Reincarnated! A Tale of the Sorceress Amaya

Chapter 14: Investigation

“So we are investigators now.”, I said as we were walking down the street. “Do you have any experience in such matters?”

“No. I was trained as a butler after becoming a slave.”, Lucy answered.

“Is there anything you know from your time in the embassy?”

“Not much. I was aware that something big was happening. Sir Meisler was very excited but never mentioned any details. He did have a lot of meetings though. Baron George Spencer, who is part of the city council, visited often.”

“We should probably interview Spencer in that case. You know, it will take the duke a few hours to spread the word that we are investigating. We should go and buy a storage artefact for you first. So you can carry your own weapon.

Afterwards I would suggest we interrogate the prisoners. Even if they don’t know much we might get something we can use. The more we know the better questions we can ask Meisler.”, I reasoned.

“I admit I am looking forward to interrogating that bastard. We won't have to be gentle, right?”

“I understand that you want some revenge. Just don’t go too far Lucy.”

“Thank you Amaya.” Lucy said smiling.

We now had a plan and the first step was shopping. Personal storage artefacts were really popular amongst anyone who could afford them. I spent 1000 gold on a sapphire pendant for Lucy, with a much smaller storage than my own necklace. But I did have the money and it would be worth it. Now Lucy could store her own weapons, supplies and clothing. She did not have armour yet. But her body was durable enough that I did not consider it a priority. We would need to look for a crafter and some personalised armour later. I also gave her 100 gold to spend on anything she wanted. While Lucy was shocked by my wealth, after everything that happened so far she took it in stride.

It was already afternoon by the time we made it to the prison. I was surprised to find out that Meisler was not kept here. Apparently, no matter the crime he was important enough for special treatment. The city had a special mansion for such people. Instead of a cell they were confined to comfortable quarters. The plan was to question the bandits first anyway. And the mage was kept here in a special cell that prevented spells from the 4th circle or lower to be cast. I assumed he was the leader and would know more than the others. When I approached the cell the mage’s eyes widened.

“You… it’s you! Please, I don’t want to be a goat again. Never again.” He looked shaken. I was a bit surprised. I did not consider the mental implications of becoming a goat against your will. I liked my black panther form but it was voluntary. And I still had access to all my abilities and magic. I started to feel guilty. He was trying to kill people but I never wanted to torture him.

“I won’t cast any spells. Just tell me what you were doing in the woods. Why did you attack the caravan?”

“We are just simple bandits.” He was sitting on the floor looking at us.

Lucy moved towards the man and crouched next to him. “It’s ok. Nobody will hurt you. Just tell me what you know.” She smiled reassuringly. “Sir Meisler was captured trying to assassinate the duke. Did you know about that?”, Lucy asked.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.”, he said, sweating.

“If you won't talk to me, maybe you would like Amaya to question you instead?” Lucy suggested while pointing at me.

The man grew even paler. “No no no, I will talk.I will talk! We are soldiers of the Empire. We were supposed to create some unrest. The plan is to destabilise the city, make the duke look weak. We are funding some criminal organisations as well. There are more cells operating in the city. But I don’t know where they are. This is all I know, I swear!”

“See, that was not so hard.” Lucy patted him on the shoulder and we left.

“Good job Lucy.”, I praised her. We did not get much information but it was a start.

“Thank you Amaya.” She looked happy with my compliment. “But why would the Empire undermine the duke and try to kill him?”, she wondered.

“That is a good question. Maybe they are trying to make Iron Rock itself look weak? Does the duke have an heir? What would happen if William died?”

“He does have a daughter but she is only 6 years old. The duke’s wife is dead. There would be a regent, appointed by the city council, until she comes of age.”

“So the Empire might try to make certain candidates look incompetent, to ensure they get the regent they want.” As I was thinking more about the situation there was still one big question. “Lucy, why does the Empire not simply invade? If they want Iron Rock they could just take it.”

“Ah. Let me tell you a bit about the history.”, Lucy answered. “After their last expansion, about 500 years ago, the Empire tried to subjugate the Dwarven Kingdom. While they were not able to invade the mountains they tried to cut off the food supply. Dwarfs have magic lights that allow farming beneath the earth. But they only have a few farmers and rely heavily on imports. With the Empire no longer providing food they had to turn to the elves. Elves and dwarfs never got along but in desperation the dwarfs struck a deal. They sold a lot of precious metals and opened up their craftsmanship to the elves.

But something unexpected happened. The dwarfs realised that elven crops made far better ale. Also elven oak was amazing for ageing whisky. They even experimented with an elven wine barrel finish. It was a great success. Meanwhile the elves enjoyed the dwarven craftsmanship. With more trade came more contact and a friendship formed. By the time the Empire realised their mistake it was too late. The dwarfs are now happy to trade with elves and no longer need food from the Empire. They trade other goods though.

Iron Rock has no alliance with the dwarfs but they are on good terms. And there is a large entrance to the mountains in the city.”, Lucy explained.

“So if the Empire invades Iron Rock the dwarfs will be angry. Trade would stop and the Empire would lose access to dwarven craftsmanship. That is the best case scenario. Iron Rock would surely plead for help. If the dwarves got involved in the fighting it would turn ugly. Especially since the elves might help the dwarves.”, Lucy concluded.

“I see. So an invasion could turn into a massive war. Instead they are going for a diplomatic route. Maybe the Empire will try to have someone marry the duke’s daughter.”, I speculated.

So we had a theory but no real evidence. Meisler had a lot of questions to answer. I was looking forward to the interrogation.

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