Red Alert 1895

Chapter 984

Chapter 987 – Aviation Fever (Medium)

When the British heard about this thing called an airplane, everyone was very curious about what this airplane was. Kele has updated the finale≯Bayi Chinese Website w≤w

In short, almost any technology, everyone will give priority to whether it can be used in the military. If the military has no value, it will be used in civilians. And many civilian technologies are also technologies that have been eliminated by the military, so they are gradually opened up. The weapons and equipment of various countries are often not the most advanced. And what the common people can use is often only gradually opened to civilian use after the army has more advanced things. As for Wang Guorui’s aircraft, the first thing everyone considers is the impact on the military.

“This plane can be used to attack the enemy’s artillery, so that we can attack the enemy’s dense artillery group. As long as there are three planes, and each plane throws a dozen or twenty grenades, then we can completely attract the artillery. The shells of the cluster, and then caused a large group of martyrs to explode, so that the artillery cluster will also be wiped out. The price we pay is very low, that is, some aircraft gasoline and some grenades. If it is a frontal artillery battle , then we cannot predict whether it is the risk or the loss if it fails. Therefore, whether it is the cost or the specific risk, the aircraft has an incomparably huge advantage!” An army officer said.

Regarding the use of this aircraft to attack the enemy’s artillery artillery, this is definitely possible. As long as any country has a certain knowledge of the army, it can be associated with this side. This is not a strange thing. Therefore, everyone understands the purpose of this aircraft. The first and most important thing is to attack the enemy’s artillery. As for attacking infantry, this is not very beneficial. The initials of the new domain name of this site, Kele (k1xsw), the largest free Chinese romance website, hurry up. Because throwing a grenade from a high altitude has a very low hit rate, and the infantry can run, the power of the grenade is too small to effectively attack the infantry. On the contrary, the artillery is different. The artillery is fixed and cannot move quickly. Once the plane bombs, the shell will explode again, and there is almost nowhere to go.

In this way, the risk of aircraft is much lower than that of artillery. If you use artillery to shoot at each other, you not only need to calculate the trajectory and various data, but even the risk is not small. Once the enemy shoots the shells to your side first, your artillery unit will be wiped out. This is also the characteristic of artillery. On the surface, artillery shoots from the rear, and the enemy may not be able to directly engage in close combat. But once in the artillery battle, either they will not die, or almost all of them will die. It is very dangerous for the artillery shells on our own side to explode. Once they are hit and explode, almost the entire artillery group will be wiped out. There is no other possibility.

And the usefulness of this kind of aircraft is simply a stroke of genius. The enemy has very little anti-aircraft firepower, and there is almost no concept of air defense in this era. So this is very beneficial to the aircraft, plus there is no special anti-aircraft weapon. There are no light machine guns at all, and the Maxine is too heavy to be able to fire effectively in the air. However, although the submachine gun is light and can be fired, the submachine gun has a fatal shortcoming, that is, the range is too short. When used, the effective range of the pistol bullet is only 50 meters. Once the plane flies to an altitude of about 100 meters, the pistol bullets may have almost no damage to this kind of wood with a certain hardness. Although the actual range of the firearm is likely to be higher than the effective range, no matter how powerful the pistol bullet is, it is difficult to pose too much threat to wood with a certain hardness from a hundred meters away.

This firepower is just in a blind spot, and the plane can bomb the enemy’s artillery unscrupulously. Even if you can’t do it once, you can come twice. It is much easier to mobilize several aircraft than to mobilize an artillery regiment. And even if it is lost, it is just a pilot and an airplane. How much is a plane? Although they haven’t calculated much yet, in terms of materials, the cost is actually much lower than that of the artillery regiment. As for the loss of the pilot, it was just one person, so there was nothing to worry about. To put it bluntly, it is better to die than a member of the artillery regiment. The pension alone can save a lot.

So although this aircraft looks expensive, it is actually the most cost-effective weapon. However, the following words from the general of the army completely blew up the navy.

