Reincarnated as a Fox to Bring Revolution

Ch-17-A Meal with the Elder and Running Water!

With no other option to make them believe me, I just chose to tell the truth and even went as far as telling them about the system.


I knew that this went against what most people would probably do, but what would you think if someone just started pulling out new, never-before-seen machines and technology like it was nothing? Then, to top that all off, make new buildings magically appear out of thin air or construct themselves without the use of any Qi at all.


I knew that if it were me, I would suspect something was wrong and they had something no one else did.


I also did not care that much as I knew about all the safety measures put in place to prevent the theft of the system from ever happening.


There was also the problem of it being a construct that surrounded my soul and that most cultivators of high enough levels would be able to see it anyway. Thus, I saw no need to hide it.


In fact, I could probably leverage my usefulness to the sect as a researcher needed to help develop more advanced technology to help them gain an edge over other sects.


Seeing Elder's reactions was also priceless, but that was definitely not the reason why I kept elaborating in great detail on what I had done since coming to this world.


Just ignore the movements of my tail.


Besides that, as I spoke, I could see the Elder start to question reality and what his existence meant.


I eventually finished my retelling of events and waited for the Elder to return from his expedition into the endless questions of existence.


A few seconds later, Elder Xei figured out that I had stopped speaking and slowly, skeptically said, "I find what you have said hard to believe, so I would like to ask you to demonstrate to us something that can prove what you said to be true."


This was not that difficult. So I said, "Of course," and got up, walking over to the basic mill.


When I arrived in front of the mill, the first thing that I did was place some wood in the steam electric generator's inventory to start it and get the power flowing. Once the generator was working, I set the mill to build a filtered electric water pump and a water heater. From there, I moved over to the stone-cutting bench and ordered a stone cistern tank and stone waste tank that I could set into the ground and have fully covered so nothing could get into it.


From there, I walked over to the chemistry bench and set some smaller and more commonly used medicines, such as antibiotics and painkillers, to be made. 


While waiting for those to be finished, as they would take some time to make, I went into the house and stoked the fire in the stove to continue cooking.


Grabbing some potatoes from my inventory, I placed them in the stove near the fire to bake and set a pan on the stove to start grilling some meat.


Choosing the bear meat, this time, I grabbed a couple of stakes and started chopping them up on the counters. Placing the chopped-up bear into the pan, I started grilling them so they would be nice and soft for later.


A few minutes later, I checked the potatoes to see if they were done and found that the potatoes were not finished, but the meat almost was, so I asked my guests if they had any cheese on them.


Without saying a word, Jiahao handed me a quarter of a wheel of cheese.


I did not have a shredder so I could not make the shredded cheese I would have liked, thus I cut the cheese into cubes and rechecked the potatoes.


This time, the potatoes were finished cooking, so I pulled them from the stove.


I then took the now-baked potatoes and put them on plates. Cutting them open on top and splitting the opening into a V-shape, I grabbed the grilled bear and placed it in the center before crumbling the cheese cubes over the top.


I then took some chives from my inventory, diced them up, and then sprinkled them over the top.


It was then that I placed the now-finished stuffed baked potatoes on the table for everyone to eat.


With the meal now prepped and ready, I turned to the others and said, while motioning to the table, "As the crafting will take a while, I decided to make some more food for us. It would be better with some sour cream, but I don't have any with me, so this will have to do."


All three of my guests were looking at the meal I had just made with some curiosity, but upon hearing the mention of me wanting sour cream for this, the Elder flipped his hand, and a clay jar materialized itself on the table between the plates. He then reached forward and opened the jar allowing me to catch a glimpse of what was inside, which prompted me to look at the Elder in confusion.


The Elder then quickly explained, "One of the other elders in the sect loves to experiment with different types of food and had me buy some for her when she asked me to go with her on a mission. She never asked for it back, so I think she just forgot about it."


When I heard that, not only me but Lou Xia as well looked at the Elder like he was an idiot before I asked, "Do you have another one of these jars?"


He had clearly seen our looks as his expression changed to one that was a mix of confusion and indignation, but he still calmly responded, "I do. Do you perhaps need it for something?"


When I heard that, I felt like sighing in relief while frantically shaking my head and saying, "No, I just wanted to know if this was your only one."


