Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: You Have Lost All The Face Of The Red Dragon!

“Irelia is my younger sister. How could I kill her when she is so good? Of course I am raising her!”

Hearing this sentence, Yinlong, who had already bowed his head to accept his fate, suddenly looked up at him with a look of disbelief.

Did she hear it wrong?

This guy actually wants to let her go?

“Are you crazy?! Take a good look at her! She’s a mixed-race bastard! How can you let her go?”

Aurelion let out a roar, and an angry roar resounded throughout the dragon’s lair.

“Sister Aurelian, Irelia and I were both hatched here. Speaking of which, she is also your sister. Everyone is a family, so why are you so ruthless?” Yize shook his head, his voice getting lower and lower. .

“I don’t have a half-breed **** sister!”

Aurelion stared at Eze and yelled angrily.

In the ideology of the dragon race, they despise all hybrid dragons. If conditions permit, the opposing metal dragons and five-color dragons will even join forces for a short time to attack the hybrid dragon first.

Mixed blood represents the impurity of blood, which is disgusting for any true dragon.

“Yize, my child, you have to listen to your sister about this matter. This silver dragon cannot be kept.” The Flame Dragon Mother said in a deep voice, her tone revealing an unquestionable taste.

Hearing that Gu Honglong, who hatched himself, said that, Xiao Yinlong became even more desperate.

Yize didn’t see her pitiful appearance, he walked out, stood in front of Yinlong, and greeted her without showing weakness.

“Sister Aurelian, Mother Mother, didn’t you just say to hand her over to me? My decision is to let her live, or do you want to go back on it?”

In fact, the evil five-colored dragons are all great conspirators, they are good at lying and cheating, among which the green dragon and the black dragon are the most. But that is only for enemies or lower races, they like to use their superior wisdom to play with others and their palms.

As for the true dragons with the same status, they seem to be keepers of their promises, and they say what they say.

Aurelion suddenly choked.

“The reason why I let you deal with it is just to see what method you use to execute her!” She tried to defend herself.

Eze shook his head: “That’s your idea.”

“Eze, my child, you must know that no matter what, there is no possibility of a hybrid silver dragon in my lair. For the great flame dragon mother, this is a blasphemy!”

“I know, so it’s fine to expel her, so why kill her?” Izawa said with a smile.

The Flame Dragon Mother shook her head and decided to teach Ize a good lesson.

She sneered: “You’re wrong, my child, do you think expelling her will keep her alive? I dare say she can’t even fly out of the Flame Mountains, even if I don’t kill him, other real dragons will see I will never let her go!”

Yize suddenly smiled: “Great mother, all you want is your words, as long as you decide to let her go, everything can be said. You see, Irelia has all the characteristics of a silver dragon, and looks like a head from the outside. The real silver dragon, didn’t Sister Aurelion recognize it at first? As long as you don’t say it, I don’t say it, who would have guessed that she is actually a hybrid of a red dragon and a silver dragon? hatched, do you really want to kill her?”


The flame dragon mother was stunned. She never thought about this issue. Indeed, because of her subjective willingness, she clearly knew that Irelia was a half-blood dragon, but it did not mean that other dragons also knew.

After thinking for a long time, she let out a low roar: “I may not kill her, but my lair will never allow a silver dragon to exist!”

She didn’t mention the word “mixed blood” again, but completely regarded Irelia as a silver dragon.

Eze finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was not easy to convince the Flaming Dragon Mother not to kill her, and it was impossible for her to agree to Irelia to continue living in the Dragon’s Nest. Unless Tiamat, the mother of dragons, orders it herself.

In terms of faction, the good metal dragon and the evil five-color dragon are two opposite extremes. Once they meet, they will be beaten to death, and reconciliation will never be possible.

“Great mother, but this is a mixed-race bastard! Are we really going to let her go?” Aurelion still didn’t give up.

“Irelia also has half the blood of the red dragon. Speaking of which, she is also your sister!” The Flame Dragon Mother turned back and roared at her.


“Stop talking, I’m tired, that’s all, when I wake up, don’t let me see her again!”

“Yes, mother.”

“Yes, the great mother of dragons.”

Daenerys lay on her treasure, looked at Ize before closing her eyes and said slowly.

“Ize, my child, remind you, don’t think too much about things, this world is full of dangers for the hatchlings who leave the nest.”

Yi Ze grinned: “It doesn’t matter, didn’t I say, she is my sister, of course I raised her.”

Irelia was stunned. After twists and turns, she did not expect that she would actually survive, and all of this was due to this young red dragon, her nominal brother.

“What’s the daze? Hurry up and clean up all your eggshells, otherwise, when mother wakes up, she will be angry again.”

Eze picked up the eggshells with his claws, gathered all the fragments and placed them in front of Irelia. For a newborn dragonfly, the most suitable food was their eggshells.


Irelia timidly replied that even if she knew that the Flame Dragon Mother would not kill her, the other young red dragon threw it aside and stared at her.

“Don’t be afraid, this is your family, will you tell my brother to know in the future, Irelia?”

“Understood, brother.” She whispered, and then she felt it was inappropriate and added, “Thank you for not killing Sister Aurelian.”

The red dragon Aurelion snorted coldly, turned his head away, and panted heavily: “If you want to thank us, thank our great mother!”

“Thank you, mother.”

The flame dragon mother issued a slight dragon roar, which was regarded as a response.

Irelia began to eat, the nerves that had been tense relaxed, her stomach suddenly contracted sharply, and a strong sense of hunger spread all over her body, and she was starving.

After a few minutes, all the eggshell fragments went into Irelia’s stomach, she stuck out her tongue and licked it, UU reading didn’t seem to have enough.

“Have you finished eating? Come on my back when you’re finished. You are just born and can’t fly yet. Now I will take you outside to find a nest where you can stay temporarily.”

Eze said, slowly lying on the ground, motioning for Irelia to come up, his gentle tone did not look like a red dragon with an extremely violent personality.

“Ah? On your back?”

Irelia was once again stunned. For a real dragon, it was absolutely unbearable for other creatures to ride on his back, not even a dragon. As for the so-called dragon knights in the human world, they are just a group of dragon beasts that look like real dragons but do not have the inheritance of real dragons.

But her elder brother doesn’t seem to mind this.

“What’s the dawdling? Come up quickly.” Ize urged.

Irelia twisted Nini and climbed onto Ize’s broad back. She knew that if she continued to stay here, she might be killed by the Fiery Dragon Mother who was in a bad mood at some point, so she might as well leave immediately.

“Irelia, catch it, ready to take off!”

A pair of huge dragon wings suddenly unfolded, and after a few blows, a gust of wind broke out in the dragon’s nest. Yize ran for about ten meters and jumped straight down from the crater.

Looking at the pair of brothers and sisters leaving, Aurelion pouted, with a taste of hating iron.

“As a noble red dragon, he actually let a mixed-race **** ride on his back, and the red dragon’s face was completely lost by him!”

ps: Yesterday, I suddenly grew more than 80 collections. I was a little excited. I will continue to wow today!

In addition, I solemnly remind that the protagonist’s rescue of Yinlong is not the so-called Virgin or Sister Control, but useful!

Roaring for three consecutive times~ Seeking collection, seeking recommendation, seeking investment~~

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