Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

Ch-45-The Brother is Home

After tackling the boy, Lou Xia stood up, holding him up in the air by the collar of his shirt, which he had on underneath an outer sect disciple's robe.


He started to kick his legs in the air, shouting, "Let me go, you meanie! I was just going to touch her tail! She is even trespassing on our territory. I can do whatever I want to her because of that! She should be grateful that I was being kind and not directly enslaving her and making her lick my feet!"


His words shocked me to my core and left me stunned where I was lying on the ground after dodging his grasp.


Lou Xia, on the other hand, got very angry and clenched her free hand while her hair started to catch fire. The air around us started to heat up to the point of causing my skin to start burning as Lou Xia turned the hand that had the boy in it so that he would face her.


Her eyes then got rimmed in the fire as well, causing something in her to awaken at this point. The boy's face went pale as he started to realize that he might have made a mistake.


He started to sputter before Lou Xia cut him off, asking, "Where did you learn that?" in a dark and menacing voice that carried an undertone of violence.


"All of my friends keep talking about it! They even said that they would do anything they could to have an actual kitsune slave! They even said that they were going to try and trick a few of the incoming visitors into trespassing on their land so they would have a legitimate reason to do so!" He quickly explained to her in fear.


Lou Xia's face only got darker after hearing that, which caused the boy in her hand to squirm as she asked one question after another, "Do you know what you were about to do? What Mother and Father would do to you if you dared to do anything to her? Do they even know that you are home yet, Boy?"


"Nothing would happen if I did anything to her! And no, I did not inform Mom and Dad that I was home yet," he answered, acting like he had done nothing wrong.


At this point, the fire around her eyes went from its original orange to a pure white, and finally, a bright blue as the boy's face went ghostly white. She then stated more than asked, "So you would not end up breaking the treaty between the races, starting another war with the kitsune, and angering our parents greatly for not only enslaving our guests who was given to us by the sect to look after but is also the daughter of our Aunt!?" 


He somehow managed to turn to me and said, "I am very sorry, ma'am. I did not mean to do anything to you. I was only messing around. Will you please forgive me?"


His quick change of face was jarring and disorienting, but before I could say anything, Lou Xia spoke up, "No. You are not getting out of this that easily. You will be answering to mother and father for this."


Then she looked over to me and said, "Aunt Raina was asking for you to go to the library with some of your research books so you could make up for your mistakes. I will not be able to go with you, though, as I now have to take this little brat to go see my parents." She then turned and walked into the house carrying the boy by the collar of his shirt.


This entire encounter left me reeling, and I just sat there for a few minutes, collecting my wits.


When I was finished, I got up from the ground and walked back to my room to collect the books I needed.


They were kept together on the far side of the room with all the chests that they had been transported in.


Packing up all the books back in the chests and placing them in my inventory so that I could transport them all. I walked out of the room and looked around for Silica so that she could show me where the library was for a few minutes, but I was unable to find her.


Deciding to move on, I made my way to the main hall of the house, where I found Silica walking towards me.


She looked up from the ground, which was of great interest to her for some reason, and saw me standing there after a moment. She then asked if there was anything that she could help me with while giving me a small bow.


Relieved that she was there and able to guide me to the library, I asked her to take me there.


She nodded and then proceeded to guide me to the library through the twisting halls of the mansion. If my memory had not been improved from my traits and stats at the limits, I would not have been able to remember the way there.


Walking into the library, I was able to see a large amount of books lining the walls, as well as a bookshelf in the center that was only at a height of a few feet and had only a few books. Silica then asked if there was anything specific that I was looking for causing me to pause for a second and think.


I wanted to look for multiple things but decided to ask if there were any books on spell structures and how to create them.


This had caught Silica off guard and made her think for a moment before she walked to the side of the room and pulled down a red-backed book, placing it on the table next to a few chairs at the back of the room, and stepped back while motioning to the chair.


Walking to the chair, I remembered all the books that Raina asked me to bring, so I pulled them out of my inventory.


This shocked Silica for a moment as I explained that Raina asked me to bring them here.


She had come back to her senses when I finished talking and walked up to the chests, moving them to the back of the room. Once they were there, she opened them up and started to ask a few questions about which books were important to certain parts of research for different parts of techniques.


Depending on my answers, she would sort out the books into different parts and set them out on top of the bookshelf in the middle of the room.


Once she was finished, she placed the chests into a spatial storage device she had on her and bowed to me, saying that she would be back soon.


This confused me for a moment, but I put it out of my head and instead focused on the book in my hands. This entire thing was a very interesting manual on how to make your own spells and instant magic structures that did not require any external materials to make and only needed your own Qi.


I was so deep into the book that I did not even notice the passing of time until I was halfway through the book and noticed that Silica had not returned yet.


This made me somewhat concerned, but I decided not to think much about this and went back to reading.



(Raina POV)



I was sitting in Quan's office talking to him about what punishment I had in mind for Vale and whether he would want to join in when Lou Xia barged into the room, her Phoenix bloodline active, holding a boy I barely recognized hanging from her hand by the collar of his shirt.


Quan stood up from his desk upon seeing this and raised his voice while asking, "Why are you carrying your brother by his neck?"


"Because this little s**t decided to sneak into the backyard without telling anybody that he was home and happened to see Valaria kneeling in the backyard at the shrine cultivating. And since he did not enter the house and inform us that he was home, he was never informed that we had guests and that she was one of them.


So, thinking that she was a trespasser, he thought that she was completely at his mercy and he could do anything that he wanted to do to her without repercussions. Then, when I caught him and stopped him from doing anything he would regret, he said that since she was trespassing, he could have even enslaved her without any of us caring about her.


He then informed me that some of his friends were going to try to do the same thing to some visitors from the Kitsunes that will be arriving soon." Lou Xia responded by going on a tirade as the flames around her grew more intense.


Both Quan and I turned to look at the boy as Quan told his daughter to let the boy go.


The boy then fell to the floor as Quan walked up to him and stood before him, waiting for the kid to look up.


When the boy looked up with his face completely pale, I was almost certain that he had finally learned that he could not talk his way out of this one.

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