Reincarnated as a Tentacle Familiar (Rewrite) (Hiatus)

chapter 13 – Finally! Familiar contract and Aftermath

At Ellisiels domain

You have contributed to the killing of Eldritch God Ghriozh'thag lvl 1836!

Contribution rate, 60%

Due to the vast level difference, minimal exp gained.

That was the message that Elise received approximately 10 minutes after sending John off.

Elise, confused, tried to recall if she had helped anyone actually kill a god in the last few hundred thousand years. After not remembering anything of the sort, she thought the only explanation was John... Probably it was caused by space turbulence, caused by her hijacking, resulting in a spatial collapse.

But then she thought, why did she only get 60%? She then reckoned that something was trying to come out and possess John's summoner. However, it ended up crushed by her own power. John technically landed the finishing blow and was the cause of why she even sent him there. Receiving about 20% was actually normal in this case for him. As for the other 20%? The summoner technically 'Seduced' the other party, leading it towards its death, whether she knew it or not. Hmm...

"Eh... I'm sure he's fine...". She thought to herself carelessly and continued her desk work.

Back to Alex

Alex, now relaxed, tried to use a cleaning spell... Only to fail magnificently. The blood and gore won't disappear for some odd reason. She then looked at her elders.

The 8 women were much further than Alex was, so they were not showered by blood and gore like she was. However, they were now unconscious.

Alex looked at her now dirty self and decided that it was perhaps not in everyone's best interest that she touched them. After all, not everyone here had 2nd lvl 20 resistances in chaos and corruption.

Alex then switched her attention to the two items that rested at the center of the summoning circle. The volleyball-sized purple black crystal was obviously the magic core of the eldritch god. Without a doubt, it was expensive. So expensive, in fact, that it can probably buy the whole Kingdom, Along with the university and all the lives in it, a few times over. That was just how a magic core of a lvl 1836 god cost, not to mention that it was an eldritch god of the chaos attribute, tripling its original value.

Alex was smart enough to know when to back off. If she dared covet it, there is no telling how she would die. The best profit was her life, and she did not plan on losing it. Alex now glanced over at the blue egg, the size of about a large mango. For some reason, she felt attracted to it. Unlike the time with the book, this was not a forceful manipulation. This was a calling from her very heart. She knew when she looked at it. It was her familiar. Without wasting time, ignoring the corruptive gore around her, she crouched down, pricked her finger, smeared it on the egg, and chanted, "In the name of the twin moons, I, Alexandra La Croix, hereby ask for a contract of equals, do you agree?". The egg hummed in reply, and she got a system prompt:

Congratulations, You contracted to lvl -- Taintless Eldritch Egg 

Congratulations, You gained the unique skill Contract Of Equals - Contractor

After this, Alex squealed in joy. She finally has her own familiar! Wait... Taintless Eldritch? What in the name of the twin moons is that?! Is there any description she can use? She then remembered that she can check her familiar's status:



Ok... She won't comment on just how ridiculous this status is... Until the others wake up... let's just ignore all the strange skills and stats and look at the race...

Taintless Eldritch Egg:

Eldritch can only multiply in the dark universe, called the beyond. It is a tainted universe filled with madness and horrors no mortal mind can stand without collapsing. Most Eldritch eggs are laid without corruption resistance, becoming tainted. Even when they reach godhood, they will only be filled with thoughts of bloodshed, pain, and suffering of others, even if they regained consciousness. Taintless Eldrich, on the other hand, Has inborn immunity to chaos and corruption. They can withstand the corrupting nature of the beyond without going insane in their early growth. The most powerful among them become benevolent in most cases. Fertilized Taintless Eldritch Eggs are considered one of the best choices to contract in every universe, whether it is for their potential or future monetary gains... It takes 7 days to hatch.

Effect 1: Grants Chaos Resistance 2nd lvl 20 and Corruption Resistance 2nd lvl 20.
Effect 2: Unlocks the Taintless evolution branches, locks all corrupted evolutions.

"Sooo... I apparently hit the jackpot then? Maybe it IS my lucky day?"

Alex looked at the collapsed elders on the ground and murmured, tears welling in her eyes, "I don't feel lucky..."

Alex did not continue checking the status of the egg. Instead, she looked at the prompts that she ignored until now...

Seduction increased to lvl 6
Seduction increased to 2nd lvl 1
Seduction increased to 2nd lvl 4
Learned Fear Resistance lvl 1
Fear Resistance increased to lvl 2
Fear Resistance increased to lvl 7
Learned Mental Resistance lvl 1
Mental Resistance increased to lvl 2
Mental Resistance increased to lvl 4
Learned Soul Magic Resistance lvl 1
Soul Magic Resistance increased to lvl 2
Soul Magic Resistance increased to lvl 4
You have bathed in the blood of an entity 1000 levels above you and have contributed more than 10% in slaying it for the first time. Gained the unique skill 'God Slayer'.

God Slayer:

Effects: All stats +20, Vitality, Endurance, and Wisdom get an additional +30. Health, Stamina, and Mana regeneration are increased by 50%. Pressure and Gravitas of superior beings have a reduced effect on you.


Alex stared at the last prompt, her mind in a daze. That was multiplying her stats directly. She also gained increased regeneration, and she will now be less afraid of gods apparently. She got 270 stats for free, an equivalent of getting 27 levels in 2 classes, by just spectating and shaking in fear, and getting showered by gore. What a joke.

What is even more ridiculous, was that the skill Seduction increased by almost an entire stage. What fuckery is this? Did I misunderstand the meaning of Seduction? Isn't it sexual enticement? She immediately checked it:

General Skill Seduction 2nd lvl 4:

Stage 1:Seduction is an art. It is one of the highest forms of manipulation. Tempting others with your body and every gesture and sigh to achieve a goal, mostly sexual or monetary. The higher the skill, the higher others are attracted to your body.

Stage 2:You have learned, through many trials and errors, that Seduction can be used in other ways besides sex and small money. Whether intentionally or not, your body and charm have caused the death of entities far more powerful than you, and it had benefited you, whether you meant it or not. You are a true Femme Fatale, standing at the top of the world of seduction. Be proud of your body! From now on, each level increases your attractiveness and beauty. It is now easier to actively manipulate others to their doom.

"Well... That explains why I gained 20% of the contribution of killing a god, as well as raising this skill. It was probably raised so insanely since I 'Seduced' a god to his death as a mortal, with my body...". Remembering that the god wanted to possess her body, she shuddered.

Finally, she noticed that her familiar did not get the god slaying title. She was confused. Did he participate or not in the killing? Only one way to find out...

She picked up the blue egg, walked to a pile of blood and gore, and dipped the egg inside it, covering it up entirely. She was not afraid it would be corrupted since it was just as resistant as she was. Her gamble turned out to be right...


"Just who the fuck are you..."

As she was talking to the unresponsive egg, the others started waking up.

Did you ask for game stats? You got game stats. Enjoy.

Alex's status:


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