Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 70.

Chapter 70. Executing Operation, Codename: Date, Evening. (2/4)

Once the shower shut off, the bathroom door opened up shortly after. I thought they’d already changed so I glanced to the side and caught them right as they passed by. 

Their bodies were wrapped in towels with their shoulders and legs fully exposed. I couldn’t help but notice Alicia’s rather bashful gaze directed to the ground averted away from Rosa. Her hand covered the right side of her neck as if trying to hide something. 

Then… there was also Rosa… I caught licking her lips before the two disappeared around the corner into Rosa’s room.

No. No no no no. It’s not what I’m thinking. It’s definitely not such a yuriesque development. Rosa couldn’t really be putting the moves on Alicia, right? Is she trying to two-time, but with a girl? No, they’re just close friends. It’s probably just how girls tease each other. I’m overthinking things. I know nothing about the relationship between girls. It’s outside my field of expertise. It must be something normal that I’m just unfamiliar with.

My head sank down until my face was parallel to the ground. I supported my forehead with my hand and squeezed it and closed my eyes.

Calm. I’m getting too worked up over this entire situation. Just relax. Whatever Rosa is up to right now, it’s none of my business. It’s their relationship, it’s not my place to butt in and say anything about it. How they do things as friends is up to them. Just like how I choose to have no friends is up to me.

Really though, there’s no chance in hell guys would do something like that when showering together. Well, unless they’re both gay. But the greater majority of the population is not gay, so I’d say it’s safe to assume it would be an extremely rare occurrence.

But for girls who are much more open and intimate with each other, I guess something like this isn’t too unbelievable.

I mean, the two of them look really good together. I also feel like they complement each other’s weaknesses quite well. If they combine forces, they’d be quite a formidable force, no doubt a duo to be reckoned with.

“You can use this shirt of mine.”

“This? But it looks like… are you sure it’s yours?”

“Of course it is. You think I’d not know my own clothes when I see it?”

I heard that sort of suspicious conversation from Rosa’s room in the background, but I kept my head down while massaging my forehead that hurt a bit after hitting it against the wall just now.

After a few minutes, I heard the door to her room open before Rosa called out from my front, “What are you doing?”

My head jerked up the instant I heard her voice and my eyes opened a bit wider. The two girls in front of me were... sparkling. Sparkling? No, that was a bit wrong. They weren’t really sparkling at all. Such nonsense doesn’t happen in the real world.

It was true I saw many specks of bright white light floating about in my eyes, but they were not sparkles. I couldn’t call them eye floaters either. I didn’t know how to categorize them. Maybe seeing stars? I was starry-eyed?

I felt that was the most appropriate term I could come up with. It had likely been caused by raising my head too quickly just now. I couldn’t deny though, the floating specks of light drifting about slowly in all directions were rather pretty.

I ended up staring at the two girls in silence while admiring the sparkles.

The two of them had similar attire on at the moment. Both wore a white dress shirt. Rosa’s appeared to be the one she normally wore under her uniform. As for Alicia’s… I recognized it all too well. I nearly choked on my saliva and exploded on Rosa. I shot her an intense glare, but she returned it with a carefree look and grin daring me to open my mouth and say it.

To open my mouth and say that was my dress shirt I wore for school. But I couldn’t. There was no way I could go and say it despite wanting to.

Alicia was already flustered enough after I’d been staring at the two of them so intensely. Did I have the heart to break the news to her and reveal the truth by this point? No. I did not. She was already wearing it, that would not change.

If she found out… though I doubt she really would, she might go and burn it. I’d rather not have to buy a new one. They weren’t that cheap. I’d just have to wash it a few extra times to ensure her scent didn’t linger on it afterward and pretend this never happened.

The only reason Alicia was likely convinced the shirt she had on belonged to Rosa was because Rosa had worn it all day the day before. It smelled like her, so it had led her to believe Rosa had been truthful. Had this been part of her plan? This was another big reason I didn’t want to say anything. It’d become obvious that the two of us were at the level where we’d sleep together and Rosa would even wear my clothes. Rosa was naturally aware I’d have reservations about revealing such information.

This… was the worst.

Aside from the dress shirts they had on, Alicia had borrowed a pair of tight blue skinny jeans from Rosa. They fully emphasized the contours of her legs. Rosa had on a black pair of skinny jeans with a few tears in them giving her a more punkish look.

They both had on the necklaces from the arcade still. Rosa’s was worn over her shirt, while Alicia had hers hidden, tucked away under my shirt. 

A white collared angel in blue jeans. Those were the best words to describe Alicia.

Meanwhile… a white collared devil in black jeans. Those were the words best suited to describe Rosa.

“Are you so enraptured with us that you can’t say anything?” Rosa asked mischievously.

“Let’s go. If we don’t hurry up we won’t make it before they close.” I dodged her question, stood up, and headed for the door.

The two of them quickly followed behind. At the entrance, Alicia put on her white puffy jacket and zipped it all the way up. Rosa put on a black coat different from the one she’d worn throughout the day. Before now, she’d worn a red one that matched her hair well. This one seemed easier to move around in compared to the red one she had on which obstructed her thighs. The black one she had on now was shorter, a much tighter fit, and only went up to her abdomen.

Rosa also took her bag along with her this time. It was obviously quite heavy, but she didn’t seem too bothered by it.

When Alicia noticed her putting it on she asked, “why are you bringing your bag with you?”

“Ah, this? Well, we’ve got one more stop on our date after we eat. Naturally, you’ll be coming along for it though.”

What? What the hell is she thinking? We’re committing a crime you know. You want to invite a good girl like Alicia to that? Are you crazy?

I shot her a glare hoping she’d take back her words but she ignored it and pretended she couldn’t understand with a simple shrug.

I wanted to voice a bunch of complaints but I kept them to myself for the time being.

By the time we caught the bus and made it to the restaurant, it was already 7:00 PM. We only had an hour to eat. It was still more than enough time... or so I’d thought.

We ordered the two items I held in high regard. The two girls across from me, seated beside each other, gobbled the food up in no time while they chatted excitedly about the taste. With how good it was, they ordered some more. Then… more. And... more.

I started to sweat. I hadn’t anticipated I’d pay this much for food on our date. I’d stayed within the confines of my budget for everything else… but the restaurant food was an unexpected oversight on my part.

My heart was bleeding as the two couldn’t stop ordering food. They even tried some other items on the menu that the damn waitress recommended to them.

The food was both cheap and good, but when you had people who constantly wanted more… it really added up.

I was only freed when the clock struck 8:00 PM and we were forced to leave as they were closing up. They packed away the food they hadn't finished into some take-out containers before we had to pay. 

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