficiency when haggling per level.

"Haggling... The most useful skill I picked up when bargaining with the aunties and uncles in the market. How many times did they rip off the young and naive me in the past?"

General skill Pleasure Tolerance:

Tier 1: Increases your tolerance threshold towards pleasure, helping you function and think normally even when under intense pleasure, and can help last longer in bed without orgasming if you so choose. Has increased effect per level.

"Well... I didn't even try to hold myself back, and I didn't try and shrug off the pleasure, but I sought it actively. At least it doesn't make you unfeeling towards sex and pleasure..."

General skill Pain Tolerance:

Tier 1: After experiencing a physical injury or trauma, you have learned to shrug off part of the pain. You can now shrug off some of the physical pain you feel, and still function and think normally. Be careful, damage is still done to you. Increased effect with each level.

"That sounds like a surprisingly useful skill... And dangerous as well. But besides that, I guess I earned it through the numerous times I accidentally cut myself... And the time I got punched in the nose... Explains why it is only lvl 1."

General skill Lightning Resistance:

Tier 1: After being electrocuted many times, you have gained an innate resistance to electricity and lighting. You can now resist some of the damage caused by electricity, and its debilitating effects. It has an increased effect per level.

"There was this one time when I was a kid, a thunderstorm struck near our house. I didn't pay attention to my parents and stayed under the went tree outside, instead of lying down on the grass. The result? The tree got struck by lightning, and the electricity passed through the water, electrocuting me with it. Luckily I survived that hurdle... Not that it matters now though..."

General skill Corruption Resistance 2nd lvl 20:

Tier 1: Corruption is the act of distorting your very concept of being, and can temporarily or permanently change you physically, mentally, and spiritually in a very insane direction, often making you susceptible to the whispers of the beyond. You have experienced the horrors of corruption and lived to tell the tale, sane or not, and now more resistant to its effects.

Tier 2: Whether you have come into contact with an eldritch deity or an ancient artifact beyond mortal comprehension, has caused you great exposure to its corruptive nature. If you are still sane enough to read this, then congratulations, you are now not only immune to passive corruption of the creatures of the beyond but also have a vessel of great structural stability, almost impossible to corrupt. Your soul and mind are still susceptible, however, so be wary.

General skill Chaos Resistance 2nd lvl 20:

Tier 1: You have survived, by accident or not, One of the most primordial energies in the universe, Chaos. Usually wielded by the eldritch, it has great power of both destruction and corruption. You have survived such an ordeal, and grow resistant to it and its effects.

Tier 2: Surviving chaos magic is no small feat, Surviving it repeatedly is a miraculous one. You are now not only resistant to chaos magic and corruption more, but your very being is now forged to be more resistant to all magical elements that are derived from chaos.

"Well... These are the two skills that I got from being a Taintless Eldritch probably. They both seem so awesome! But I don't know their practical use for now... Well, that's it for the General skills, lets check the unique skills now..."

Class +1: Through a blessing of a vastly superior being, as well as being a Baptized Pure Soul, You have gained a free third class, something that other entities fight to obtain. And you can even get another class once you reach a certain level of power! The gained class will always be a human class, regardless if you are a human or a monster.

"Nice, just as expected. Let's check the other skills..."

Nourished By Goddess Milk: Your relatively weak soul has been nourished by the breast milk of a goddess at the level of 5000+, increasing both mana and stamina regeneration tremendously.

Effects: Increases mana regeneration by 500%, Increases stamina regeneration by 200%.

"Hah... So, the increase in stats it gave didn't count? And wait, I remember there was a lesser variant of it! Doesn't that mean that there is a greater variant as well?! Will it happen if someone consumes the breast milk of an overseer level goddess?! Anyways, the increase in regeneration is absolutely sick!"

Baptized Pure Soul: Through many lifetimes of good deeds and lack of corruptive actions, your soul gained complete cleanliness of all taint. After being baptized by a benevolent god, you are now immune to taint up to a very high degree, and taint will filter out of you passively over time. Those connected with you will also be cleansed from taint passively. The effect increases with the level of the individual. This skill will be lost upon true death and reincarnation.

"Ok... So I can basically fuck this so-called taint out of women I fuck? The heck... Screw it, I don't wanna think about this anymore! NEXT!"

Divine Protection Of Ellisiel: You have received the Divine protection of the goddess of reincarnation of another universe, Elissiel. She threw in a tiny bonus inside it. 

Effects: Grants protection of the godly and augury vision of other gods of an equal or lower level. All skill proficiency gain is 1.5 times greater than normal. You can now control the fertility percentage of what type of child you want, or if you even want a child.

"Thanks, Elise! I love you!"

True Sex Monster: You are a male/futa sex monster that has single-handedly fucked a being far superior (5000+ levels higher) to you to delirium for at least 24 human hours, an epic achievement that can only be counted on two human hands in the entire multiverse! Like the Sex Monster unique skill, you can adjust the size of your genitalia through the use of mana, increases pleasure dealt with others, and increases sexual libido. However, all these functions are now increased by a notch, and you can now release a potent aphrodisiac that can force any female to ovulate immediately, no matter how infertile she may be, and ignore Pleasure Tolerance of up to a very high degree. You are a true scion of lewdness.

