Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 3: The Enchanted 3D Printer

The next day, I woke up to a world that seemed to be spiraling into chaos. Reports of alien invasions, destruction, and chaos filled the news. I took a glance out of my window, and the once familiar skyline was now dotted with flying saucers and billowing smoke. It seemed the threat was real, and the countdown to the end of the world had begun.

I sighed, realizing that maybe I should take this whole situation a bit more seriously. However, my priorities remained unchanged. I needed my special-order resin printer from Hammazon, and nothing was going to stop me from getting it.

As I sat down at my computer, I noticed an email from Hammazon. The subject line read, "Your Order Has Been Upgraded!" I raised an eyebrow and clicked on the email, my interest piqued.

"Dear valued customer,

Due to the extraordinary circumstances currently unfolding, we have upgraded your order to our premium express delivery service. Your special order resin printer will now be delivered within 24 hours. Thank you for choosing Hammazon, the most reliable shipping service in any world.


Hammazon Team"

A grin spread across my face. It seemed that even in the face of impending doom, Hammazon was keeping its promises. I chuckled to myself, realizing that I might be one of the few people in the world more excited about a resin printer than concerned about the impending apocalypse.

With the delivery taken care of, I decided to head to my spare bedroom that held all my statutes, and figures, or most of them. It also held all my printers there.

When I opened the door, I froze in horror.

Everything was destroyed. It was like something had come in the night, and destroyed everything that I loved and held dear to my heart. 

There was only one thing that could do this, and I didn't need the mystery team to figure this one out!

"Oh, you son of a bitch! I will make you pay!" I growled and then turned to storm over to my computer.

I furiously began to type. I sighed as I jumped on Wtich, seeing a pimple-covered weeb showing off his figurine collection of waifus. I shed a few tears for my fallen army, but then I gripped my fist tight. 

This was war. 

As long as I got my printer, and it was fine, I would go to this god's damn world, but I would be damned if I let him tell me what to do. I was no stranger to the "In Another World" genre. I knew how these so-called gods liked to pick people from other worlds to fix problems they probably caused!

"That will not be happening," I said, crossing my arms. 

If I was going on one of these adventures with a tyrannical god, then I was going to do it my way! I am a man, and I have a dream!

The next day, things outside got much worse.

As I anxiously awaited the delivery of my special-order resin printer, the chaos outside my apartment intensified. The alien invasion had escalated, and the once bustling city streets were now filled with desperate cries, explosions, and the relentless hum of saucers overhead.

I tried my best to ignore the chaos, focusing on the email from Hammazon that promised the delivery within 24 hours. The clock was ticking, and I needed to make sure I had my state-of-the-art 3D printer before anything else.

Amid the turmoil, I received a notification on my computer. It was a message from an unknown sender, and the subject simply read, "Your Refusal."

Curiosity getting the better of me, I opened the message. The content was short and to the point.

"Leon, you may refuse to save our world but know that your world's destruction is imminent. Your fate is intertwined with Garlandia's, whether you like it or not. Embrace your destiny, for there is no escape."

I deleted the message, dismissing it as another attempt to manipulate me. "They can try, but they won't break me," I muttered to myself.

Just then, the doorbell rang. My heart raced as I rushed to answer it. The delivery guy from Hammazon stood there, holding a box that seemed to emit a faint glow. "Special order for Leon," he said, handing me the package with a smile.

I thanked him, closed the door, and eagerly opened the box. To my surprise, the 3D printer inside was not the one I had ordered. It was a sleek, enchanted model with intricate designs etched into the casing. A note accompanied it.

"Leon, your refusal has been noted. However, this seems to be the toy you wanted, so I guess our deal is sealed, right?!" 

"Deal, Grampa Bright Light," I said, holding my printer in my arms.

Suddenly, I was back in front of the overly bright old man, who was scowling at me, or maybe that was his resting face?

"My name is Garland, God of Garlandia, not 'Grampa Bright Light,'" he corrected, a scowl still etched on his face.

"Sure, whatever. You got what you wanted, now send me to your stupid world," I said, not bothering to hide my annoyance.

"You know I can kill you, right?!" Garland demanded, but a beautiful girl popped out from behind the old man with purple hair, rushing over to me.

"You can't kill the hero!" The woman yelled as she put herself between the old man and me.

I looked the woman over, scanning her entire body from head to toe. Her dress was adorned with intricate patterns. She also had white wings sticking out of her back, and her eyes sparkled with determination. Despite the dire situation, I couldn't help but appreciate the craftsmanship of her attire.

"Hero?" I raised an eyebrow. "Look, lady, I appreciate the dramatic entrance, but I'm just here for my printer. I've got waifus to print, and I don't have time for your hero nonsense."

The woman seemed taken aback by my nonchalant attitude. Garland, on the other hand, was seething with frustration.

"You insolent fool! You are the chosen hero, destined to save Garlandia from the impending doom!" Garland shouted, his beard practically bristling with anger.

I sighed, not in the mood for a power trip from an old man.

"Listen, Grampa Bright Light, or Garland, or whatever you want to be called. I'll go along with your hero thing, but I have conditions. First, no more threats to my world. Second, I do things my way. And third, leave my waifus out of this. They're off-limits," I stated firmly, holding my ground.

Garland grumbled but eventually nodded in agreement. "Fine, fine! Just save my world, and we'll leave your precious waifus out of it. Now, go! The fate of Garlandia rests in your hands."


"We already went over this!" Garland snapped, but I shook my head.

"You talk too much, but I don't have any reason to believe you. I need some kind of contract that binds you to your word," I explained and then turned to the woman. "Hey, Miss Angel, can you do that?"

The angelic woman hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, I can create a magical contract to bind his words. But understand, Leon, this is a serious matter. Once the contract is formed, breaking it will have consequences."

"I don't care about your consequences. Just do it," I replied, my patience wearing thin.

The woman closed her eyes and started chanting in a language I couldn't understand. A faint glow enveloped Garland, and then words appeared in the air, forming a contract that detailed our agreement.

"By the power vested in me, I, Leon, agree to save Garlandia and fulfill the duties of the chosen hero. In return, Garland, God of Garlandia, promises not to harm or threaten Leon's world, allows him to pursue his goals in his own way, and keeps his waifus out of any harm related to Garlandia's fate."

I nodded, satisfied with the terms. "Good enough. Now, send me to your world. I've got printing to do."

With a wave of the woman's hand, a portal opened before me. Garland grumbled, still unhappy with the situation, but he knew he had no choice.

"Remember your duties, Leon. The fate of Garlandia depends on you," Garland reminded me with a stern expression.

"Yeah, yeah. I got it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a printer waiting for me," I said, stepping through the portal before either of them could say anything else.

As I entered the portal, the world around me warped and twisted, and soon, I found myself in a land unlike anything I had ever seen. The sky was a mix of vibrant colors, and the landscape was dotted with floating islands. It was a fantastical world that seemed straight out of a video game or an anime.

But my focus wasn't on the scenery. I was determined to find out more about this world and figure out a way to get back home. And, of course, to see what kind of upgrades Grampa Bright Light had given to my 3D printer.

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