Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 173: Conclusion

“We should probably discuss what we expect of Lilith and what our boundaries are. Instead of just waiting for her proposal we should have our own terms.” Ingrid said.

“We need access to her spy network and all information she can give us on the Inquisition, the Empire, Beravis and Ashmedai’s cult.” I said. Information was the reason we contacted her originally after all. Also, I used the tap to fill my mug with beer. I liked this setup.

“You might need to phrase that differently. If you only request information on the Inquisition she could hold back anything on the creatures behind it.” Dalroc added.

Were demons in this world fond of contracts? Was this one of the situations where she would be designing loopholes? She wanted to work with us. She needed help.

“I am not sure if that is truly necessary. It’s not like this contract would be magically binding, right? Cooperation is in her best interest, I doubt that she will deliberately break her word.” I concluded.

“Demons will always try to get the better of you.” Solana said.

“I understand where you are coming from. But you are looking at this the wrong way. This is not a deal between a weak mortal begging for power, this is an alliance of equals. If Lilith betrays us we will crush her.” It was time to remind anyone that Lilith was not the only scary thing around.

Lucy nodded. “Worst case we kill her and reward another maid knight with a cool armour. Lilith does have a fancy one, right?”

Lily smiled. “I do believe so, my lady.”

Erin looked unhappy about the direction of our conversation but she remained silent.

“While I appreciate your confidence we would be entirely reliant on your help.” Solana said.

“Well, aren’t you already? We stopped the invasion of Iron Rock. Otherwise you would have Mantus rampaging around. He would have likely sacrificed the entire city and probably summoned Ashmedai in the process. You did not even have a formal alliance with the Dwarven Kingdom back then. You certainly have the resources to deal with a demon lord, maybe even two at once, but it would cost you. And how much would they have destroyed before you could have stopped them?”

I took another sip of my beer. We did this world a huge favour back then. I suppose they rewarded us with a county. But that was also a move to make sure we were loyal to their nation. I should have asked for a personal chef to come with the county…

“We are all grateful for your help.” Loriel said. “And we appreciate you joining the Dominion.”

“Back to the terms.” Ingrid said. “Since the summoning would happen in our nation we need assurances that none of our citizens are harmed.”

“What about traitors? Citizens would be a bit limiting. We have to be able to deal with enemy agents.” Erin pointed out.

“Hm.” Dalroc said. “We can allow the apprehension of criminals but no lasting harm can be done without a trial, and any action against our people would have to be reported to us. Further, there can be no seduction of married people. Unless both consent.”

“Breaking the law would result in a trial. They can have a lawyer but we would be the judges.” Ingrid added.

I had a feeling dwarves were the ones who liked contracts a lot.

“You can handle those details. As long as Lilith shares her information, helps with the cure and fights alongside us, I am fine.” It would mean less work for me. Ah, the joy of delegation.

“We can have our lawyers write a draft and then present it to all of you.” Dalroc proposed.

“Perfect!” I agreed.

“So, how would this summoning be performed?” Solana asked.

“From what I have seen they have a ritual prepared but are missing the power. They have collected some but likely Lucy and myself would have to provide the missing magic.” I explained.

“Would that not weaken you? You would be vulnerable the moment she appears.” Solana pointed out.

“Yes and no. Assuming we would use all of our high tier spellslots we would be at a disadvantage. But a kitsune has more than just spells. And I have my own tricks.” I tried to smile mysteriously. I did have a high natural regeneration combined with a lot of strength. And technically I also had my panther form. Most importantly, Lilith would have to be mad to attack her allies.

“What about other threats? If the Inquisition learns of our plan they could ambush you. We should certainly make sure there is a lot of security.” Loriel said.

“I would like to be there anyway.” Dalroc said. “Our kingdom is our responsibility, after all.”

Ingrid nodded.

The meeting ended soon afterwards. The dwarves would come up with a contract and discuss it with Erin. Once the two parties had something acceptable they would show it to us. If no one had any concerns we would go ahead with the summoning. Dalroc also wanted to hold a feast for the demon lord to celebrate the new alliance. Well, he simply wanted to repurpose the feast that was already planned. I was curious how the nation would react to a deal with Lilith.

Once we were back in our quarters Lucy updated her parents on what was happening. They looked concerned about the demon lord.

“This Lilith sounds like bad news. Don’t fall for her charms!” Lynn warned.

“Mom, I am in a happy relationship. Lilith has no chance against Amaya.” Lucy said.

I blushed but remained quiet.

“And succubi are not that bad, look at Lily!” Lucy added.

“Lily is a fine young woman.” Lynn agreed.

“She is pretty old, she just looks young.” Lucy clarified.

“Can I meet a demon lord?” Ben asked.

“Absolutely not!” Lynn said.

“If Lilith is around us they will probably meet at some point. But Shani volunteered to keep any succubi in line.” Lucy said.

“She likes slaughtering demons.” Ben helpfully added.

“You should not be around any slaughter…” Alister said.

“But it’s a fun bonding activity, Shani said so!” Ben protested.

“No slaughtering for you!” Lynn said.

Ben pouted.

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