Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 57.

Chapter 57. A Peaceful Day Together with my Girlfriend. (1/2)

Peaceful steady breaths. 

Those were what I heard while my vision was still enshrouded in darkness.

As I slowly regained awareness of my surroundings, the world expanded around me from a small horizontal slit that gradually widened into an ellipse.

Where was I currently?

The sealing wasn’t the one I was most accustomed to. The smell in the air, a sweet scent, much unlike the musty one in my desolate room. 

The bed I was on definitely wasn’t mine.

But, I didn’t feel particularly out of place.

I turned my gaze to the side and confirmed the reason why I felt at ease was directly beside me. Sleeping peacefully, with a smile on her face. When I raised my hand I stroked the side of her cheek to reassure myself that this wasn’t some sort of twisted dream.

The warmth from her body was by no means a lie. This was reality.

Now, why am I here, sleeping together with this beautiful red-haired girl?

Well, in the end, I’d agreed to spend my two weeks of winter break together with her. Just the two of us alone.

Well, though I had to work later, I could still sleep in late with her like this without worrying about being late.

But... if there was one thing that I had to complain about this whole situation, it was the bad sleeping habit my girlfriend had developed. Though… it was my fault, to begin with. It was a rather problematic one for me. She may be fully covered up right now with the blanket, but I could easily tell by the contour of her body, with the way the blanket stuck to her, what was currently hidden beneath the sheet. Nothing. 

Yes, my one major complaint was that my girlfriend wouldn’t stop trying to tempt me in this manner. I’m still a guy, and no matter how much self-control I have, the fact remains that problems guys experience in the morning is still a thing that exists.

Especially with my body being this young, hormones are swirling all about, and it doesn’t help that my girlfriend is blasting her pheromones in my face all day and night. No matter how much willpower a man has, it amounts to nothing if his body reacts on its own. I cursed this youthful body of mine from the bottom of my heart, if I’d been in my adult body, I’d never have to deal with such hardships as I had full control over it.

With a troubled face, my hand slid down from her cheek to her neck then crept under the sheet to her bare shoulder. It snuck its way down her arm then came to a stop at her waist. I gulped as I confirmed my suspicions. The slender unblemished body beside me, her smooth supple skin without any friction or resistance to my touch.

I moved my hand away from her waist then grabbed her hand and held it under the sheet. I closed my eyes and relaxed the muscles in my body. I laid silently beside her like this simply listening to her and basking in her scent which had enveloped me.

It was only after thirty minutes that she stirred. I pretended to be asleep, curious what she’d do.

When she realized I was holding her hand she didn’t let go, instead, she carefully pulled it along with hers. Lower. Where the final destination was I could only imagine.

“Since you’re pretending to still be asleep, I suppose you don’t mind if I take advantage of the situation~”

It seemed I’d been caught. Having whispered those words, I felt a pleasant soft sensation engulf my hand. She’d positioned my hand directly between her thighs while still holding it in place. If I moved it up even a bit… I’d encounter something that every straight man wants but can not necessarily get.

I did my best to maintain my composure. This was different from the massage I’d given her before. That I treated simply as that and nothing more, a massage. This, however, was definitely not a massage. She knew exactly what she was doing. A dangerous game of chicken.

“Hmm? Could it be you are asleep after all? I guess if you’re asleep what you don’t know won’t hurt you right?”

She slid my hand up ever so slightly. I could only imagine how far away my hand was now from reaching the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

“Even girls do this sort of thing too and sometimes wake up with their own problems as well, you know. But I guess you wouldn’t hear me say this since you’re asleep and in such a defenseless state at the moment, right?”

Defenseless my ass! Please look at yourself in a mirror and tell me that with a straight face!

“I’m really going to do it, so don’t blame me for you being such a heavy sleeper later on, okay?” Her whispers were truly all too sinister.

“Alright, then here goes, On the count of three~”


When she started counting down, she exerted a bit of strength to move my hand again.


With each count, it moved ever closer.


I was about to open my eyes and lose this game of chicken.


When the count hit zero my hand stopped.

“Just kidding~”

She slackened her legs and pulled my hand away.

I let out an internal sigh of relief. There might have been a small side of me a little let down though.

Without warning, she suddenly sat up on the bed. She scooted her legs over the edge of the bed to get up. I cracked open one eye to take a look at her from behind.

The bedsheet was wrapped around her upper body leaving only her slender legs fully exposed from top to bottom from where I could see.

“I should make something to eat for my stubborn boyfriend who always skips out on breakfast. It’s as I thought, I’ve really got to correct this bad habit of his.”

Please correct your own bad habit of being unable to sleep comfortably without your clothes on before correcting someone else’s!

Before she could get up and leave, I opened my eyes, sat up, and wrapped my arms around her from behind. I pulled her body wrapped up within the blanket into a tight embrace.

“Jeez, you should give a girl some warning before doing something like this.”