Effect 1: With the use of mana, can adjust the size and shape of your genitalia freely. Total genital mass cannot exceed more than 20% of the total body mass.

Effect 2: Can freely adjust a passive and stacking pleasure multiplier of up to 10 times, for all sexual acts. Defaulted at max pleasure.

Effect 3: Sexual libido is now increased by 10 times. Semen shot out can be increased to up to 10% of total body mass through the usage of stamina and mana, without affecting the original body mass.

Effect 4: Can now release an incredibly powerful aphrodisiac, that can be adjusted in strength. The aphrodisiac can increase all pleasure felt by up to 100 times, and if you so choose, can force a woman into ovulation, even if she is infertile.

Effect 5: Can now choose to ignore the Pleasure Tolerance of another entity, by up to half of your own Pleasure Tolerance level.

After reading this, if I still had a mouth, my jaw would probably drop from the utter shock. After being stupefied for a whole 5 minutes I finally reacted.

"...WTF did I just read?! First of all, I had the sex monster skill back when I was a human?! WHAT?!!!! Is that why my penis was so huge every single lifetime?! What fuckery is this?! And if I possessed mana I could actually adjust my dick, and thus get laid?! FUCK!!! Well... At least this skill gives me literal freedom of choice now, and not make a woman feel 1000 times pleasure and frying her brain instantly. And what the heck... Less than two handfuls got this skill in the entire multiverse?! Well, with the condition being to fuck a being 5000 levels above you to delirium for an entire day... I am not surprised. First of all, why would they even normally sleep with a mortal? I was an exception for all I know. Second, those that do should usually have an incredibly high tolerance for pleasure! And third, what are the odds that one that didn't have a high pleasure tolerance like Elise slept with a low-level sex monster, to begin with?! Forget it, let's just check the rest."

Contract Of Equals - Familiar: You have made a contract of equals with a Contractor, promising power, shared lifespan, and a trusted partner, in exchange for a bonded life.

Effect1: Gain 10% static stats from the Contractor and vice versa
Effect2: Share the same lifespan with the familiar, as well as your life itself. If you or your familiar dies, you both die.
Effect3: Gain a familiar space. Can enter inside it, while you can see what is going on outside through the contractor's perspective.
               You need the contractor's permission to enter it but can exit it freely.
               While inside, you will be sustained through the mana of the user. You communicate with the summoner while inside.
Effect4: Can select 3 class skills to use from the Contractor as if you own them and vice versa. Can only reselect them every 24 hours.

"Ok, seems normal. It looks cool that I can enter some sort of unique space. And the stats and skill selection is nice. The only problem is that if I die or she dies, we both die. Let's try and both stay alive, for both our sakes. And now, finally the last one I just got..."

God Slayer: You have contributed at least 10% in the slaying of a being 1000 levels above you, and bathed in its blood, granting unexpected boons to your material body and mind.

Effects: All stats +20, Vitality, Endurance, and Wisdom get an additional +30. Health, Stamina, and Mana regeneration are increased by 50%. Pressure and Gravitas of superior beings have a reduced effect on you.

"And that solves the stats thing. It is honestly really OP, considering that it grants both stats and regeneration to everything. But after the Goddess milk thing, it seems rather subpar. Ok, and now, about my race... "

Taintless Eldritch Egg:

Eldritch can only multiply in the dark universe, called the beyond. It is a tainted universe filled with madness and horrors no mortal mind can stand without collapsing. Most Eldritch eggs are laid without corruption resistance, becoming tainted. Even when they reach godhood, they will only be filled with thoughts of bloodshed, pain, and suffering of others, even if they regained consciousness. Taintless Eldritch, on the other hand, Has inborn immunity to chaos and corruption. They can withstand the corrupting nature of the beyond without going insane in their early growth. The most powerful among them become benevolent in most cases. Fertilized Taintless Eldritch Eggs are considered one of the best choices to contract in every universe, whether it is for their potential or future monetary gains... It takes 7 days to hatch.

Effect 1: Grants Chaos Resistance 2nd lvl 20 and Corruption Resistance 2nd lvl 20.
Effect 2: Unlocks the Taintless evolution branches, locks all corrupted evolutions.

"Well. now I know how long I will need to stay in this egg form. And aren't I incredibly rare now?! I seem like some sort of good alignment creature! Well, that beats being a bloodthirsty, pain, and suffering causing monstrosity. I hope the thing I killed was a tainted eldritch, at least I won't feel guilty. Now... Why don't I have a name?! Let's try it, Name me John!"

Request denied. Naming rights for all Eldritch beings belong solely to the beyond itself. It will be given upon hatching.

"Well, no use crying over this... Oh well, I can still call myself John privately!"

I suddenly felt a warmth embrace me, cutting my line of thought. Feeling the calm inside my contractor, I knew she went to sleep.

"...Sigh... Oh well, I had enough reading for today. And I am also feeling very tired, good night..."

Huge surprise mega chapter! Enjoy!

I bet you didn't see THAT coming, did you?! 

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