Reincarnated as a red dragon, I wear a crown of flames

Page 6

Looking around, there are not many dry vegetation on the half-hillside.

It should be simple to collect.

He looked at Angela.

"Okay, listen to you"

Hearing what Augustus said, Angela nodded the dragon's head.

She also breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Fortunately, this guy Augustus can still listen to suggestions. If she likes to be reckless like those red dragons, she can only obediently join the army of digging soil.

This is not in line with the aesthetics of her work, and it is also stupid, but who makes Augustus the boss now.

Looking at Karel who was still digging, she leaned up and pushed the guy who was addicted to digging.

Chapter 7 The First Cooperative Hunt


Karel, who was interrupted, was obviously not very happy.

For Karel's displeasure, Augustus directly ignored it. The five-color dragon is like this, and his temper is not very good.

"Stop planing, listen to Angela and use smoke"

"Are you sure it's useful?" Questioning eyes.

"At least it should be more useful than this way"

"Then... well~"

After a moment of hesitation, Karel nodded in agreement, stopped digging the soil and began to collect the dry shrubs nearby.

The three young dragons set off together to collect dry bushes on the hillside.

This slope is covered with gravel and has sparse land, but the dry land obviously cannot support the growth of these shrubs, so these shrubs are all dry and dead.

Standing in front of a pile of bushes, stretching out his claws to grab the bushes, Augustus pulled the bushes up with little effort.

Look at the bushes in the paws.

The bush was rootless and apparently dead.

The mood became heavy.

This land is really bad, and the worse the place, the rarer the creatures.

Karel and Angela were already walking towards the small hole with a bunch of bushes in their arms.

Seeing this scene, Augustus also picked up the collected bushes and walked towards the small hole.

The bushes collected by the three young dragons piled up together, and a large pile of dry bushes was piled up at the entrance of the cave.

"Is this really possible?" Karel asked.

She still had some doubts about the feasibility of this approach.

"Okay, but I have to ask you to help later," Augustus replied.

"That's fine, as long as you can eat meat, I will listen to you."

Hearing Karel's answer, Augustus nodded the dragon's head and turned to look at the cave entrance.

This hole has been dug down a lot by myself and Karel just now.

But now I have to work on it.

Augustus stretched out his claws and started digging.

He planned to plan out a stove shape for the hole, so that the smoke and dust could enter the hole easily.

Seeing Augustus digging a hole again, Karel tilted the white dragon's head.

Didn't you say you don't dig holes?Why is he digging up again?

"Aren't you not digging holes? Do you want my help?" Karel said.

"No~ this is just a little pre-work, just wait a while"

After answering, Augustus continued to get busy.

Looking at the shape of the hole Augustus dug, Angela gradually understood his thoughts in her heart.

Augustus is obviously different from other red dragons, is it because he is a mutant dragon?

If it were an ordinary red dragonling, it would definitely order her and Karel to keep digging when it had an absolute advantage, and use its strength to overwhelm everything.

In less than 2 minutes, Augustus dug out a simple stove hole with a pair of sharp claws.

The hole was dug.

Augustus began to push the bushes from the pile to the hole.

After accumulation.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, the Dragon Kiss opened, and a small flame spit out and landed directly on the bushes.

The dry bushes were instantly ignited, but because the fire was so intense, there was very little smoke.

Looking at the burning bushes, Augustus looked sideways at Karel.

"You breathe into the fire, but be careful not to completely extinguish the fire"

"Can it be done?"

"No problem." Carel said confidently.

She walked to the entrance of the cave, pointed the white dragon's head at the fire, and opened the dragon's kiss.

A cloud of white cold sprayed out from the dragon's kiss.

After the cold current touched the fire, the fire immediately stopped burning, and even the smoke stopped, and it was completely extinguished.

Karel: Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

Augustus: (* ̄;( ̄*)

Angela: (* ̄;( ̄*)


Carel, who realized that she had screwed up, immediately apologized sincerely, and looked at Augustus erratically. He screwed up himself. This guy can't beat dragons, right?

"Well, try to spit less next time."

There is no blame, it is normal for this kind of thing to happen accidentally, the paw grabbed a bunch of bushes and added wood to the extinguished fire.

Angela silently watched the busy Augustus, 【The temper is also different from the normal red dragon, as a red dragon, he doesn't seem to be so easily irritated. 】

Hearing Augustus's tone, it seemed that he didn't intend to pursue it, and Karel was very happy because he didn't have to be beaten.

"Hmm~" She nodded obediently.

After the bushes were piled up, Augustus opened the dragon's kiss, and a small ball of fire fell on the bushes that had just been piled up.

The fire flared up again.

"Karel, try again"


Karel, who was already ready to go, opened the Dragon Kiss and spewed out a ball of cold.

This time the cold snap she spit out seemed much smaller.

After the little cold current came into contact with the flame, it immediately suppressed the fire to the point where it could not burn, and thick smoke rose.

Watching the smoke.

Augustus knew it was successful, and the dragon head turned to Angela.

"Angela, you are fanning the inside of the cave"


With a reply, Angela walked up to the entrance of the cave and stood upright. The blue dragon wings spread out and began to stir.

She fanned it very rhythmically, the wind fanned by the dragon wings was neither too strong nor too small, it was a kind of breeze, just enough to blow the smoke into the cave.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and there was no change for the time being.


The flames flared up again.

Seeing the burning flames, Angela stopped and flapped her wings.

Augustus looked at Karel with his dragon head sideways.

"One more bite, Karel"

Hearing what Augustus said, Karel opened the Dragon Kiss, and spit out another mouthful of cold air on the fire.

The fire that was about to burn was extinguished again, and the thick smoke continued to rise.

The next thing is more boring.

Augustus added the firewood, Angela fanned the flames, and Karel controlled the fire.

After tossing and tossing for more than ten minutes.


A small cry came.

Augustus heard the voice.

Karel and Angela heard it too.

After the three young dragons looked at each other, their eyes locked on the entrance of the cave together, and they fell on the ground, making a pounce movement.


There was another voice, louder this time.

The next moment, a black shadow sprang out from the entrance of the cave, directly colliding with the fire that was not burning but only smoking at the entrance of the cave.

Augustus, who had already been ready to go, slapped the black figure who was about to run away with a slap.

Dragon Claw took a straight shot.

As soon as the black shadow was captured on the ground, there was no movement in an instant.

Augustus also saw the creatures on the ground clearly at this time.

It turned out to be a mouse the size of an adult dog.


Before he had time to take a closer look at the alien mouse, Augustus heard the same call again, and his fiery vertical pupils froze a little more.

Actually there is!

Eyes locked to the hole.

Karel and Angela, who also heard the voice, showed excitement in their eyes at the same time.

If there was only one mouse, they felt that they would probably be hungry and eat dirt, but if there were more mice, Augustus would share a share, right?

Chapter 8 Start exploring after a full meal


There was another cry.

The next moment, several mice rushed out of the hole one after another.

The three young dragons who were ready to go would certainly not watch these mice run away.

The dragon kiss opened.

Small fireballs, electric currents, cold snaps.

The three types of exhalation simultaneously blocked all the routes of these mice.

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