Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 079

The first thing Henry did after consuming the Murux Heart of the moray eel was, of course, to test out his new abilities. Aside from the obvious increment to his Murux reserves and his overall strength and power, he had also acquired the moray eels’ ability to control lightning electricity or lightning for that matter. Henry couldn’t distinguish which was which or what exactly is the ability, but for the sake of simplicity, he just dubbed it Lightning Manipulation.

He could channel lightning through his body and he was not harmed by it, but the same couldn’t be said for others, not even the ground he was standing on. He realised he left quite a vivid and discernible charred pawprint on the ground.

The other thing he could do was fire off lightning as projectiles but it didn’t have to be from his mouth, though unleashing it from the mouth did yield the strongest firepower. The discovery of this fact came at the cost of a small grove’s destruction and the deaths of a few carnivorous plants and predators. Witnessing Henry’s newfound powers, the creatures of the forest grew warier of him than ever before.

Henry also discovered he was able to launch lightning-moulded javelins at a designated spot much like the moray eel could but it was incredibly taxing on his mind to command two instances of spells at a single time, let alone four or six.

Other than those aforementioned abilities, he also gained tremendous resistance against lightning. He came across a wolf the size of his paw that had lightning coursing through its body. Of course, the poor beast didn’t dare to attack Henry but he caught it and forced the beast to attack him.

It took some time for the tiny lightning wolf to understand Henry’s intention and it attacked him with small bolts of lightning. He had thought the small lightning bolts were simply too weak but it was proven to be not the case when one of the lightning bolts missed him and hit a tree. A deep charred hole was formed on the tree’s trunk.

It was then Henry drew the conclusion that he was now either immune to lightning attack or gained a strong resistance against it. He was leaning towards the latter.

After satisfying his urge of familiarising himself with his newfound abilities, he flew back to the cliff where Iluna and Vishara were waiting for him.

“Lord Henry!” Iluna cried and ran up to him with tears smudging her face. “Are you alright? Are you hurt? What happened?” she bombarded Henry with a barrage of questions.

But Henry simply deflected them all with a wry smile. “I’m alright, Iluna. It was nothing. Actually, it was something.”

“What do you mean?” Iluna asked, confused.

“Climb aboard,” Henry said. “I’ll tell you as we head for our destination.”

Iluna complied with Henry’s words unhesitantly and climbed onto his back.

Vishara followed closely behind but she gave Henry a dubious gaze as he climbed onto his back.

“What?” Henry asked, feeling her gaze.

“Are you playing dumb or are you truly unaware?”

Though Henry didn’t understand the cause of Vishara’s unfounded suspicions initially, he came to a realisation after a brief confusion. “This is how I grow, Vishara.”

“What a terrifying way to grow, Dragon,” Vishara remarked.

Their exchange was furtive with both of them merely whispering in response and Iluna was none the wiser about it. Henry and Vishara had keen senses, so their conversation was quiet enough to escape Iluna’s hearing.

Even as Henry took off from the cliff and flew through the sky, their conversation continued on to the lack of Iluna’s knowledge. Iluna was too busy clinging onto Henry’s back for her dear life to take notice of their exchange.

“What kind of a Dragon are you? You ate the flesh of your enemies and grew stronger every time? I know plenty about Dragons. I have multiple texts about them but none which have said anything about this. Are you even a real Dragon?”

“I’m as real of a Dragon as you are a vampire.”

“The prime of your kind, is that what you’re saying?”

“The prime of my kind… I suppose we can call it that. But I am baffled about one thing.”

“And what would that be?”

“Why would you believe what the texts say about Dragons over what your own eyes saw of an actual tangible Dragon? Is the real living breathing Dragon you’re riding on less credible than the ones described in your texts?”

Vishara snorted. “You understand nothing, Dragon. Those texts that I have read are the words of age-old sages, passed down from apprentice to apprentice. These sages had seen and encountered Dragons firsthand. If I distrust those texts, it’s no different than calling them, liars. Now, I’m torn. The first Dragon I have encountered is nothing like what the texts say other than the appearance.”

“In that case, I’ll leave the decision of which party you rather believe in up to you but don’t ever question my genus again.”

“I won’t. As long as you’re not some ancient evil being in disguise, I care not what you truly are.”

Suddenly, Iluna came up to Vishara. “Um.. am I interrupting something?”

“No, sweetheart. You’re not,” Henry answered. “What’s wrong?”

“There are a lot of creatures approaching us…” Iluna said in a low voice as if fearing the creatures would hear her and take offence.

Henry gave a brief glance around him and saw multiple giant fishes swimming in the sky, no more than a mile away from him. The giant fishes swam close without a hint of hostility but neither did they exude any hint of amiability. They were simply minding their own business without paying Henry any heed.

“Will they attack us?” Iluna asked, glancing worriedly at the giant fishes.

“They won’t, not unless we attack them first or they’re innately hostile like that damn eel.”

“What if we encounter one like the eel?”

Henry shrugged. “Guess you better hold on tight then.”

“Don’t worry, Lady Iluna. If they attack, I’ll make quick work of them.”

Iluna stared at Vishara dubiously. “I’m not convinced, Vishara. You have shown nothing impressive so far.”

“Don’t you worry, m’lady. You’ll be overawed once you have witnessed me in a real fight between flesh, not the one you saw me fighting against a piece of metal.”

“And why would it be any different if your foe is made of flesh?”

“As I have said, you’ll know once you witness me in a fight between flesh,” Vishara continued to boast.

“You’re in luck, Vishara,” Henry said.