I then took a spoon from my inventory and scooped out some of the sour cream onto my potato. Putting the spoon back in the jar, I placed some silverware with the rest of the plates and went to sit down at one of the sides of the table when the Elder stopped me, saying, "I don't know about your customs, but here, the owner or head of the house will sit at the head of the table, and since we are guests, that would mean that you are the head of the house."


That was something that I had forgotten about in the heat of the moment and defaulted to the oldest one is the person who sits at the head of the table. That was not much of an issue, though, so I quickly said, "Oh yeah. That is similar to where I come from, but it is only really followed on certain occasions like parties, events, or holidays. But thank you for explaining." 


I then swapped the plates around and sat down at the head of the table, waiting for everyone else to take their seats.


When everyone was sitting, I lowered my head and said a quick prayer before lifting my head again and taking a bite of my potato.


The taste was heavenly compared to what I had been eating for the last week, made all the more exaggerated by my enhanced senses at the peak of the mortal world. The only sad part was that I could not finish the meal as I had just had breakfast not long ago, so I stored the rest in my inventory and got up from the table, attracting the gazes of the other.


I had somewhat expected that, so I responded with what I had prepared while I was eating and said, "Sorry if this is breaking a custom, but as you said, this is my house, and thus the customs you practice do not need to be followed as strictly. Now, since I have already had breakfast and can not finish the meal, I will be going and checking on the crafting progress of the house upgrades. So if you can't finish either or want to follow me, just store the food away and have the leftovers for lunch or dinner later."


With that said, I walked out of the house and over to the stone-cutting bench.


Hearing someone behind me, I turned around and looked, seeing the Elder following me.


Smiling slightly, I turned back around and opened the menu for the stone-cutting bench, grabbing the things that it had made for me and moving on from there.


I went over to the mill after that, retrieving the pump and water heater while setting some copper cable to be made, as I forgot I would need that for the water pump.


Now, with most of the things I needed in hand, I jumped across the stream and went over to the open side of the house where I had planned to put something like this.


It was at this point that I changed my mind and chose to place the cistern with the top open to the air instead. Thankfully, the blueprints allowed for this, so I pulled up the outline in my vision and put it with the top barely visible above ground before selecting to place it in that location.


Soon, the ground caved in as stone bricks started appearing in the air before flying down to their position in the ground, forming a square hole in front of me.


Walking toward the side, I set up a pipe to transfer some water from the stream to the cistern tank as a passive fill line.


Going back over to the side next to the house, I placed the filter pump with some pipes going up to the siding of the house, where I then put the water heater. Connecting the pipes to the water heater, I then routed some new pipes from both the heater and the pump into the house, where I left the connections for the house's plumbing open.


Walking to the back of the house, I connect a pipe to the exposed connection back there and lead it out a way before placing the waste tank in the ground, fully covered this time.


Connecting the tank, I went back to the front and jumped over the stream again to grab the copper cable from the mill.


With the cable now in hand, I started running it back across the stream, but to do that, I needed to first make a way to get it across. To do that, I used a wooden log and planted it in the ground as an electrical post, connecting the wire to it with a coated metal clamp.


Once that was done, I jumped back across the stream and repeated the same thing while connecting the water pump and heater to the generator.


With power now supplied and the pump turned on, it started priming the whole system to which it was connected.


After letting the pump prime the system for a few minutes, I went back inside the house and over to the kitchen sink, which should now be fully functional.


The sink had a faucet, which I turned on, and I saw water starting to flow out.


I didn't question why the sink that was made of purely stone had a brass and stainless steel faucet with bits of plastic in it. Still, I have noticed that the crafting system sometimes seems like a molecular converter, turning one type of resource into a different one.


Anyway, shutting off the faucet, I turned around to the Elder and said, "And there you have it. A short view at what the system can do."


Elder Xei did not seem to be that impressed by any of this and only showed the same level of interest as someone trying to appease a child as he said, "While that is fascinating, how is running water supposed to be anything fancy? It seems like a lot of work for something that a few formations can do far more easily."


His words made a small smile appear on my face as I asked, "And where is there a single formation in any of this?"


Elder Xei then pointed at all of my higher-tech stuff and said, "All those different machines have ones, don't they?"


This only made my smile grow wider as I shook my head and cutely replied, "Nope, not a single one."


Watching the confusion grow on his face after that was quite hilarious, and I knew that I was going to have a lot of explaining to do later. Still, right now, I was enjoying showing someone the wonders of the natural world that they never even knew existed—or at least in the fashion I was using them.

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