Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Kane Bloodhoof

The fire gradually went out, and even many buildings around the castle were burned to ruins by the dragon flames. Yize flew down and used magic to investigate carefully, and found that all the tentacles and the disgusting lump of meat were burned. Ashes, the aura of the evil **** was gone, and he stopped.

“Now, follow me back to Southern Border.”

The red dragon said something, then adjusted its direction and flew to Huangyangang first.

For him, this was definitely an unpleasant trip. He wasted time, not talking about it, and worked hard. The most important thing was that he didn’t find a clan that could fight ogres and trolls head-on on the battlefield. Obviously not in a good mood.

The family members looked at each other and had to follow.

There was no need to go back to Chimera’s Nest on the way back, so the trip was much shorter. If there is no delay on the way, we will arrive at the Huangyangang Station in about two days.

However, God seems to have made a joke with Ize. After flying for less than half a day, he found another abandoned town that was almost buried in the bushes 500 kilometers away. Monsters with huge horns walk through them.

(Note: The Tauren is described as a solitary creature in DND’s “Monster Illustration”. Only during the estrus period will the two get along with each other. In the text, for the needs of the plot, the Tauren is set as a gregarious creature.)

“Your Majesty, I saw it, it’s the Tauren tribe!”

The Chimera leader blurted out with a look of joy. Since he met the stone-blind barbarians not long ago, he felt that His Majesty the Red Dragon looked at him not too friendly.

But what can he do, he is also very desperate! He has never been to the tauren tribe, it’s all the damned guy who reports information without seeing it clearly. He has cursed that tribe many times in his heart.

As a result, now that the tauren was discovered, Drax couldn’t help but feel a little smug in his heart. Look, it wasn’t that he didn’t, but that he was in the wrong place from the beginning.

The red dragon nodded, and he naturally saw the faces of those monsters. It was the tauren that he was looking for.

“Let’s go down.”

Yize said that since he has found the target, he does not intend to play the game of courteousness with these rude beasts, and directly use absolute strength to subdue them.

These monsters worship power, and as long as they gain their allegiance, they will follow their masters to the death.

As mentioned earlier, the tauren is a race that likes labyrinths.

They like to wander deep dungeons, twisted caves, complex ancient jungles, or labyrinthine streets of desolate ancient ruins.

This abandoned town was transformed into an extremely complex maze by the Tauren clan. If any terrestrial creatures rushed in, they would definitely get lost in the complex environment, and then be found by this group of cruel bloodthirsty monsters, one by one. Shred.

It is a pity that this time it is not land creatures, but a group of overlords who can slaughter in the sky!

A hundred flying dragons, forty-two chimeras, and a young red dragon who looked particularly ferocious appeared above the Tauren tribe.

These dragon-like creatures, whose body size is at least seven meters away, spread out even larger wings, as if the entire sky was covered by a thick layer of dark clouds.

The wings fluttered together, and it was a gust of wind!

Such a great power made all tauren gather subconsciously to deal with possible dangers.

Yize roughly counted these powerful monsters. There are about 400 tauren in the entire tribe. If they can be subdued, they will be a force stronger than flying dragons. Once they appear on the battlefield, they will basically be able to. Determine the direction of the entire battlefield.

The tauren chief looked up at the huge crimson in the sky. The dark red scales on his body were like a rolling fire cloud, and he felt great pressure.

From the profile of the guy and the loud and domineering Longwei, the tauren chief clearly knew that this was a young red dragon, and the other figures were all his dependents.

He vaguely knew the intention of the red dragon to come here.

The red dragon landed directly on the tauren’s territory, and this domineering gesture obviously did not take the tauren present into his eyes.

Eze occupies the highest stone platform, on which is placed an abominable shrine to the demon lord Bafiment, known as the Horned Demon, carved out of boulders. The red dragon didn’t even need to look directly at it, and squatted directly on the shrine, looking down at the monsters below.

He opened his voice and roared out a sound wave that seemed to be substantial, and the dragon was mighty, instantly raising his invincible aura to the peak.

From his inherited memory, Eze knows that many chaotic and evil monsters worship powerful creatures, so when many real dragons are subduing their relatives, they often only need to roar and release their dragon power, and the monsters will rush to come. surrender.

Especially a demon-free black dragon on the technology side. He transformed his appearance to be more ferocious than the red dragon. When the monsters saw him, their legs became weak, and they directly bowed and licked.

This trick has been tried and tested, and it has been engraved into the memory of inheritance by many five-colored dragons. It can be called a textbook-style instruction and teaching.

Yize looked at the strongest tauren in the field. He was more than five meters tall, with a thick black mane all over his body. His muscles and knots looked tougher than steel and iron bones. The huge double horns on his head were almost It has reached an exaggerated point, and the corners are sharp and sharp, and it is simply the most perfect charge weapon.

He was wearing a piece of armor that was plundered from somewhere, and he was holding a thick column with both hands. The powerful force allowed him to lift it up effortlessly. His hooves were blood red, and his whole body exudes A violent mood.

This guy is afraid that he will be able to fight back and forth with the Flying Dragon King, Red Dragon thought to himself.

“Report your Tauren!” A deep voice came from the red dragon’s hideous mouth.

“Kane Bloodhoof, Your Majesty the Great Red Dragon.” The tauren chief responded. This guy’s eyes were always flickering with a fierce look, even in the face of a real dragon that was much bigger than himself.

“I believe you already know my purpose, yes, I want you to surrender to me and be my family!”

Kane Bloodhoof glanced at the red dragon clan in the sky, and said: “Tauren believe in strength and worship the strong. Although your clan is powerful, my clan is not a soft egg that anyone can handle. .”

His meaning is obvious, once the war breaks out, the tauren will not necessarily lose if they have a numerical advantage.

“Tauren, listen, I’m not negotiating with you. Refuse me and your tribe will only be destroyed!”

He suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a hot stream of flames towards the maze-like ruins in the distance. The terrifying high temperature attached to the dragon’s breath made almost all the substances he had just touched vaporize in an instant, and a huge gully appeared out of thin air.

All the tauren were stunned, and in all fairness, their fur was no match for the red dragon’s breath.

“Submit to me, follow me to conquer all over the world, open up territory, I want you to release the violence in the deepest bloodline and become an indelible nightmare for the enemy, the vast territory will be in our hands, and the resource-rich southern border will become Tauren’s back garden!”

The red dragon’s vertical pupils filled with dark gold stared at Kane Bloodhoof faintly. He believed that this monster would not refuse his invitation.

“Your Majesty the Great Red Dragon, the tauren here is allegiance to you.”

ps: Please collect, please recommend~

Hey, the tauren has been in the bag, and the war is about to start!

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