Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 593:

The passenger ship departs in the morning and arrives in Saint-Denis in the evening.

Since this time he went with John to the city of Saint-Denis, Steve didn't let any extra people follow him.

It is very reassuring for John.

When the passenger ship arrived, John first sent Hathaway and Penelope to the villa next door to Senator Edwin's, and then finally sent Yin Sela home.

And Yin Sela is currently living with her sister, and after being sent to the destination, Mrs. Alyssa welcomes him in and invites him in. Even though dinner was already on board, it was okay to sit and have a cup of coffee together.

"I heard that an old man from the north talked to you about the right to sell bootleg liquor in the north~" Alisa talked to John about his business as soon as she opened her mouth. Perhaps it was because he felt that John valued his business very much during his contact with John~

"Yes, but I handed over this matter to Nick after the initial contact. Recently, the two sides have initially reached a cooperation~" According to Nick's reply, James' sales there are indeed good, and he did not eat John alone. The sale of the right to bootleg liquor was bought by a few black and white people.

During the second interview, John had already returned to Heishui Town, and Nick was in full charge of it. During the conversation, because John’s purchase price was not high, the profit in it was still considerable.

This led James to directly increase the required alcohol to 5,300 gallons (about 22 tons) per month

That's good~ But James and others tentatively asked John to lower the price again, and Nick said that he should consider it. After all, such a large number of purchasers is indeed worth Nick's lower price.

After getting John's reply, Nick lowered the price by half again, which made both parties very satisfied.

The cooperation went on very smoothly. After having this big customer, the profit has indeed increased a lot, but the winery in Rhodes Town can't supply that much for a while, so he can only buy another second-hand merchant ship for use. Shipping moonshine.

"Hmm~ I just heard that you are going to Los Angeles in the next few days?" After Alisa asked, she talked about the city Yin Sela mentioned just now.

"That's right~ I'm going to discuss some business. This journey may take a few months." There is nothing to hide about John going on a long trip.

"You really have unlimited enthusiasm for expanding your business~ As far as I know, there seems to be oil in many places in Los Angeles, and the local government has made countless money by selling licenses. The prosperity and corruption there have never been better than this city. Nothing less than that." Alyssa said meaningfully.

"Yes, I have a general understanding of that place too~ I heard that every household has an oil well in the backyard~ Those residents are also happy with it~" John joked about the situation in Los Angeles.

"People's pursuit of money never stops~"

"Is Madam free tomorrow?" John chuckled and asked if she was free tomorrow~

"Is it very important?" Alisa responded with a calm expression.

"I want to invite Madam to dinner tomorrow. I remember that I have never invited Madam~" John mainly wanted to take advantage of Senator Edwin's visit to Saint-Denis to gather a few important people to him. Deepen the partnership, and may also promote some future cooperation between everyone.

Alisa thought for a while, and said with some regret, "I have important things to do tomorrow, and it will take about three days to be free. How about waiting for you to come back? I will hold a celebration party for you then?"

[In view of the general environment,

"Ah~ um~ that's fine~ let's talk about it when I get back here from Los Angeles~" John gave up seeing this, and then talked about some interesting things.

Immediately afterwards, John bid farewell and returned to Nick's villa.

Knowing John's arrival, Nick had been waiting in the living room for a long time, because he knew that John liked to drink tea, and he had prepared a lot of desserts.

After seeing Nick, John asked him about his progress with that coquettish lady, Diana, who was comparable to Daji.

I saw Nick responding with a frustrated face, "I don't think the chance is great, she always respects people with status like me."

She's pretty restrained, and while she doesn't mind being teased in conversation or my dinner invitation, she just doesn't mean to date me. She only dated those men with a clean and clean temperament~or those who have little ability and are very self-aware. "

"Maybe you don't understand women?" John immediately turned into a love master to help Nick analyze.

"Maybe, but I don't think I can catch her~ You can try John, every woman likes you~" Nick shook his head and suggested that John go up and try himself.

"Farewell, I can't afford to mess with such a smart widow~" John immediately waved his hand and refused.

"By the way, what happened to the tavern and the warehouse?" After John got the imp's relic, he gave Nick the necklace of insignificant value.

And Nick lived up to expectations and found the businessman named George, and transferred the three shops and two villas that originally belonged to the kid to his name.

The locations of the two villas are average, and Nick has already started to sell them. The location of the place is not very good. But the locations of the three shops are good. They should have been bought when they were not worth much, but they are still worth it now.

These three shops, Nick, recovered them~ He planned to open a firearms shop, a grocery store selling his own products, and a tavern selling his own bootleg alcohol, which John authorized and transferred directly to Gina.

Then John talked about his itinerary this time. The large passenger ship to Los Angeles will only be available in three days. Of course, if it is urgent, it is not impossible to arrange to take a cargo ship tomorrow. But John is not alone, so it is better to wait for the passenger ship in three days.

"You really got it?" Nick said he was confident in John, but he was happy to know how things were going.

"Of course~ You have to trust your boss's ability." John responded, you will always be the person I trust the most. "Nick also touted a few words~.

"Is the warehouse ready?" John asked about the progress of the wine warehouse after satisfying his vanity.

"I've found it~ It's less than one kilometer outside the city~ I bought a small farm with the money from selling the villa. There is a ready-made warehouse there, which is very close to the pier and the city of Saint-Denis." In Nick's common sense When making high-end alcoholic beverages, he had already found a warehouse for high-end bootleg alcohol.

So as long as John goes to Los Angeles to make an agreement and confirm the time when the first batch of goods will arrive at the St. Denis Wharf, Nick can immediately pile up the high-end wine in the warehouse, and then sell them to the elites of the city of St. Denis in batches.

"It is estimated that there will be results within two months~ I will return to Saint-Denis with the first batch of high-end drinks." John estimated the time.

"Very good, write to me in advance, and I will arrange manpower to respond~" Nick said happily.

"Yes~ we will do this business well~" John smiled and picked up the tea on the table and touched Nick with tea instead of wine.

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