“If at that time, this plane can be loaded with bombs and fly directly to the sea to drop bombs on the navy, will the navy be sunk? At that time, will our battleships be useless? You must know that this plane is It can stay in the air for at least 20 minutes. As for whether it can be longer, it may be more. And ten minutes of flight is enough to fly several kilometers, so that we may be able to bomb naval warships on the shore. At that time, battleships also They can’t even attack the ground.”

But this immediately made the navy angry, and began to spray: “Impossible, this plane is so small, at most there are a dozen or twenty grenades in the room. These grenades, compared with the heavy armor of those naval battleships, what can they be?” Our navy is the most important thing. The so-called grenades of these planes are simply vulnerable to naval warships. In this world, only battleships can sink battleships. No other weapon can sink battleships. Yes. This kind of plane is so weak that it can only stay in the air for about 20 minutes at most. It is a joke that this kind of plane can sink a battleship!”

However, the army is obviously not to be outdone, saying: “If our army has this kind of weapon, it can also attack the sea to a large extent. And if the plane flies far enough, then we can even bomb across the sea, Can’t we do this? At that time, not only the navy will be able to go to sea to fight, but our army will also be able to!”

“Cross-sea bombing? Are you out of your mind? How can planes bomb across the sea? Only our navy is a unit that can attack globally!”

“Hmph, I don’t believe that airplanes will be so bad in the future!”

Obviously, these armies support aircraft, and it is still useful for them to support aircraft. Of course, neither the Army nor the Navy regards this aircraft as qualified to form an independent military branch. In fact, although the aircraft was guessed to be useful by everyone, the aircraft did not prove its value on the battlefield. Only under the influence of large-scale air battles during World War I, when aircraft could attack and bomb the ground, did the Air Force prove its battlefield value and qualify to become an independent military branch.

Wasn’t the navy also a “naval division” attached to the army back then, and then it became an independent navy later. In the earliest days, the air forces of various countries were often attached to the army or navy, and even the navy and army formed their own aviation forces. But later, they also gradually proved their value, and only then did they independently form military units.

At present, the British army obviously hopes to borrow this aircraft as a bargaining chip to compete for interests with the navy. The army obviously has some bad intentions for this aircraft exhibition. They just hope to use this aircraft as an important means to compete with the navy for bargaining chips, especially since it seems that this aircraft can attack the sea on the surface, or even go on an expedition across the sea, which is not impossible.

However, the Navy simply does not believe, nor is it willing to believe that the Air Force can conduct a global strike. We must know that only the navy is the real global arm in this era. If the army does not have the help of the navy, it will not be able to conduct expeditions at all. So of course they don’t want to think that this “Aviation Force of the Army” is a branch capable of global strikes. Of course, the people in the Navy knew that this aircraft was a bargaining chip used by the Army to compete for interests, so they were naturally unwilling to do so.

Of People in this era can never imagine that aircraft can strike globally, and even compared to the navy, they are not restricted by terrain, and can not only target air and ground, but also target sea. So this is an all-round strike. As long as it is refueled in the air, it can also carry out global strikes.

However, at present, both the navy and the army regard this aircraft as the army, not as an independent military branch. The Army believes that if its aircraft can allow the “Army” to strike across the sea and strike directly from the air, it can also improve the status of the Army. It can even give their army another chance to compete with the navy. And everyone understands the benefits of this aircraft, which is not subject to any terrain restrictions. For example, in land and ocean, the aircraft can fly freely without being affected by the inconvenient terrain of the land and the attack of ground troops. And it won’t be like the navy that can’t attack the land in deeper places. After all, the navy’s naval guns have a limited range. Once they reach this deeper land, it still depends on the army to fight. After all, it is impossible for the navy to let warships land on land, right?

Therefore, the Air Force has allowed the Army to discover that it can compete with the Navy for its interests, and it can even revive the Army again. Of course, no one thought that the Army still regarded this aviation unit as the “Army Army”, but this is actually the Air Force. Once a branch has its own value and contributes enough on the battlefield, it has the capital to be self-reliant It’s a faction. (To be continued.)

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