Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 597: You fool me?

According to the instructions on the letter, John brought people to the location of the letter at four o'clock in the morning. This is a very nice town, and it is located on the border between New Hanover and Ambarino. It is 30 kilometers away. The famous Moonstone Pond attraction, and just down the line is New Hanover's Central Overflow.

From the cliff, there are hundreds of houses in this town, forty or fifty of them are tall houses with more than two floors. Even in the early morning, you can see the bustle of the taverns in the middle on the hillside~

John thought about it for a while, so he let the other three teams camp outside the town. He first led a team into the town, and then entered the town from all directions every hour after making a simple disguise.

Then let the captains gather alone in the tavern, and then discuss how to find the guard hiding in the town, and ask him to bring John and others back to Little Charlie.

Then he led his men into a small hotel at the southern intersection that seemed to have enough rooms.

"Sir, how many of you are there?" The front desk clerk looked at several people and repeated this sentence mechanically.

"Six~" John took a look at the hotel~ Then he looked at the inexperienced front desk curiously and asked, "Did some people like us enter the town tonight?"

The receptionist looked at John's exquisite and handsome face and nodded~ Then he couldn't help asking curiously, "Sir~ There was indeed a group of people who entered the town tonight~ Just like you, well-equipped and apparently looking for something ~"

"Sir~ Can you tell me if there is any treasure found around here?"

John looked at this curious face~ and asked with a smile, "Have you ever asked them the same question?"

"No~ Sir, they don't look like good people~ They are vicious~" The receptionist shook his head~

"Then can you tell me where they live?" John asked with a smile on his harmless face.

"Uh~ sir, I think I'm a person with professional ethics~" the front desk replied after a moment of hesitation.

"How about that?" John handed him a dollar~

"They don't look like good people~ They are staying at the Ike Hotel next to the tavern~ I heard from Big Mouth Tug."

"Thank you~" John smiled and opened three connected double rooms~

Then he took the team up to the second floor. John asked all the team members to go to rest first. The captain came to the tavern to meet him at 8 o'clock in the morning, and the team members came back at 9 o'clock~ He went to the tavern to wait for others The arrival of the team~

Others are not like him who can continue to fight for several days without rest~

John came to the still brightly lit tavern~ He walked into the tavern for a walk, then ordered a bottle of beer, and then took the wine to the tavern door to smoke.

He looked at the muddy road on the street and waited quietly for the arrival of others~ I don’t know how long the sky gradually turned white~

When the sky was slightly pale, a squad leader in a simple disguise also came to drink not far from him with a wine bottle.

It was close to six o'clock in the morning, the hard-working workers in the town had already got up and started working, and most of the alcoholics in the tavern were almost drunk.

John ordered to the team leader beside him, "Find a rented house and rent it~some remote~and then take your people to rest~I will let the next people find you~"

The team leader who got the order then left the tavern with a beer. In about 30 minutes, another team member came over and told John the direction of the rented house.

John from the second team ordered them to go to the east of the town to station in groups of two to rest, and when they found the Charlie family, they reported through the rented house~ and also asked them to buy some clothes as a disguise.

The third team John asked them to go to the west~the fourth team went to the north, and the team leaders went to the rented house one after another to rest and wait for John's instructions.

After receiving all the team members, it was already nine o'clock in the morning ~ John walked into the rented house.

As soon as I entered~ I saw four teams waiting in the living room~

"Have you found anything?" John walked over and sat on the main seat and asked.

"Yes~ People from the Charlie family don't intend to disguise themselves~ Our people have found six teams of people in these three hours~ They brazenly asked in the town if there was a man in his thirties with a Six or seven-year-old children entered the town~Where did they appear~" The team leaders talked about the clues everyone collected.

"How many are there?" John asked.

"There are only two teams on the surface~ but our people discovered that there are at least three teams in private~" the team leader responded.

"They still have nothing?" John looked at the four and said.

"That's right~ that guard is hiding very well~ but it's just a town with more than 3,000 people. According to their carpet-like questioning method~ it may only be a matter of time to find out that guard."

"What's your suggestion?" John thought for a while and didn't have much idea~ He could only listen to the opinions of these people first~

"We just need to keep an eye on them. After they find the guard, there will definitely be actions. The guard is not powerless, and will definitely resist ~ as long as there is movement ~ we will gather there immediately~"

John drank the coffee that these people handed over~ He pinched his eyes that were dehydrated.

"There is a problem here~ We don't have enough time to wait for them to find the guard. They can wait, but we can't~ We have to go into the mountains to find Alisa~" John said after drinking the coffee in his cup.

"She may not be able to wait too long. The only map has been handed over to the guard to bring Charlie here, and she has already hid in the mountains, so she can only rely on the guard's experience to get out. .”

"I'm a little surprised~why didn't the guard go directly to the villa in Saint-Denis City, why did he write back~" A team leader asked the doubts of others.

Wouldn't it be better to go back to the villa without anyone else responding?

"Because Alyssa doesn't know if they planned this kidnapping~ when there is only one guard. It is more dangerous to take Charlie into the city of Saint-Denis alone, because she doesn't know if there are any guards they have arranged around the city." Good trap~ Instead of taking this kind of risk~ it’s better to take Charlie to hide and write a letter to let someone you trust bring enough people to look for it, at least that’s safer than escorting him alone~” John said the guards and Ai Lisa worries.

While everyone was discussing, a member walked in~

"Sir~ New news~" The member looked at John and said.


"Several teams of suspicious people entered the town from different directions just now~ I can't tell who they are and which side they belong to~" The member said the latest news~

John rubbed his forehead~ He felt that the development of the matter was unexpected~ He thought it would be easy to take Charlie back to Saint-Denis~ But now he finds~ The enemy is not only the people inside Charlie’s family, he also has to face Alisa’s all-time hostility personnel.

