Red Dragon Roar

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: You Are Already A Qualified Golden Finger

Looking at the translucent window in front of him, Ize was immediately excited. It turned out that Goldfinger did not abandon him, nor was he played badly.

But when he looked back in the direction of the other spell traps, a series of question marks appeared in front of him again, and when he looked back, he could see all the information about the ‘sleep spell”.

Eze frowned, feeling that he had vaguely grasped the point.

Without further ado, he continued to walk towards the entrance of the cave. As he approached the entrance of the cave, the magic that he could see through gradually increased.

“Activating Rope”, “Frightening”, “Silent Phantom”, “Dancing Light”, “Phantom Sound”…

All are some 1st-level spells, or 0th-level conjurations.

“Meaning, spells above 1st level are all ‘?’ to me now, right?”

Yize bowed his head and pondered, he carefully poked out a ray of spirit to touch the phantom sound technique. With the lessons learned, he did not dare to try the first-level spell, but chose a 0th-order trick.


Level: 0th order trick

Faction: Illusion

Description: Can make phantom sounds to simulate the existence of other creatures, including dragons.

Draconic base mantra: vignararuxostuor

Looking at this 12-syllable dragon language base mantra with only 4 fields, the corners of Yize’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch slightly.

If the basic mantra of the dragon language, which is complex and incomprehensible to ordinary people, is translated into the common language of the mainland, it is actually like this:

Ah~ Lao Tzu’s voice is really wonderful~

The interesting thing is that the flame dragon mother uses the old lady, and when he comes to him, it is the old man.

He can see that the so-called dragon language magic actually does not have a fixed spell situation. As long as the constructed spell model is correct and its own magic power can form a perfect spell circuit, the spell can be successfully released.

And the dragon language used by the dragon family as the rune base curse often contains threats, rebukes, and strong self-praise.

This is the consensus of the dragons for millions of years, which just reflects their pride in their bones.

After all, in the eyes of the dragon race, dragons are the first intelligent and advanced race to appear on this continent. They regard themselves as kings and masters. As for other creatures, they are all lowly and insignificant reptiles. At best, they are only when they are hungry. rations.

“Ah~ Lao Tzu’s voice is really wonderful~ (phantom sound technique

Yize shouted the basic spell of the dragon language with a face of shame, and the magic in the blood began to construct the spell model spontaneously. In just a short breath, it perfectly outlined the magic circuit.

A weak wave of magical power rippled out, and another dragon roar suddenly came from the corridor next to it.

Yi Ze was overjoyed, he was a success in one fell swoop?

Leaving aside the golden finger, he really is a genius!

Yize looked proud, who has seen a hatchling that can cast spells just after birth?

He felt the remaining magic power in his body, and compared the dragon language base spell and the spell model, which was several times more complicated than magic.

Eze clearly realized that with his current magic power, he might only be able to release a 1st-level spell or 2 0th-order tricks in a short period of time.

However, he didn’t panic at all. The dragon family is known as the most perfect race. Even if he sleeps all day, his strength will become stronger and stronger due to the natural development of his body.

According to this trend, I am afraid that you can become a 5th ring master just after entering the young dragon stage?

Who is not afraid of death, what about the 5 fireball cult? Learn about the dragon-shaped self-propelled magic fort?

Ize was immersed in his YY, and the Flame Dragon Mother also woke up early because of the weak magic fluctuations.

She came down in front of Yize two or three times, listening to Long Yin coming from the other direction of the corridor with a strange expression.

“My child, did you cast this phantom sound technique?”

“If you don’t do well, please don’t joke with your mother.” Yize lowered his head and said slowly.

The flame dragon mother raised a dragon claw and pressed it on Ize’s head. This action was like a kind human elder gently stroking his child.

“You can cast spells from birth, Eze, my child, you have given me so many surprises, I couldn’t have done this with you when I was young.”

“Mother, you are really over the top.”

The little dragonfly showed a twisted Nini appearance, but it sounded quite smug in his tone.

“Okay, let’s go back to the nest with me. Your magical talent really surprises me. I think you’re already hungry, right? I’ve prepared food for you.”

Eze nodded, he was indeed hungry now. After a day of consumption, the nutrition of the eggshell has long been consumed.

He woke up from a stupor, largely driven by physical hunger.

In addition, the phantom sound technique was cast just now, the casting consumes one’s own magic power, and the magic power is largely converted from physical strength.

To put it another way, Eze is hungry now. He felt like he could eat a whole cow at will!

Follow the flaming dragon mother back to the deepest dragon’s nest, and the darkness along the way is illuminated by the fist-sized ruby inlaid on the wall.

As the dragon’s nest where the dragon mother rests, UUkanshu is covered with countless treasures from the ground to the four walls, and its huge wealth value is enough to make any human being crazy.

Even Yize couldn’t help but let out a sigh in his heart, as expected of an ancient red dragon.

He knew that dragons were strange creatures, and if there was any character above their arrogance, it was greed.

Dragons collect wealth, not for use, but simply a strong possessive desire.

Even the most genial good dragons are the same as the most petulant human misers. If it is an evil dragon, it will be even more intensified. Even if it is their most respected dragon queen, Tiamat, they will not dedicate a small shrine to the dragon queen in their lair, because they will feel that Tiamat T’s greedy eyes have ideas about their treasures.

And red dragons are the most greedy of all true dragons, they are insatiable, and they are the most obsessive treasure collectors. They clearly remember the value and origin of each item in their treasure trove, as well as the exact location of each item. If a thief walks along with even a touch of inconspicuous gold coins, they will be immediately attacked by the Red Dragon. Breath attack!

Generally speaking, the stronger the dragon, the more treasure it has. In the dragon society, the amount of wealth is also a symbol of status.

There is no doubt that Daenerys, the mother of the flame dragon, can amass so much treasure that she can be called a successful dragon.

Looking at the gold coins everywhere and the magic items that exude strong magic power everywhere, Yize has no idea in his heart. He has just come to this world and wants to live a little longer.

ps: Brothers and sisters, “Red Dragon” is still a new book, come and support it in waves~

Collection, recommendation, investment!

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