Red Alert 1895

Chapter 980

Chapter 983 – People’S Will (Part 2)

? Wang Guorui felt that this jeweler was really interesting, because this jeweler actually knew how to use these stones that were not of high value to form a banquet for a man and a man. If you really separate these stones, they are actually worthless. In fact, if you want to analyze these stones from the perspective of chemical materials, most of the materials are the same as those ordinary stones, and they are all ordinary compositions. The reason why those jade and jade are expensive is because they are rare, and rare things are more expensive, and the color and luster are beautiful, which makes their value high.

Of course, in fact, no two things in this world are exactly the same. Wang Guorui has heard a saying that there is no lack of beauty in this world, but the lack of eyes to discover beauty. For talents, why not? The ancients said that a thousand-mile horse often exists, but a bole does not often exist, which is Zeng’s truth. And there is a saying about employing people, that is, employing people’s strengths, there is no one who cannot be used in the world. Short of employing people, there is no one available in the world. This actually means that talents are the same as goods. In fact, every talent has its good side and its shortcoming side. There is no lack of beauty in this world, but the lack of eyes to discover beauty.

These “Manchu Banquets” seem to be made of relatively inexpensive materials, and they are all natural without even finding any special masters to carve them. But in the final analysis, in terms of chemical substances, they are just some ordinary materials, which are not as expensive as jade and jade. It’s not as expensive and irreplaceable as some rare materials. But someone can discover his unique charm from these ordinary stones, then this is actually a “wisdom eye”.

It is actually very easy to be able to see the shortcomings of a person, but it is the most rare thing to be able to see the advantages of a person who is full of shortcomings. These stones are common ingredients, not expensive materials. If it is a pure businessman, it may just be able to see that the value of his materials is not high and has no investment value. However, this jeweler seems to be of a certain level, and he can see his unique value from these ordinary stones. This is what allows him to forcibly put such a pile of stones that are actually worthless, and it is almost impossible to throw them on the ground. The stones that not many people pick up have become very “valuable”.

“Very good, this is completely in line with the rules. It can be said that this guy is the most expensive and the cheapest.” Wang Guorui said.

The reason why Wang Guorui said this is because this table is a “full banquet of Han and Chinese”. In fact, if it is really auctioned in later generations, it will cost at least hundreds of thousands, and even if it meets some local tyrants who love it very much, it can be sold for millions! If it’s millions, it’s definitely a high price, much more expensive than other people’s things. But the cheapest one is because he didn’t use any real precious materials, and he didn’t hire any professional masters to carve, so the production cost is actually not high.

Just like those other things, don’t look at the masters claiming that they don’t need money, and the manufacturing cost is zero. But everyone knows that there is no deal behind this! So Wang Guorui looked down on them. Wang Guorui said there must be art, but they really want to make art? Art does not mean inviting famous teachers to make it. Sometimes things made by ordinary people are real art.

At present, there are many things in the palace, all of which are inherited from the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Even many of the fake inscriptions and poems were rewarded during the Qianlong period. In fact, Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty knew that these fakes were imitations and fakes, and they were not real masterpieces. That’s all.

But Qianlong still rewarded it, collected it, and wrote poems for this fake. This is because although Qianlong’s poetry is not very good, he really understands ordinary art. Even if it is not made by a celebrity, as long as it can reflect his own artistic level, he can truly have his unique art. value. Regardless of whether it is made by a famous artist or not, it has its own survival value, and it cannot be discriminated against just because it is not a masterpiece made by a famous artist.

Qianlong understood the truth, and Wang Guorui certainly understood it. Therefore, the so-called fakes of Qianlong’s inscriptions and poems, and even the products of Manchurian Wang Guorui did not intentionally damage them. In fact, art has little to do with politics. As long as it doesn’t deliberately create some satirical themes, there is no need to destroy those arts for the sake of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

But Wang Guorui saw the gifts from these guys. Although the value didn’t look high, they all hired famous teachers to make them. What Wang Guorui asked was to be made by his own people, but those guys really made their own decisions and hired famous teachers to make them. Although these famous teachers did not spend money on the surface, it is not clear how much they spent secretly in the middle, or how much debt they owed. Can this kind of special invite a famous teacher to make it really represent the heart? Can it be truly kind? Many times the things you buy are not as good as the things you make yourself.

It’s like eating dragon liver and phoenix brain even in a five-star restaurant. Maybe it’s not as delicious as eating some coarse grains and rice made by my mother when I was a child. Because eating in a restaurant represents wealth, but the products made by the mother cannot be measured by wealth. Can the love of parents be measured by price?

Therefore, these Wang Guorui said before that they should pay attention to art, but too many idiots really regard art as precious, and frantically pursue the so-called famous masters to make it. It seems that if it is not made by famous masters, it is not art.

“These people don’t understand what real art is. The pursuit of famous artists is actually the same as the pursuit of utilitarianism, and it is not art in the true sense. Art is made with heart, not money. They think that please The works of famous masters seem to represent art. In fact, this is the opposite. Money and wealth not only do not represent art, but pollute art. In their eyes, art has long been the same as money. They pursue works of famous masters. In fact, why don’t you really think that the works of famous masters are only valuable? Famous masters are purely for the sake of famous masters, so in fact, in their bones, soldiers are not real art, but for money!”

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