Red Alert 1895

Chapter 978

Chapter 981 – India Raiders (Part 2)

?Wang Guorui knows very well that in the future, India will be a very important place and an important major grain producing area. Even in later generations, India has a population of more than one billion, but they are still a net food exporter! With a population of 1.3 billion, it has almost caught up with China, but there is still enough food to eat, and it can be exported, which is too awesome. While China has a large area of land, but very little arable land, even less than India. If we only talk about arable land, India has more land than China. On the contrary, China’s arable land is constantly decreasing, which is simply an unlucky result.

However, Wang Guorui knew that the reduction of cultivated land was actually a contradiction in the development of industry and agriculture. There have also been incidents of sheep cannibalizing people in the UK. This is actually the gap between industrial development and agricultural maintenance. You must choose one of the two. However, the reduction of arable land is a big problem in the development of industry, which cannot be effectively solved. And China in later generations will not be able to effectively protect arable land because it is surrounded by enemies, so they will certainly not be able to obtain enough food.

In Wang Guorui’s eyes, this India is a huge granary for China in the future, almost no less than China’s Northeast region. Although Northeast China is rich in black soil, there is also an important problem, that is, the latitude is too cold, and the Northeast region can often only grow one crop of rice, although the quality of one crop rice looks good, it is good rice. However, in the face of population pressure, these foods are only valued by the middle class and above. Just like the Northeast rice of later generations, it is actually high-grade rice, which ordinary people generally cannot eat.

What can really fill the stomach and ensure that people don’t starve to death is the kind of hybrid rice that doesn’t eat very well. Although many people criticize this hybrid rice for lack of influence, or bad taste. But he is the one who feeds countless people and feeds nearly 1.3 billion Chinese people.

Some people started to eat and scold the cook when they had a little money, who kept you from starving to death back then. When I have money, why not eat meat and say that hybrid rice and multi-crop rice taste bad and have no nutrition. People are going to starve to death, so how about nutrition?

Wang Guorui attaches great importance to this India because although China’s granary is too small after all. The Northeast region has just entered the development stage, and it will not be possible to succeed if it is developed for decades. It will take decades to truly mature farming, otherwise many people really think that they can escape casually, find a place to open up wasteland and farm, and then hunt for a living? Hunting and land reclamation are not easy tasks and take a lot of time. In just a few years, a piece of wasteland cannot truly become arable land, and it would have starved to death by then. Therefore, many imperial courts in ancient times provided a lot of subsidies for land reclamation. The ancients understood that only many later generations took it for granted that land reclamation was easy and hunting made them hungry.

On the contrary, India is a mature grain-producing area. This India is a very mature grain-producing area. The Indians have helped to open up wasteland and cultivate it. It is a mature place. So if you don’t occupy this place, when will you wait? Of course you have to open up wasteland by yourself, but why don’t you look at such a piece of fat and don’t do it? It is not unreasonable for the British to call this India the jewel on the queen’s crown. The food production is so high that it can feed almost the entire British mainland. With India, food is basically no problem for Britain, so don’t lose India wherever they lose. All countries have attached great importance to food security since ancient times, even if the UK is currently very industrialized, that is the case.

“Your Majesty, is it not enough for us to have Nanyang?” Liu Feng asked.

However, Wang Guorui asked back: “Who despises those who have a lot of land?”

Liu Feng was speechless, and asked himself a very stupid question.

“However, you may not understand the Nanyang region. In fact, although the Nanyang region has a lot of metal deposits, the only land suitable for arable land in the Nanyang region is Java Island. This Java Island has fertile land and sufficient food production. There are also many kinds of mineral deposits. Unfortunately, the biggest disadvantage is that Java Island has too frequent volcanic earthquakes, and it belongs to the place where the plates meet, which is too dangerous. Therefore, it is a chicken rib. If it is not a last resort, I do not want to go here to develop. ” Wang Guorui said.

According to Wang Guorui’s investigation, many places in this Nanyang region are actually not suitable for real arable land. According to the situation in the Nanyang region, perhaps in the Borneo region, that is, the original Kalimantan Island, only the Lanfang region is more suitable for farming, while the rest of the Central Kalimantan area is actually not suitable for farming, and it is mainly mountainous. The most fertile place in Nanyang is actually the Java Island area, and this is the real fertile place. But there is a reason why it is fertile. The reason why it is fertile is because it is in the plate junction area, and there are many volcanoes and earthquakes. The volcanic ash erupted from many volcanoes and the volcanic eruption have a great fertile effect on the surrounding land. Around the volcano, the land is often very fertile, and there are a lot of nutrients and various things in the volcanic ash.

Therefore, places with many volcanoes tend to be more fertile, which is why Java is fertile. But this fertile, Wang Guorui felt obviously tasteless. At present, China has a population of 400 million, and the population pressure of 400 million is actually not too huge. With such a low population pressure, there is naturally no need to take risks for these lands. This volcanic eruption is not just for fun, especially in this era, once the volcano is about to erupt, the local people may not be able to evacuate in time, and in the end there will be heavy casualties.

If later generations can use airplanes, various fast vehicles, trucks, trains, etc. can be used. But now there are not so many road networks for trains, and even airplanes are just a high-end toy that has no practical value, let alone transportation.

This India naturally fell into Wang Guorui’s eyes. This India is fertile and has much more arable land than China. Can this not make Wang Guorui jealous? Currently India is the territory of the British, Wang Guorui is still counting on the British to fight with the Germans!

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