“Oh? Am I?”

“Three o’clock.”

“What does that mean?”

Henry mentally admonished himself and quickly corrected his words. “On your direct right.”

Vishara turned her gaze to the right and frowned in apprehension. She saw a whale shark swimming towards them but the fish itself wasn’t the cause of her apprehension but the people riding on its back. The people looked every bit like humans but they were hairless and they had palish red skin. They were all dressed in primitive garments, composed of animals’ hides and bones. They all bore a strange madness in their eyes.

“Oh, goddess,” Iluna gasped. “They don’t look friendly.”

“They are shrilling at us in a deranged manner with their stone axes and spears raised,” Vishara pointed out. “They don’t just look unfriendly. They are unfriendly.”

“Why are they attacking us?”

“Because they can,” Vishara answered. “They are the exemplars of savages. Look at them and tell me you don’t see sadistic glee written clearly on their faces. They’re most likely curious about Henry here.”

“Or it could be the two of you,” Henry retorted.

“Us?” Iluna blurted.

“The two of you are very beautiful and they looked like the kind who would fuck anything that they took a liking to.”

“Language, Lord Henry.”

“Language, really?” Henry scoffed in disbelief.

“They’re coming,” Vishara muttered.

The savages steered the whale shark to swim beside Henry instead of just crashing into him. The savages were now just right beside Henry, ready to pounce on his back. There were around twenty of them or more. They bellowed and shrieked in absolute glee when they saw Vishara and Iluna. One of the savages even took off his loincloth and showed the two his rod.

“I have seen bigger, way bigger,” Vishara sneered with a chuckle and fired Blood Javelin at the flashing savage. The javelin impaled his heart and the savage was carried off the whale shark’s back by the strong opposing wind.

Iluna gasped, taken aback by Vishara’s abrupt attack that no one saw coming but Henry did sense it as he perceived Vishara’s Murux surging before she fired the javelin.

The savages were stunned for a moment but when they regained their senses, they roared and yawped at Vishara with rage. One of the savages even threw his spear at Vishara but she easily caught it before the tip could touch her and she threw it back at the savage. They tried dodging but they severely underestimated Vishara’s strength. The spear found the original’s head and he too fell off the whale shark.

The savages jumped and stomped in indignant fury, throwing tantrums as if they were juvenile brats. The savage with the reins of the whale shark attempted to ram Henry but he easily evaded the savage’s attempt by dropping a few metres down. The short and abrupt drop elicited a shriek from Iluna.

“Sorry,” Henry muttered dryly and prepared to engulf the whale shark and the savages with his flames, but Vishara intervened.

“Wait,” she said.

“What is it now?”

“Allow me to have the pleasure to kill these savages.”

“Pleasure? We’re not here for pleasure! And now’s certainly not the time for you to—”

Vishara didn’t let Henry finish before jumping onto the whale shark. In a single leap, she reached its fin and she easily swung herself up to the back of the whale shark, shocking the savages atop.

“God damn this woman…” Henry grumbled. He regained his composure and matched the whale shark’s speed and altitude in order to get a look at Vishara, who was now on the back of the whale shark along with the savages.

Vishara grinned at the savages, baring her fangs. The savages gasped and flinched in astonishment, staggering away from her. Though they were startled and utterly frightened by Vishara’s true nature, the loss of their kinsmen reignited their rage and they charged at her, screaming in fury.

Vishara’s grin widened and she lunged at the closest savage, brutally tearing his head off his neck. Blood spouted out like a fountain. She then commanded the spraying blood, morphing it into a chain, and lashing it at the savages. While most of them dodged the blood chain, two were not so fortunate. The unlucky savages’ upper bodies slid off their waists and the strong winds carried their corpses off.

One of the savages managed to flank Vishara but with a palm splayed at him, the savage came to a halt in his movements. Vishara flicked her hand and the savage was thrown off the whale shark by an unseen force.

The other savages also froze on the spot at such an incredulous sight. They couldn't comprehend how Vishara tossed their kinsman off without even touching him.

“You,” Vishara said as she pointed at the savage at the furthest back of the group and she gestured at the other savages before drawing a line across her neck with her thumb.

The savage’s gaze turned blank and he nodded, before unleashing his axe on his own kinsmen. The other savages shrieked in terror and confusion at the sudden betrayal. It didn’t take them long to realise Vishara was the cause. Five of the savages were assigned to take care of their berserking companion while the rest focused on Vishara.

The crazed savage was not easily subdued despite the odds. He mercilessly and unhesitantly cut down his own kin as they tried to incapacitate him. The crazed savage didn’t care if he twisted a limb or bruised himself in the process. He was single-mindedly adhering to Vishara’s command. Four of the savages died before the last one finally subjugated the crazed savage by pushing him off the whale shark.

Meanwhile, Vishara was making quick work of the rest of the savages. They were no match for Vishara’s ferocity. She far outclassed them in terms of speed and strength, and also in their brutality. She tore a savage’s heart out without hesitating even the slightest. For most of them, she did not kill them instantly. Instead, she cut off their limbs with her long sharp nails, leaving them writhing in agony on the back of the whale shark.

When she was done, the whale shark’s back was dyed in complete red and the only savage unharmed was the one holding the reins. Vishara had intentionally left him out of her rampage for an obvious reason. Vishara shrugged at her handiwork and leapt back onto Henry.

“Ah~ I needed that.” she gasped in delight as she sat down.

Iluna was staring at Vishara in horror all the while.

Vishara threw Iluna a smirking glance. “Do you believe me now?” she asked.

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