Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: I, The Master Of The Field, Are Invincible!

In a flash, three days passed, and a certain young dragon slept and slept every day, and unknowingly, his body grew several times larger.

Although the young red dragon still looks stupid with big feet and big feet, his wings have begun to take shape. The thick skin is spread on the dragon wing structure composed of light bones. Provide enough lift for the red dragon.

That is to say, red dragons have such unique wings. The lift formed by the flapping of the wings can make them fly high, while the wingspan of other dragons is not coordinated with the proportion of the body at all, and they must rely on magic to take off.

Although Yize was only three days old, he ate more than twice his body weight every day. The magical flesh and blood of the salamander provided him with a lot of nutrients for his physical development. The magic in his bloodline is filling up day by day, and now he has been able to perform two first-level spells and four 0th-order tricks. This growth rate is even called a genius by the flame dragon mother.

“I have big and long wings, I can fly as I want! (Dance of the air

Yize stood on the edge of the dragon’s nest and applied a one-ring air dance to himself. His body became lighter, as if he only needed a little buoyancy to fly.

His wings are open, and the wingspan has been exaggerated to more than three meters. The bright red dragon scales are like flaming flames. At first glance, it looks like a young death wing.

Yize’s current physique is much larger than that of the red dragon of the same period. This has nothing to do with his gluttony over the past three days. Of course, the most important thing is his frequent spellcasting and magic power. Repeatedly washes the flesh and blood of the whole body, which promotes the development of the body.

He opened his mouth and let out a loud dragon roar, jumped down from the dragon’s nest, hovered around the crater for a few laps, and flew to another active volcano two kilometers away.

As an ancient red dragon that has lived for 2100 years, the flame dragon mother has restrained Longwei in advance in order to ensure that Yize can successfully hunt for the first time, but her breath has penetrated into the corners and corners of the dragon’s nest for thousands of years. Prey will be far away from far away.

Two huge red dragons appeared in the crater, one of which had dark red scales, exuding a heavy sense of majesty. She watched the young dragon fly away from a distance, her eyes were calm, revealing a trace that only an old man could show. Wise.

“Great Mother of Dragons, don’t you really need me to protect him from hunting? Although the Fire Lizards are a group of lowly reptiles, they are quite numerous.” Aurelion let out a low growl.

“No, although the child is young, he has already shown amazing intelligence, far better than you and I imagined. Look, his first hunt will be as gorgeous and perfect as a raging fire.”

Yize spread his wings and flew high, enjoying the pleasure of flying to the fullest. He opened his mouth and let out a burst of low dragon roars.

After a moment of wanton indulgence, for the first time, Ize felt so comfortable being reborn as a dragon. As a creature standing at the top of the food chain, and carrying a golden finger with him, as long as he does not wave in the early stage, it is conceivable that he will definitely be one of the overlords on this continent in the future.

Yize flew towards the target volcano. From Long Jie Aurelion’s mouth, he learned that it was the gathering place of the fire lizards.

Fire lizards are gregarious creatures. They advocate power and destruction. Each group of fire lizards will be led by one of the strongest fire lizards, relying on their own racial characteristics and amazing reproductive ability. But in the end it took hold.

Of course, a large part of the reason for this is that the red dragon thinks the meat of the salamanders is very delicious, so it does not kill them all.

Eze’s hunting target this time is the Fire Lizard.

In fact, the adult fire lizards are not weak, and their body size can grow to 3 meters away. In addition, each group has a core leader. When facing the enemy, they will be unreserved and unreserved. Red Dragon doesn’t dare to trouble these guys, at least he has to wait three or five years to let his body grow further.

However, Yize is not an ordinary young red dragon. He can fight two young dragons at this stage.

Although it was still flying at an altitude of hundreds of meters, the red dragon’s terrifying vision had already seen a snake-like fire lizard lying on the rocks around the volcano.

With the inheritance memory of the dragon clan, of course Ize knew that the fire lizard clan was not easy to mess with, but his advantages were flexible air dominance, powerful dragon breath, and the magic power that could currently support the casting of two first-level spells.

If the core leader of the Fire Lizard can be killed in one breath, the other Fire Lizards with low intelligence will be scattered, unable to form a fighting force, and facing a red dragon, only the fate of being slaughtered is left.

He had already stared at the 5-meter-long guy in the air. He was lying beside the deep cave, basking lazily in the sun, but he was very vigilant about his surroundings. If there was any trouble, he would immediately burrow into the cave.

The patience of dragons can be counted even in the entire continent. They can spend days and nights in pursuit of a prey, and travel hundreds of kilometers.

At the same time, they are also a very small-minded race.

Stories like this are often heard in Elbaf. A human adventurer found a young dragon. After a fierce battle, the young dragon escaped with injuries. uukanshu. Decades later, when the young dragon became an adult, it found the adventurer of the year and slaughtered it together with his family.

The saying that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years is truly reflected.

Of course, an evil dragon is not a gentleman, it is more terrifying than a poisonous snake!

The fire lizard leader also discovered the existence of Ize early, but what can a young dragon do?

At this moment, Yize incited the dragon wings to suddenly swooped down from the air. The distance of several hundred meters was in the blink of an eye. Before the fire lizard could react, he let out the roar of the dragon and took the lead in unleashing his “fierce” ability. , To put it bluntly, it is dragon power, which is the innate ability of dragons. Any creature with low intelligence and weak will will feel fear from the soul level, and even worse, it will be affected by the shock effect of the mind, and it will directly fall into syncope.

However, Yize is just a young dragon born not long ago. His dragon might only make a group of juvenile fire snakes go into a state of fear. The adult fire lizards only feel their spirits being hit. Although they are still uncomfortable, they can at least endure it. .

Yize had already expected this result. The shocking effect attached to Longwei is only an auxiliary, and it is used to disturb the mind of the flaming salamander. Of course, the real ultimate move must be his spellcasting ability!

“Go to sleep, there is everything in your dreams! (Hypnosis

Ize spit out the dragon language, and the magic in the body instantly formed a magic magic circuit, followed by a dim yellow light, and the leader of the flaming salamander fell into a deep sleep before he woke up from the shock of Longwei. among.

ps: The Master of the whole department will come to the control department first!

Brothers, seedlings need care, please collect, recommend, and invest~~~~

In addition, “Red Dragon” is temporarily updated once a day, and it is updated on time at 7 o’clock in the evening. After signing the contract, it will be updated twice a day.

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