Rehabilitating the Villainess

Chapter 109: Cure (2)

However, I actually had the means to cure Duke Ezran.

Despite that, a feeling of sadness flooded my heart, and a sorrowful expression appeared on my face. The reason for that was Duke Ezran’s expression, which seemed unnaturally calm even in such a dire situation.

“There should be a way to cure the disease…”

“No, further attempts are pointless. I looked for a cure in various places in the world, but found nothing.”

Duke Ezran cut off my words, then he thought of something and fell into agony.

‘There really is a way to cure the disease.’

Looking at it now, Duke Ezran also had an erratic side to him. 

Before I could say anything more, he spoke up again.

“Recently, a report came in that the Mage Tower Lord and the Crown Prince has disappeared.”

I had no choice but to remain silent in response, because I was the one responsible for their disappearance.

“In the past…no, they had disappeared like that once before.”

It was quite easy to understand what he wanted to convey. He was talking about the timeline in which I died from poison and Shael and Duke Ezran suffered a lot. But that past was now gone.

“You never know what they will do, so you’d better be careful.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Duke Ezran coughed several times, and spit up b1ood.

‘As I thought…’

Duke Ezran’s illness was getting worse every time he recalled the events of the past timeline.

Discarding my thoughts about the Mage Tower Lord and the Crown Prince, I first reached into my clothes and took out my magic pouch. Inside the magic pouch was a pair of earring. It was the earrings Shael bought with the intention of curing me.

The earrings had the ability to cure all the ailments, and it was the same magic tool Clie had been searching for in the past.

In other words, these earrings were the only thing that could completely cure Duke Ezran’s illness.

I approached Duke Ezran and put the earrings on his forehead.

The earrings gave off a red glow, and with that, the disease that had been eating away at Duke Ezran should have been cured.

It was only then that I was able to ponder what Duke Ezran had said just now.

‘The Mage Tower Lord and the Crown Prince had also disappeared in the past timeline?’

It was an intriguing information. The reason they had disappeared in the present was because I gave

them the love potion.

‘Then what exactly happen in the past timeline?’

A terrifying assumption came to my mind.

‘Could it be that they disappeared in the past timeline for similar reasons?’

I shook my head, thinking that it was absurd, but the rationale for that assumption kept popping up in my head.

Clie could have lived a happy life if she chose between the Mage Tower Lord and the Crown Prince, but she still returned to the past using the Bracelet of Holy Power.

After returning, she began to hate the Mage Tower Lord and the Crown Prince quite openly.

In fact, there were many instances in the original novel that showcased the ambiguity in the relationship between the Mage Tower Lord and the Crown Prince.

At first, I didn’t think it was a big deal, thinking that it was a troupe that targeted a certain type of readers.

Actually, there were many readers who insulted the author for adding certain things in the original novel, but there were also many readers who responded positively through comments.

I still remembered many of such comments I had seen in the comment section.

[Well that was a quite…unexpected. I for one support how it ended. Don’t read it if you don’t like it. It’s just pathetic to insult the author for his writing.]

Come to think of it, as the comment said, there were a lot of comments criticizing the author for disguising the novel as a different genre.

[I say that it’s the reader’s fault for not reading the novel properly…lol! You can say that the male protagonists end up mutually helping each other in the end, so it’s absolutely not a misunderstanding. Isn’t it great that those bad-tempered male protagonists end up working together?]

‘There was something strange about those comments for sure…’

[Hey guys! Let’s not spoil it for the other! It’s a nuisance to readers who haven’t seen it yet. Let me tell you, this is a perfect novel to the end, and it’s a very good novel with gag elements, so you can read with confidence!]

‘But why does the back of my head tingle?’

I even thought that it was rather fortunate that I transmigrated without being able to read the novel to the end. 

And, I even felt that Clie was quite pitiful for experiencing such misfortune.

However, I still didn’t regret ending Clie’s life.

There were so many things that Clie did wrong. She didn’t just target me and Shael, but also harmed Seniela of the Tedel family, who almost lost her little sister due to Clie’s plans. There was also that merchant who almost lost his entire fortune.

Besides them, Clie harmed numerous noble families and commoners for her own benefit. So there was nothing to regret.

‘Still, she’s quite pitiful indeed.’

I pressed my throbbing head and erased those thoughts. 

Looking ahead, I saw Duke Ezran, who had shaken off his visibly fatigued body.

It meant that the earrings had successfully cured his illness.

Now, it was my turn to ask about the events of the past that I was unaware of in more detail.

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If you want a more severe (spicy) rehabilitation of multiple villainesses, you can check out my other project, Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses. Check out my other projects: Flower Stealing Master, I Picked Up an Amnesiac Witch, My Summons Are Special and Dual Cultivation with a Fox Demon,

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