“I don’t want to hear that from you.”

“What a shame, if you’d woken up just a bit earlier you would have gotten to feel something good~ your loss I guess.”

So I lost regardless of what choice I made? I couldn’t help but feel she was right. Lose to seduction or just plain lose out altogether. It was a lose-lose situation all the way around no matter how I looked at it. Why are women such difficult creatures to beat? Don’t they just always win no matter what they do? Where is the so-called equality I’ve heard so much about in this world?

Why are men given such an unfair handicap? Is it a trade-off for our bodies being more sturdily built from a genetics standpoint? Because of that, we must suffer such unjust defeats?

Haaaah. Being a guy can be quite inconvenient at times. There is truly no justice served for men. We just have to shut up, cut our losses, and accept this as reality.

“Hey, how do fried eggs and toast sound?”

“Sure. If it’s my beautiful girlfriend cooking it there’s no way I can decline.”

“Heheh, is that so? Good.”

She leaned the full weight of her body back against me while I kept her close.

“I won’t be able to make it unless you let go of me though. It seems I’m trapped.”

“You’re not even trying to get up.”

In a good mood happily swinging her bare legs over the edge of the bed, in a carefree manner, she said, “What~ But I am~ I’m trying so hard right now~ my body just won’t budge an inch no matter how much energy I use. You must be using some underhanded means to suppress my strength~”

“What? But I’m not doing anything at all. Oh, wait. I think I know what it is actually. It must be that. That unreasonably overpowered thing people overuse in stories to beat the final boss all the time and act like it’s a matter of fact. Love, right.” I acted as though I’d cracked the case of her mysteriously suppressed strength.

“Oh, so that’s what you’re using to make my body go limp. You truly are underhanded after all~”

She turned her head to the side and delivered a kiss as soft as cotton candy melting in one's mouth to my cheek. A bubbly warmth lingered where her lips came into contact and my arms wrapped around her unconsciously slackened.

She took the opportunity to slip through my arms and escape like a nimble white rabbit set free from its cage. With her fur pelt, a fluffy white blanket wrapped around her body, she picked up a white collared dress shirt from the chair by her desk.

I’d left my school clothes hanging off the back of her chair when I changed into my casual clothes the day before. I’d forgotten to put it back in my bag.

Curious as to what she was doing with it, she suddenly pulled it inside the blanket wrapped around her. A few seconds later she threw the blanket back onto the corner of the bed. When I saw her figure revealed beneath, she’d put on my white dress shirt. It was something only a couple stupidly in love would do.

She hadn’t buttoned it all the way up. Only the lower three buttons were fastened. A deep V was created revealing her fair white skin beneath. The mounds on her chest, though covered, the area between them was visible. It was strangely erotic to an unusual degree.

“Don’t you think you should get permission from the shirt's owner before you suddenly put it on?” I asked her while she was on her way out of the room without hesitation like she’d only done something natural.

“Maybe it will help me fix the sleeping habit I developed because of you~,” she turned her head to me before she stepped out the door and said with a sly grin on her face.

Leaving behind those words, I was left behind in her room all alone. There were noises from the kitchen suggesting she intended to cook in that apparel.

Imagining her cooking breakfast for me while looking like that… I wanted to see it, not just envision what it looked like in my head. I’d never quite understood the appeal of a girl wearing your clothes before, but I think I started to understand it a bit better now that I’d seen it for myself.

As they say, seeing was believing. Without realizing it, I’d suddenly been turned into a firm believer of the cult spreading the gospel of ‘cute girlfriends wearing your dress shirts at home.’

What was with this strange mysterious phenomenon? It was illogical. When I thought about it more carefully, I considered other possibilities. For example, if the woman who performed said action was one I was not attracted to, how would I feel then? 

Somehow, I felt like I’d vomit and never want to touch that dress shirt ever again. I’d probably throw it out, no, scratch that, I’d burn it, clap my hands together, and chant Buddhist sutras to purify it. But as soon as it was a cute girl I was attracted to, it was all good. There would be no need for any religious rituals as long as the girl was cute.

I couldn’t help but sigh upon such a realization. The world was truly unjust, not just to men, but to women as well. Not all women were born equally. It was a sad truth. I’d never felt physical or mental attraction toward a woman my first time through life, every woman was unattractive to me. Hence, why I never understood this strange sort of obsessive fetish most men had about their clothes being worn by their girlfriend.

I always viewed it as something overrated. I now understood just how naive I’d been. Praise the first woman who ever wore her boyfriend's clothes. She was a true pioneer who embarked to far-off lands undiscovered, a visionary of her time. She started a cultural revolution without even knowing it.

Well, all jokes aside, I stood up and exited Rosa’s room and entered the kitchen for a feast. When I saw her cooking, I bowed my head, and put my hands together in prayer, paying tribute to the fine feast I’d been presented with.

A feast for the eyes that is.

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