Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 163: Discovery

We moved to Gronir’s office. “Can I offer you a drink? Whisky perhaps?” He asked.

“Sure.” I responded.

After he handed us our drinks we all sat down. “So, you would like some mithril? Is this to supply the Dominion?” He asked.

“It’s for our personal force.” I responded.

“I see. I will need a confirmation from the palace about your identity. And the amount I can sell to a private person is limited.”

“How limited? If we wanted to forge armour, how many could be produced?” I asked.

“Hm.” He stroked his beard. “Perhaps about twenty.”

“And how often could we purchase from you? Is this a yearly limitation?” I asked.

Gronir smiled. “Indeed it is. Although the crown might ask questions if a private person keeps buying mithril.”

“We are on good terms with the dwarven king and the elven queens.” Lucy said.

“Splendid! I will send my secretary to the palace to get an official confirmation about your identity. Meanwhile, we can talk about the price.” He looked excited. Maybe he enjoyed haggling.

The door opened and a young dwarven woman entered. Her bronze skin was flawless. She had short black hair and light blue eyes. She smiled at us. Then her eyes widened in shock.

Lily had pulled her naginata and had deployed her full armour. The blade of her weapon rested on the woman's throat.

“What is the meaning of this?” Gronir shouted.

“She is a demon.” Lily responded.

“Demon? Outrageous!” Gronir protested.

“Please, help me! She is insane!” The woman pleaded. I felt a slight tingle in my mind.

“I think she is trying to use mind magic.” I said.

“Stop.” Lily told the woman, her blade pressing closer.

Two armoured dwarves came running. Probably guards. “Unhand Brita immediately!” One of them shouted.

Tears were now running down her face.

“She is a pretty good actor.” Lucy commented while sipping her whisky. We were both still sitting in our chairs.

“Is she a succubus?” I asked.

“Yes, my lady. I felt her magic trying to influence us when she entered.” Lily said.

“Now now, let’s all calm down!” Gronir said. “This is all a misunderstanding!” He was sweating and clearly uncomfortable.

“Miss, remove your weapon.” A guard told Lily.

Lily smiled. “I am Lily, Storm Maid Knight of house Delphinium. Do not challenge me.”

The dwarves hesitated. They were clearly intimidated.

“Now, Brita was it?” I addressed the captive. “Why don’t you take your true form. Otherwise I will have to let Lily loose on you. She is a bit of an expert when it comes to succubi.”

“It’s a shame we don’t have Shani with us…” Lucy said.

“Please, I am just a dwarf!” Brita sobbed. Lucy snickered, the line clearly reminded her of my past remarks.

Lily grabbed the demon by the throat and lifted her. Then she looked into her eyes. “Stop playing.”

There was fear in Brita’s eyes as she looked at Lily. Then she transformed. The dwarf was replaced by succubus. She had short black horns, crimson skin and a pointy tail.

“He made me do it!” She said and pointed at Gronir.

“What? I had no idea! I was deceived!” Gronir protested.

The guards looked shocked and uncertain.

“Do you recognize her?” Lucy asked while pointing at Brita.

“No, my lady. She seems like a young succubus.” Lily replied.

“I am not young!” Brita protested. Lily looked at her. “Ok, I am only fifty.” She admitted.

“Are you spying for Lilith?” I asked.

“Yes! I am a servant of the demon queen! You must release me or face her wrath!” She said,

Lily snorted. “She is way too inexperienced.”

“Didn't you just say Gronir made you do it?” I asked.

“Uh… um…” Brita was squirming in Lily’s grip.

“I believe she might have been working with the guild to cheat their customers.” Lily theorised.

That would make a lot of sense. Mind magic and seduction were some effective tools to influence people. But we could not rule out something more nefarious.

“I can see how she might have helped them make more money. But metal is used for weapons. She could have also made sure that the guild sells to the wrong people. She could have helped supply the Empire, for example.” I said.

“You are right, my lady.” Lily said. “It will require a thorough investigation. I volunteer to question this fledgling.”

Lily was having way too much fun with her captive.

“You are the expert.” Lucy said. “You can also call on Shani if needed.”

“I don’t think we need the Wrath for this.” The way Lily pronounced the title made her captive shudder.

“We also need to question Gronir.” I said looking at the dwarf. He looked really uncomfortable.

“I… I do not have to justify myself! You have no authority here!” He said.

“Ah, maybe I should introduce myself again. I am Countess Amaya Delphinium. I am the Lady of Storms.” My eyes began to glow as I unleashed my aura.

The guards dropped their weapons. The succubus in Lily’s hand started trembling. Gronir’s face went pale.

“I will tell you everything! I will serve you eternally! Please, do not kill me!” The succubus pleaded.

I retracted my aura.

“I was summoned to help them with sales! I never killed anyone! I am only manipulating people! I don’t work for Lilith. I am independent, trying to gain experience.” She pleaded.

“Did you help the Empire?” I asked.

“Um. I… I also manipulated officials checking our records and helped some merchants get certifications…” She admitted.

I looked at Gronir. “I… I will not say anything without a lawyer.” He tried to speak firmly but he was trembling.

“We could have Lily question him.” Lucy suggested.

“No, we are inside the dwarven kingdom. They are our allies. We should let the proper authorities handle that.” I said. Then I looked at one of the guards. “Please inform the city watch that they should send someone.”

They nodded and both ran away, leaving their dropped weapons behind.

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