This led him to suddenly realize that the number of people he brought might be less~

Once he finds Charlie, they will face a siege of more than ten teams~ His name may be useful to those bootleggers, but it is not good for these teams~

After listening to the report, John has been silent~

"Perhaps~ let's send more people over?" After realizing that the opponent might have more than ten teams, one person suggested cautiously.

"Hasn't anyone contacted anyone from the Charlie family on the surface?" John asked several people after pondering.

"No~ They have been under our surveillance, and no one has contacted them~" Several people answered in the affirmative.

"Very good~" John nodded and then said to the team leader who followed him last night.

"Let your members gather at the hotel, and then spread the news that I know where Little Charlie is~ Let them all know that I exist~"

After finishing speaking, he said to the other three captains, "Your people continue to guard the four general directions ~ and continue to keep an eye on Charlie's private people, and see how many suspicious guys enter the town. Remember to hide your identity, Try not to make those people aware of your presence."

"Received~" The four responded in unison.

After speaking, John left the house without attracting others' attention, and others also left the room one after another.

John walked into the most luxurious tavern in the center of the town.

The tavern waiter was cleaning up the entire tavern, picking up the garbage left by the drunks last night, and many people were having lunch.

"What would you like to eat, sir?" the bartender asked John and the three of them while wiping the cup.

"Three servings of wheat porridge, three servings of beef stew~" John sat on the table and said to the bartender.

"Okay~ wait a moment, sir~" the bartender responded happily.

After a while, the waiter brought all three servings of food to John's table.

John ate very quickly, and when he finished the last piece of food, the tavern attracted two teams from the Charlie family~

John's five subordinates also came to the tavern and went to another table to order something for lunch.

And the Charlie family also recognized this bootlegger who often visited Alisa's villa at a glance~

"John Wilkey?" The person who led the two teams sat down opposite John.

The remaining ten guards found chairs and sat not far away~

"Yes~ sir~ nice to meet you~ who are you?" John stretched out his hand in a friendly smile and looked at this man with a beard in his thirties.

"Justin Marne Charles." Justin also reached out and shook~

"Although I don't understand why you came here~ But I heard from your subordinates that you have news about Little Charlie?" Justin asked John directly after sitting down.

"Ah~ I was entrusted by Mrs. Alisa to bring little Charlie back to Saint-Denis safely." John said with a smile the purpose of this trip~ without answering

"I don't need to rely on outsiders for the affairs of my Charlie family, besides, you are still a bootlegger~" Justin was not polite to John~ Although he knew that during that time John's entry into the city of Saint-Denis caused bootlegging The fierce struggle between dealers~ But it still can't stop Justin from looking down on John~

In his opinion, John is just a powerful bootlegger leader who gained a foothold in Saint-Denis by holding the widow and Guido's thigh. no~

'A savage bootlegger' was what Justin thought of John.

"Mr. Justin seems to have some prejudice against me~" John took out his brand of filter-tipped cigarettes and handed them to Justin, but Justin waved his hand and took the cigar from his hand.

"I'm not against you, I'm against all the smugglers who don't obey the laws of Saint-Denis. Now that you know about little Charlie, tell me about it, and then you can go, and I can make up your mind. There is no need to pay the quarterly commission~" Justin's tone was not deliberate contempt~ because he put his prejudice on the surface.

"Thank you so much~ Mr. Justin~ But my duty is to pick up little Charlie back to Saint-Denis, so I can't just leave, at least until I see little Charlie." John still didn't answer what little Charlie was in. Which is the problem.

John's words made Justin a little dissatisfied~ He frowned slightly~ "Mr. Witkey~ Pay attention to your identity, this is a family affair of the Charlie family~ We don't need your help~"

"I have a lot of respect for the Charlie family, but I respect Mrs. Alyssa even more~ She asked me to come and pick up little Charlie home. And I received news that the enemies of the Charlie family are coming here~ Obviously they don't want Charlie to be safe Back to Saint-Denis, Mr. Justin~ Our goals are the same, aren't we?" John responded calmly, smoking a cigarette.

"Hehe~" Justin looked at the five people who were having lunch next to him with some disdain and said, "They seem to be very strong~ but I said~ Charlie's family does not need the help of outsiders, especially those who have no rules. Savage~"

"Ah~ this is an unpleasant negotiation~ but I will still stay here~Mr. Justin, my people and I are resting in the Aili Hotel in the south. If Mr. Justin needs help, come anytime Find me~" John stood up and prepared to leave after finishing speaking~

"Wait~" Justin stopped John when he got up and was about to leave~

John turned back with some doubts, "What's the matter? Mr. Justin?"

"You haven't told me about Little Charlie~" Justin said.

This question made John stunned for a moment, and then he said strangely, "Mr. Justin~ I don't seem to have said that I know about Little Charlie. UU Reading The task ~ how did you hear that I know the clues of Little Charlie?"

Justin looked at John's puzzled expression and said with a gloomy look, "Are you kidding me?"

As Justin's tone changed suddenly, the ten guards around him also started to stand up and block John's way.

And the people under John immediately took out their guns and confronted the ten guards directly~ The guests in the tavern immediately got up and walked towards the door~

And John signaled his subordinates to put away their guns~ After appeasing his subordinates, John said to Justin, "I respect you~ Mr. Justin~ But I also want to know the whereabouts of little Charlie~ But I really don't know ~I still say the same thing~ If Mr. Justin needs help~ I can call someone to notify me at any time at the Eli Hotel~"

Speaking of which, John directly led people past these guards and walked out of the tavern, and the five subordinates also walked out~

Justin looked at the back of the six people leaving with a flash of hostility on his face~

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